10,991 Topics

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I have spent about 40 hours on this code so far. I have finally cleared the faults from it. I am a new coder. What I am trying to get it to do is to display the users name is the "type your guess " box as in "type your …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Prafull_1

Hi Dear could you please help for below issue Description: Previously our client is using ms office 2007 now client want to upgrade office to ms office 2013 we have VB5 application with access database (previouly it was .mdb and now it is converted to .accdb) so for that purpose …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Micheal_6

How can I make the URL displayed in the MessageBox clickable, such that when a user clicks on it, it will open the link in a web browser? string msg = "MyApp | v1." + Environment.NewLine + "© 2016 MyApp" + Environment.NewLine + "All Rights Reserved." + Environment.NewLine + "For …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

How to insert another row value in the listview of vb6? Thanks, - Jeff -

Member Avatar for matoo
Member Avatar for matoo

HI everyone i am trying to write POS and Inventory for myself in vb6. I am stuck and gone blank what to do. here is what i want to do. search database for the stocks. change the caption of the button ( eg caption of the botton is "COKE 250ml" …

Member Avatar for matoo
Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

How to check in **vb6 ** if variable value is a string(**except for special character**) or number? Thanks, - Jeff -

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

How to sort five label values using only if else or loop statement? Example: Lbl1 =56 Lbl2=23 Lbl3= 112 Lbl4=8 Lbl5=250 How can i compare every value of 5 label without using array and then sort them and assign on their respective label?

Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia
Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

Good day !! I want to sort the values of the array in vb6. Here's the sample of an array that i want to sort `arr() = {21,2,33,"c","a"}` is it possible to sort an array with values of string and integer.** If not**, is it ok if you specify how …

Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Good morning, I have 2 client applications which do the same thing. The first app which is written in VBA(MS ACCESS) and the other is ASP.Net. We can have multiple items for a client so we use a transaction id. When the access application starts a new transaction the app …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group, I've imported an existing form into a new project that I'm creating (using Visual Studio 2015 Express/VB.net). When displaying the "Design" version (the user interface), it looks like a plain form and doesn't resemble the actual form in the original program. As per the directions, I added the …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for SoftBa

Hi, I need simple VB6 application to delete some temporary files inside specific folder. This is my code and I can't make it work for current user - please Help. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject fso.DeleteFolder "C:\Users\user\test", True fso.DeleteFolder "C:\Users\user\test2", True fso.DeleteFolder userprofile & "\newfolder", True Unload …

Member Avatar for SoftBa
Member Avatar for VelagaManeesh

For example, In VB 6.0 - Object Browser If we click on any Classes or Members down side it will show multi line text. How can i do that?

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Robbin_1

Help me resolve that problem I want to edit all the records only that meets the condition. The problem I'm is that my codes bellow behaves as though there no condition hence it is editing all the records in the table. Dim a As Boolean rs.Open "SELECT* FROM pupils", con, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for JLynn

Hello, This is my first time posting on this site and I am a beginner VB programmer. I have been able to solve many of my previous questions through existing threads but have not found what I need to solve this problem. My problem is that I have a listbox …

Member Avatar for José Luís
Member Avatar for hefaz

hello there i am trying to make an application that can generat words automatically, i have used four text boxes, i want the first three boxes to get a word automatically from a file or from an array and show it in forth textbox, how can i do that? ![Capture.JPG](/attachments/large/4/45f56d9fc31c7e7b5da52fc4beebd007.JPG …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Awulonu

I need the code for fingerprint capturing using vb6 and also which control do i use in achieving it.

Member Avatar for Asela_2
Member Avatar for tshukela.george

I want to insert a table cell into a table from another table by select method and after, to display an error in text prompted from the user was not found. Can someone tell what's the problem with my codes? My codes are as follows: Dim Item As String = …

Member Avatar for tshukela.george
Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete

Hello everyone, I've looked in several forums but can't find an answer. In excel I want to place a picture in a cell, that's no problem. Then, I want to display that picture in the header with VBA code. I know vba can link to a directory to display a …

Member Avatar for hallianonline

I am trying to delete selected record from my database which uses MySQL and Visual Basic 6 but its not working even no error I am getting in it. Here is my code for connection and also for button click Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset Public cn As New ADODB.Connection …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Tarun_4

Hii all this is my lab program (vb program to validate the user name and password from the database and display the appropriate message) use Data control i getting Run- time error '-2147467259 (80004005)' Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\Account.mdb My code is Dim rs As New …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for sharon.chapman7

Hi, When I use the code below, the data is written to the detail section, but only shows in the design mode. How do I get the data to display on the report? Dim stDocName As String Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Dim rs2 As Recordset Dim …

Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. I'm having a client server which the server read a text file line by line and send each line to the client upon client connection. The problem I'm having is that on the client side the data is combined, meaning I get all lines that are on the …

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Member Avatar for yogesh.es

Hi, Good Day, My name is Yogesh, I seeking your assitance/help in making the segregation or extracting of data simple. I extract a report from internet application, with six diffent customer information. I would require only customer names & sell details from the each table. Can it be possible via …

Member Avatar for peroberg

[B]Question TWO[/B] I have on and off been using Basic, now VB since “the stone age” long before Microsoft and Windows. However it is only now I enter the issue of using VB6 and a database. I use VB6-ADO-ACCESS plus using DataGrid as the main view to see the database. …

Member Avatar for ehudhdy
Member Avatar for hhaannyy

hi i have report in visaul basic 2015 in it the salary and i want to make a tetxbox and but the total in it i tried this Sum(Fields!salary.Value) but i get error

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Rakham

Hi! I do have my own VB6 mp3-player, which uses "Un4seen BASS.DLL" audiolibrary to play mp3 files. It works fine, but it doesn't support reading album cover (picture) from ID3V2 tags. For reading tags in text format, I use imported vb6 class module, that I found few years ago. But …

Member Avatar for Glyn_1
Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete

Dear everyone, I have got a excelsheet with some vba code. The sheet contains a row with columns with specific information. When the user clicks a button, the code will look for the last row which contains data, copy the whole row, paste it beneath the row and the number …

Member Avatar for asnawi

I have a question,,Its all about homework Question score/item*50+50= Average,,How do I make the program of this situtation,

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for snash

I am new to all this VB coding so kindly assist. Here is the question: Given that an employee earns an arbitrary basic salary, write a program to calculate the employees net salary given that the deductions are specified as follows: NSSA contribution is calculated at 7% of the gross …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for imagetvr

I wish to print invoice using printer.print method ( using USB dot matrix printer in continous paper) Some invoice contain 6 lines, some 15 lines. Now afer printing 5 lines printer ejectng paper. so paper waster ( paper width 5 inches, continous paper). I wish to top printing after printing …

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The End.