10,987 Topics

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1. Form created in VB2008 3 Textbox [Name(string), Company(string), Contact(number)] 3 Buttons [New Record, Update Record, Delete Record] 2. Database created in MS Access 2003 File Name: Contact.mbd Fields: ID [Primary key] Name [Text] Company [Text] Contact [Number] How to Create Connection? How to get data on form load from …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Mauricio_3

hi guys i have recently come to a problem where the equal sign keeps adding after getting a sum of two numbers. for example if i add 5 + 5 it would equal 10, but it will then keep adding 5 over and over again. Dim Answer As Double Amount1 …

Member Avatar for qumar.farooq.3
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hello Group, I'm writing a macro to match dates from one spreadsheet to another. Specificially, SpreadsheetA has the date listed as text. I want to match that date to a range of dates in a column to find the row the matching date is on. I have some things that …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

hi good day! I need some help here.. I have a SHAPE recordset..everything in the database has its value..Im stucked with this error: **"Error : -2147467259 - Relate, Compute By, and Sort operations cannot be performed on column(s) whose defined size is unknown or too large."** My code below: cmd.ActiveConnection …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! I want to save the data report with the .mdi(microsoft document imaging printer viewer) on a specidied folder.. 'Print to a Specified nondefault printer Dim PrintData As Printer Dim defprinterpos As Integer Dim currentPrinter As String For Each PrintData In Printers If PrintData.DeviceName = Printer.DeviceName Then currentPrinter = …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! I just want to ask on how to drop a table. Let say all tables starting with "DailyCashSalesRpt". That means it will drop all tables starting that word. I use this code but it will only delete one specified table name.. How to use this with like? sql …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for Dudestreet

Hi Team, I'm stuck with my code and I found out this snippet to save(Export) an Excel file to **D:**. However, I would like to give a User an option to save it according to his/her necessity. Please find the Code Snippet below: Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Sudha Granger

I am trying to add a coloumn from database into a listbox in VB6. The following code works. The selected item from this listbox is used to find and add records to the ListBox2. Using Oracle 11g Express Edition and Visual Basic 6. Working code: (Displays the artist column from …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi expert, Just want ot ask the correct code format for moving message to a new location. MsgBox "Do you want to save?", vbYesNo, 10, 10 Thanks

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for filipgothic

Greetings, I need help with basic cloak, which counts how many times will small and big pointer on the cloak cover each other, with first one starting at 12 cloak. I have idea of how to do it, but I can not realize it, so if you guys have some …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev

good day! I just want to ask if is it possible to have count on dinstint? I have a query below but it produces error in the expression. Im pulling data in MSAccess using ADODB. SQL = "SELECT" & _ " (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT DateOInvoice) FROM InvoiceMain AS A WHERE (DateOInvoice>=DateValue('" …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for stickerman

Hello there. I have program that has been used for years on using VB6 on Windows XP. It has a 'shell' command to call a word document for dropping in dta from the clipboard. I am tried in vain to get this system to work on Windows 8. Is there …

Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi expert, just want to ask the correct code format for moving a message box. MsgBox "Do you want to save?", vbYesNo, 10, 10 Thanks

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for CheapApples12

Hi everyone! I want to develop an Automatic Number Plate Recognition program in visual basic 2010 using windows forms. I need the program to pull the characters from a captured image and translate it into text that can be displayed in a text box. I know i am asking alot …

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for JACK wizkid
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! I have problems running my union all query..It only executes the first select statement but the 2nd and 3rd union was not executed. My backend DB is MSAccess 2003.. If rs_dailySales.State = adStateOpen Then rs_dailySales.Close SQL = "SELECT SUM(NetAmount) AS totalCashSales FROM InvoiceMain WHERE InvoiceType='Cash' AND DateOInvoice=DateValue('" & …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Pavan_6

Dear Geeks, I have a situation that I am trying to figure out how to automate on excel or write a program in python. i have a csv file like this: > team1 team2 win > hawks celtics 1 > hawks knicks 1 > hawks 76ers 0 > hawks lakers …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for ice23

Hi im just a new here and Im hoping that you can help me. Im having a problem in my project and I cant find any solution in the internet thats why i am hopeful that in this forum somebody will help me. this is my codes Private Sub cmdupdate_Click() …

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Member Avatar for Bensjariou

Windows ViSTA - HP Pavilon Entertainement PC (Under windows XP and 2002 IBM PC, no problem) The problem is I get error 3170 and error 3051 when I define a workspace as I show in the code tested I need a solution I will appreciate very much.

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Member Avatar for Nehan
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Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for loginsatara
Member Avatar for Core3R

Hi to all. I am planning a program that controls the other Computer's basic functions (shutdown, reboot, sleep, wake,). It is somewhat similar to Handycafe program which is used for Cybercafes. My point is that i want to make my own configured program that only accepts a passcode then automatically …

Member Avatar for hemendar4

How to create reports in visual basic 2010 express with mysql as database please tell me the whole process as I am very new to it and tried by several ways and places but always failure please help

Member Avatar for Santanu Das
Member Avatar for dtbn

Hi, I already have an excel file (MyXL.xls) and a Visual Basic (Form1.frm) with a command button. Now, I want to write a code for the Visual Basic so that when I click on the command button, the excel file will be opened. Any help is significant to me! Thank …

Member Avatar for ice23
Member Avatar for MaryRose_1

i am using this code in updating multiple data in listview but it doesn't work, what code should i replace to run this command save dbConn sample RS.Open "Select * from table where field = '" & listview.listitem & "'", , conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If RS.RecordCount = "0" Then

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for razamughal67

I am trying to send Email using email sending software through smtp server But I am getting this Error. The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x80040217. The server response was not available we use 2 other email accounts but the same …

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Member Avatar for pito_donje

how do I create an email with VB? when we click the button, type in all the data we sent to the email address we are headed

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Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hi, I want to convert my word file to pdf file in vb6. source code will be appreciated. so far, i have tried with below code also. Private Sub Convert_WordDoc_to_PDF(DocPath As String, sDestsPDFFile As String) 'Dim worddoc As New Word.Application Dim worddoc As Object Set worddoc = CreateObject("Word.Application") Dim x …

Member Avatar for Vidya Sagar
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, I have installed CR 8.5 and VB6. prepared one small prog. Now want to add CR control in VB toolbox so as to drag the same in vb form where I have to write code to print. So how to get the control please.


The End.