10,993 Topics
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hello, im newbie in VB 6, i have a question : i have text.file in text box like: 1 2 3 4 5 from that file, how to get average?? any help me,please??? | |
Hello , How can i run a php script using vba macro ? | |
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click() Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection Dim rsview As New ADODB.Recordset Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Seeyou.mdb", "endromida") 'Call connection(cnview, "\\SEEYOU-PC\shared\Seeyou.mdb", "endromida") Call Recordset(rsview, cnview, "SELECT * FROM [order] where Edate = #" & txtEdate.Text & "#") If rsview.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "No Record Found On Query.", vbCritical, … | |
Hi, im using vb2010 with MS Access 2013. I have this form that displays ID values from database into a listbox And when an ID is clicked the details that correspond with that ID are displyed into textboxes. Screenshots : Forms : http://imgur.com/a/NrTTD Display details : http://imgur.com/a/twF7P The delete button … | |
I want to convert this VB 6 code If Len(Text1.text) <> 0 Then Text1.text = Left(Text1.text, Len(Text1.text) - 1) To visual basic.net 2010 pro This code is used for making textbox delete only one number when you click on button . | |
i'm trying to use the elif statement but every time i try to use it it gives a syntax error. here's the code: [code] n = input() while n != 2: n = n - 2 print "number is even" elif: n < 2: print "number is odd" [/code] | |
Visual Basic 2010 and Microsoft Access 2013 I have a product table in MS with fields : fld_id,fld_name,fld_img,fld_price,fld_type fld_img i set it as attachment and of course attached the corresponding image to it - is this wrong? this is my code to get the data into the datagridview. my form … | |
hi every one. i have a vb6 application and i am using xampp as my database. it works fine when i access my database locally using the following code: Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Database=NAME_OF_MY_DATABASE;Server=localhost; Port=3306;Option=13; but how will access xampp database stored in a remote pc in a network? thankz. | |
Hi all! I need help with Visual Basic..  Write a program that reads 3 integers numbers, then the program prints the square and cube of each. i want a one button and one label in form and the result i want in label . and thank you all | |
Hi I have 60 picture boxes on a form, I want to update these images using a for loop. I have tried Dim PCB as Image For i = 1 to 60 PCB(i).Image = mySampleProject.My.Resources.TestPCB1 next but get an error "Class 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be indexed because it has no default … | |
Hi, I want to create a Alternate Coloring in MsFlexGrid that using the Visual Basic Programming. Here I attach a source code : MsFlexGrid I give name : Flex If Wt <= RsParts.Fields!Lowerlimit Then '*********************************************************** '2. Section for create Color at 1 Column under REMARK Dim lngRow As Long Dim … | |
I have database table created in sql server visual studio.I have one dashboard kind ,so whenever i want to change the value automatically balance amount should caluclate and display the changed value. Su Si Sa Sd Balance 10 12 13 14 ( Balance=Su+Si+Sa+Sd) 14 15 13 17 ( Balance=Su+Si+Sa+Sd) 17 … | |
The algorithm for formatting code has has never treated vb.net comments properly. I've discovered a nifty work around that will format the code properly. Close the comment with another comment character(') and the algorithm will treat the rest as code. I've never tried it, but this should also work for … | |
How to send sms from a GSM Mobile phone using VB Code. Kindly tell me what are the prerequisite for this. Kinldy tell me the steps. Kindly tell me about gateway. | |
to all programmer out there! i'm a new visual basic 6.0 user.. i wonder if there is possibility that i can run .exe program in visual basic that without installed visual basic? or is there any application needed. thanks in advance.. | |
HEEEEEELP! How do I compute for the radius? Velocity,time,and displacement are given.I don't have an idea on how to code it.): Any help will be very much appreciated.(: | |
I have developed an x86 application using Visual Studio 2008 with Visual Basic as the programming language. It uses .NET Framework 3.5. My databases are created in MS Access 2007. I have deployed my software on Windows XP all the way through Windows 10 with no problems up until now. … | |
I am struggling to do somehting so simple in Crystal Reports I have some numbers I.E 2.851 3.481 0.791 I want to round them up so they are 2.80 3.50 0.80 | |
I need help. I am developing an application wherein the user selects multiple images and are displayed on a form. With this application, i need to convert these multiple images into a single image. Any ideas? | |
I'm looking for a way to get the coordinates of a polygon offset x pixels within a known polygon. This seems to be a non-trivial problem, but I thought of a trick - What if I have the original polygon drawn by Windows with a thick line, the inside edges … | |
Hello!!!! I am a novice programmer though, I am trying to code a vb 6.0 system that calculates total marks from the exams done and return the output. I only know the simplest way of addition, but I want the way to compute total by taking only the exams taken … | |
hi, I have an excel sheet and the is a row filled with data the row starts from B5 everytime, what i want to do it to read the values of the cell until the row comes to an empty cell how do i do it, thanks appreciate a reply, … | |
I have created an VB code which flech data from excel cells to ms word and save it as PDF. But when the macro try to take the empty cells in excel it throws a run time erroe 4198. Can some body help me on this. Private Sub Button2_Click() Dim … | |
Hi i have lots of lable list & i want to make one click button from this particular button we want one by one lable data search in master data & copy the selected data from Master data which is we selected & that data want to copy from One … | |
I need Help in data report .how to print single recordset in datareport using dataenivronment . | |
Is there any way possible to display a slideshow of pictures on a vb 6 form? What steps are required? Thankyou | |
write a programme in visual basic to create anarray of size 5 to store any 5 names and display them | |
Hi Team could you please tell me could I directly convert VB5 code to VB.NET? if yes what about the controls used into the application it is alo replaced automatically is there any freeware tool we have to do it if NO what is the option for doing it Thank … |
The End.