10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for Subaz

I am trying to make a program but I am stuck with something. I can't solve the problem of saving the contents of a form as a video file. Please help me with this.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Anne_3

Hi guys, ** Im an IT Intern Student here in the Philippines. they gave me a project which is File transferring, copy and delete. I started my OJT/Internship 3 weeks ago. and that entire week, all I have done is the design :( My professors in our university did not …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for JModak

how to search a data in particular fields(ms access database) in vb6.0 using data1 control. I create a project in vb 6.0 using ms access data base and data control. I want to find a particular name from the data base table field. My code is.... If Data1.Recordset.Fields("C_Number") = Text15.Text …

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for choeychoco

Good day everyone. i have a vb6 program that attaches files in my database having an attachment field named ATTACHFILE. Saving files works fine but i cant upload/save file to a selected directory. I have the following code below . I was able to save it to my spcefied directory …

Member Avatar for SimonVic

I am trying to develope a banking program using vb. But I've never seen one so I don't know what it looks like. Can somebody help out please??

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Iamateur

Hie someone please tell me from which site we can download vb.net software either 2008 or 2010?

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for baabjitvk

hi everybody.. I'm implementing an interface in vb6. In that I'm creating dynamic controls like comboboxes, buttons etc. how can i identify a button click that is created dynamically. if the button is clicked, then only i can move to next stage.. i.e. i have to write code for that …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Steven97.1

Hey guys, I'm teaching myself visual basic using the "Starting out with Visual Basic 2012" textbook and I'm having trouble with a two part programing challenge. I did the first part which was: *"An internet service provicer offers 3 subscriptions packages to its customers, plus a discount for nonprofit organizations …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for sing1006

the error i get from visual studio is `Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.` below is my insert statement "INSERT INTO tbl_ViewAll(EquipTag, S_Name, S_Function, S_Failure, MC_No, MC_Name, MC_Function)" & "SELECT EquipTag,S_Name,S_Function,S_Failure FROM tbl_System UNION " & "SELECT MC_No,MC_Name,MC_Function FROM tbl_MainComp"

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Melon Lord

Hello! I'm new to VB and I'm having trouble finding the correct formula for the Average Discount :'( Option Explicit Dim mcurExtendedPrice As Currency Dim mcurFifteenDiscount As Currency Dim mcurDiscountedPrice As Currency Dim mcurTotalDiscountGiven As Currency Dim mcurBookCount As Currency 'Declare module-level variables Private Sub cmdCompute_Click() Dim intQuantity As Integer …

Member Avatar for zelrick
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello I have a VB.NET project (using Visual Studio 2015 Pro) currently found on my PC, and would like to make it shared across my LAN with others so that they can pull a copy on their own PC and work on it, and push their changes to the project, …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for M.I.Sahil

hi all, I m developing a software in vb6 as front end and oracle 11g as backend (i.e. as database) I have desinged some reports with oracle reports builder, how i can call in vb6 program/how to add the oracle reports in vb6 programe. Thanks in advance for help.

Member Avatar for M.I.Sahil
Member Avatar for Anbu_2

hello there im doing a project and need help.. how to show auto-id from ms access table 2000 into vb 6 textbox?

Member Avatar for nosfa

Hi. I have to do a MVC project and I don't know exactly how to do it. on the clientside I will have an input form the data (at least two codes and up to 8) will be sent to the server (best way?) then the server will access a …

Member Avatar for nosfa
Member Avatar for Yiannis1234

Hello everyone, I am new to VBA and i would appreciate any help as i am pretty confused. I have imported some csv from a folder to different tabs. i need to calculate the average of the range A3:A7, then B3:B7 till E3:E7 and report their values on cells K7 …

Member Avatar for Yiannis1234
Member Avatar for shahriar2403

I made a little app using access db in my computer, and also make an exe file of that. The db location is on c drive. Now i took only the exe file & and the db to another computer. I put the db in c drive there too. but …

