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Member Avatar for Vinod_16

When I last made an installer for a VB6 application I used the [nullsoft]( installation creator, which is very flexible and useful. I believe you can include a DLL with methods to be executed as part of the installation process, which could then be used to verify license keys and …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for Annuscha

Not sure about the [] character in your id and name values, is that causing them to fail to be found? I always stick with the basic rule for ids, which I think is: [A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_:.]*

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Gebby

There are free versions of Visual Studio, providing C#, VB.Net and a bunch of other languages which can now be used with .Net, including Python (search for Visual Studio Express). Your decision should depend on your requirements tho; are you doing web pages, or do you want client based applications, …

Member Avatar for Gebby
Member Avatar for Xiao_1

If you want to use the system date and time you can use 'Now', as in: Dim dtmNow As Date dtmNow = DateValue(Now) I can't remember if dtmNow.Value can be assigned directly to a OleDbType.Date field type, but you can try it and see.

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for ajdauda

Possibly remove the 'display:none' from your box class. You don't need those 3 boxes, you can just use one div and use jquery methods addClass and removeClass to change it's color. You have a class named currentConditions, but your code uses currentcondition. Sorry, apart from that I can't get much …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for Dervish1

Can you combine the 10 to 20 GET requests into 1? If you can pass a list if ids and return for example a dictionary of results, it can often be much better to retrieve a large chunk of data in one go rather than adding the overhead of a …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for StephenopolousINC

Shouldn't line 10 be after line 30? You are assigning the value of the var before you create it. var phrase = wordListOne[rand1] + " " + wordListTwo[rand2] + " " + wordListThree[rand3]; _("phrase").innerHTML = phrase; For that matter, you don't need the go-between var phrase anyway.

Member Avatar for StephenopolousINC
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I think you should put the content data into the 'data' parameter in the ajax call, instead of adding it to the URL, such as: url: "submit.php", data: "{'content':'" + content + "'}", but it gets a bit tricky with the formatting of the value for the data parameter; the …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for koneill

If you want to have a value posted back in the form data you can use a hidden control: <input type='hidden' id='hidImageName' name='hidImageName' /> then update it's value when you update the image: function SetImage() { document.imgSrcOrig.src = myImgSrc + myImg[i] + myImgEnd; document.getElementById('hidImageName').value = myImg[i]; } function prev() { …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for kimangel

I don't think you can position them. I remember you can create your own form and use ShowDialog, then configure it to be centered on parent.

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for nolski13

You may need to give a more detailed explanation of what you are trying to do, but I expect you need to save your data someplace from your web form, such as a database or a text file, then have you web page load the data using the appropriate retrieval …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for RAPIDFIRE0311

Did you solve your row deletion? As a quick memory test I threw this together: <table border='1' id='TheTable'> <thead><th>..</th><th>Article</th></thead> </table> <input type='button' onclick='AddRow()' value='Add Article' /> &nbsp; <input type='button' onclick='DeleteSelected()' value='Delete Selected' /> and script: articleCount = 0; function AddRow() { var tb = document.getElementById('TheTable'); var tbCount = tb.rows.length; var …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for kevwood

Maybe add an id attribute to slideImg, not sure of document[place] is going to locate an element by the name attribute. eg: <img id="slideImg" name="slideImg" src="images/01.jpg" width="800" /> [edit] sorry, ignore that. The name attribute is ok. Tho there is a spelling error on your 'next' link; clearTimeout(tmierID)

Member Avatar for kevwood
Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Is that HTML a complete copy of the code you are using? You have a body end tag instead of a body opening tag, and I cannot see the form opening tag, only the form end tag. If you change the button from a 'submit' to a 'button', just for …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for nnayram

Read this interview... [Click Here]( There may be some useful tips there.

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

[QUOTE=mr.mukesh;773582]how do you connect to a Excel database using c#[/QUOTE] You can use one of the Microsoft database connectors, if you have it installed, some may be provided by installing Office or other products. Your DSN string will be something like: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\MyExcel.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"; at least, if you are …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for fatihunal

I would try to set the SelectedIndex value on the select element, as in... [CODE] HtmlElement theList = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("select")[0]; if (theList != null) { theList.SetAttribute("SelectedIndex", "0"); } [/CODE] Remembering that the options in the select element are zero-based, the first option has an index of zero. -- Les.

Member Avatar for PccenTR
Member Avatar for kanyonb38

I think you want to use the vbmodal parameter with the form.Show statement. A modal form has focus and does not let you interact with other forms in the application until it has been closed. [CODE][/CODE] opens a non-modal form, you can set focus to other forms in the app. …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for aquamarine_kath

A quick search on "install vb6 on windows7" will get you a set of instructions to get that installation to work, some suggest you need to turn off UAC during the installation to get some of the files installed in system folders correctly, can't remember the other complications. I may …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for csharp_user

You remove the SelectedItem from the list, so I assume selection moves to the next item in the list. Copy the value from the list item into a string variable before removing it from the list. Use the string variable in the next method call.

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for Camway

It sounds like you need to spend a little time studying some introductory material, such as this section on MSDN: [URL=""]Creating Windows Forms[/URL] In brief; a form is a definition of a class, you create an instance variable of that class type in your program, then you can display that …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for SerjSagan

If you have IE8 you can debug the javascript using Tools/Developer Tools, I think that was installed by default anyway. You can step thru your code line by line and set watches on the variables.

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for Bubbleboy

Try = "none"; and = "block"; to hide and show the element you are trying to modify.

Member Avatar for Bubbleboy
Member Avatar for MDanz

[CODE]var CurrentUrl =['frameName'].location.href;[/CODE] replace 'frameName' with the correct name - assuming you have assigned a name attribute to the frame element.

Member Avatar for LesF