10,991 Topics
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I have a problem that my crystal report shows the decimal values as 00 every thing is fine but it does not display proper value e.g. If i have 0.235 it shows 0.000 If i have 2.356 it shows 2.000 Whats the matter behind it the database field is text … | |
I have a form with only 1 object on it , a progress bar. when the form loads it runs the progress bar, which is working fine. when the progress bar hits the max vaule i want the form to close but no matter where i put the me.close the … | |
Good Day Everyone please I am writing a Check In and Check Out program to display the date increase in day/month/year whenever I input a number. Eg. suppose I type 2days on the Check In Form I want the Check Out Form to display the days difference from the current … | |
Delete checked item (one or more) from listview I write this code. Dim x As Long For x = LVEmp.ListItems.Count To 1 Step -1 If LVEmp.ListItems(x).Checked Then con.Execute "DELETE FROM stock WHERE [SrNo] = '" & LVEmp.ListItems(x).SubItems(1) & "'" LVEmp.ListItems.Remove x End If Next con.Close Set con = Nothing but … | |
I have a BIG PDF file created by as a report. The file have 1.6M lines of data. No images at all. each page have a title with a page number a header for the columns and 28 data lines after it. Each line have 12 fields. Some data fields … | |
I am trying to design a calculator. I want to use the Kryptonbutton from the Krypton Component Suite. This is the code I have so far to display 0-9 in the calculator display. Private Sub KryptonButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles KryptonButton1.Click, KryptonButton2.Click Dim b As Button = sender … | |
i have 2 combobox 1 is that to check if the status of the room is available or occupied. i want to show my records into my combobox of what is the room type that is available. for example: cmbroom has two item the "delux" and the "ordinary" in my … | |
![]() | Hi everyone,i'm currently making a random name picker .I got a csv excel file saved with 3 columns of data...one is the first name ,last name and tutor group. I want to be able to search through the database and read just the first column of data and be able … ![]() |
I want to have a random picture to be displayed in a picturebox from a list of jpeg files in my debug folder in visual basics. At the moment i've been using this code to display a specific image but I want the image to be random... If Label1.Text = … | |
Hi... does someone know how to CONVERT NUMBERS INTO WORDS IN VISUAL BASIC 2008 until millions by using recursion??? if yes... can you please share to me the code??? thanks a lot!!! | |
i never used VBScript. how can i use win32 functions? | |
Hello everyone, I have a txt file with data which I want to import to an excel file, by button click. The first couple of lines of the txt file contains general information which I don't want to export. The program should only read the lines which contains a word … | |
Hi guys i need help to read block data from binary.. The format is Byte position, Content, Format 1 - 4, Block Length, I * 4 5 - 12, Sensor Name, C * 8 13 - 20, Satellite Name, C * 8 21 - 24, Latitude, R * 4 Im … | |
I want to find the MAC address of network adopter, I have a working code too but my problem is it only works if IP addres is enabled otherwise it won't get the address is there any solution to find MAC address even if IP Enabled is false if its … | |
In Excel sheet, Cell A5 will be given input value (ie., 1 to 5). If A5 = 1, then in cell range A8 to A30, it should count cell to the input value [which is 1. ie., A8, A9 etc] and that each cell will run small formula "=SUM(O17:T17)" and … | |
Good day, I have created a WPF (visual basic) application. On the main-page, I have "tab control" inside a "grid". On "tab one" the user selects an "ID" and below the "datagrid control" populates with information (this works). On "tab two" more data (from a different table (linked – using … | |
Hello! I've been debugging this VBA program that computes the root of an equation using Newton Raphson method and with the use of the UserForm. The user will type the equation, the initial guess and the number of iterations. I was able to search on automatically differentiating the equation unlike … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to make super simple essay-writing-helper program, I have created 4 forms (intro,paragraph1,paragraph2,result) and in each form contains a textbox where the essay will be typed in. The first form is for the introduction, and next is the first paragraph and so on. The last form the … | |
hello Am trying to make an app which has five questions with textboxes for each question for entering answers.Question one has two textboxes worthy one mark each for the correct answer and question two one textbox worth two marks for the correct answer.I want the marks got for the correct … | |
Hi I have an existing Visual Basic 6 program which prints to an attached (LPT1) Dot Matrix Printer. Printing is done by first sending the output to a file and from there sending it to the printer. There are a set of Escape Sequences like Print #1 chr(15); chr(3); strVarName … | |
I want to create a program using vb 6.0 that is connected to a wamp server database.is it possible?can you help me with step by step instructions for it?thanks alot i badly need it for my school project.. | |
Hi group, I'm trying to insert both a copied range (from and Excel file) AND a message (text) into the body of an Outlook email. I've perfected the code to insert the range, but I've not figured out how to get the message to go along with it. I hope … | |
i am using VB 6.0 and MSAccess in my project.. in one of the forms i use a flexgrid to store data into and load data from database. and also to edit each cell i use a textbox. alll these are working perfect, bt i have a problem with saving … | |
hi i having trouble with saving and checking duplicate with my coding..i can't save my data and when i save a new data , it's always say duplicate..i want to save my new data and if it record is already have it, want to show a msgbox saying duplicate..here my … | |
I create a project add some item (C_Number,E Number, Model, Type, Color, Key No, Price(numeric field)) in MSFlexGrid1. then add a button when click on this add the record in data1, but only 1(one) data add in the data1 database. I use access database. How can I add all (minimum … | |
![]() | I am trying to make it to where it will read the registry and report back if ProxyEnable is set to the value of 1. If it is, it replies back that the privacy is in risk, if not it says privacy is safe. Here is my code. Any help … ![]() |
i want to show the duplicate record with a msgbox,but i dont know what to do next, please help for some advice and coding ...ty Private Sub cmdadd_Click() On Error Resume Next If (txtempid.Text = "" Or txtempid.Text = Null) Or (txtempname.Text = "" Or txtempname.Text = Null) Or (cbodep.Text … | |
Hi I need help I have some XML files which have more children and grandchildren, than I am used to playing with. (Link to xml file below) https://intecprinters.iweb-storage.com/s/IjU2OTNlNjVkNmExODkyMDlmNjU5N2MyNiI.jaEay6nxR-v-gaiJwcVNiP113QI I need to be able to read the xml, determine the name Root node ,<JOBS_Jan_2016> and obtain the list of names of … | |
Hello Friends I am facing a little problem that I want to sort my records according to date I mean to say I want to show the upcoming records based on dates on the top in ascending order I have a complete working code to fetch from the database but … | |
Dim arr1 As String If Left(arr1(i), Len(n) + 2) = n& ": " Then titleBar = String$(100, Convert.ToChar(0)) valid1 = Right(arr1(1), Len(arr1(1)) - 13) how to convert vb6 to vb.net ? Left String$ Right Private Declare Function ObjectFromLresult Lib "oleacc" (ByVal lResult As Long, ByVal riid As Guid, ByVal wParam … |
The End.