Member Avatar for Shubham_4
Member Avatar for Waldis_1

In real life, what is the difference between C# and Visual Basic?. I want to make an application to handle data from a database and I was told that C# is much better, I need advice. Thanks in advanced. Waldis Portes

Member Avatar for overwraith
Member Avatar for JustineAubrey

Hi, I'm trying to create cascading comboboxes, and my code isn't working. I've looked at other threads and I don't know why it isn't working properly. The first combo box displays System Names and the second combobox should populate the all Locations of that specific system chosen. When I run …

Member Avatar for Zahraa_1
Member Avatar for francissumi

Hi all expert, Need help here. RS.Open "Select * From TABLE where Box_ID = '" & BOXID & "' Order By CASE_NO ASC", con1, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Set DataReport.DataSource = RS DataReport.Sections("section1").Controls.Item("Text1").DataField = RS("BOX_ID").Name DataReport.Sections("section1").Controls.Item("Text2").DataField = RS("LOT_ID").Name In my program i am able to printout the data field. But how can …

Member Avatar for francissumi
Member Avatar for Programmer592

Hey guys. So I'm currently building an app and I'm having a bit of trouble. So I have an Excel file and it reads it and opens it fine(I imported microsoft.office.interops.excel but what I want to know is how to loop through column A and pick out the rows that …

Member Avatar for Programmer592
Member Avatar for Sn

hey guys i have a code for auto generation of id in my project... when i add another id the number repeats itself... i recently tried to change the code and then the save codeing didnt work... so i went back with the old one... a lil help pls... Dim …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Kakza

hello friends, i need a help in vb6, i just start using vb6 for my project. my problem like this, i have two button, button Ok and Next. if i want to prevent user from move to next form before clicking on button ok..how should i put my coding??

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

Dear all I have combox accumated with 3 perameter Grid Connected PV-SYS- Full Feed In Grid Connected PV-SYS with Electrical Appliance -Net Metering Grid Connected PV-SYS with Electrical appliance ,battery system -Net Metering Each combobox value contain images.I used picture box to dispaly images. How to display the image based …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Okere

i have created a customer table containing name and ID in datsbase and i want if i type in the customers ID number lets say in a textbox, (1)it should check the database to see if the ID exist and (2)then call up the corresponding name with that ID and …

Member Avatar for Joe-Guru
Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

Dear all, Here i have attached form window.I wanted to update form with relative data How to refresh the single form. When New project detail is clicked from loaded with project data , when panel button clicked form loaded with panel data. 1)I tried this method. I created a group …

Member Avatar for foehner

Does anyone use FreeImage with VB6?? I have used this combination quite a bit over the years, but am stuck on something that I can't get working. I want to open a jpg image, rotate it by 30 degrees (or whatever) and then paste the resulting image onto another image. …

Member Avatar for kvito2003
Member Avatar for bsenthilkumar

Hi All, when i'm trying to call the dll i'm getting runtime error 91 error. below are my findings: 1) i'm able to build the dll without any error 2) i'm able to add reference to that dll 3) all intelesense is working 4) if i add that project to …

Member Avatar for notcloud

Hi. I'm currently developing a very simple standalone terminal EPOS software in VB6, as all the off the shelf products are way too complicated for the single shop its required for, but they want it barcoded to make it easier for them. Currently I'm stumped by one huge bit. It …

Member Avatar for notcloud
Member Avatar for Olanrewaju_1

Hi everyone! i am currently working on a project that involves a mssql 2012 database. i have some table columns that i want to calculate and get the amount saved in the total column. And at the same time, i want to be able to display the table with datagridview …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for SoftBa

Hi, I have started this project and come to the point where I can't figure out how to finish it. First Want to say that I'm noob for VB6 and programming in general, but I saw some examples and make it work this part of job I need. I will …

Member Avatar for dageci

The End.