10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Melechesh

Hello I've been designing a Bookstore where students can login to their accounts and buy books. And since then i've been struggling with this " error '424' Object required " and i i don't know how to fix it. This starts at the beginning of the program at the login. …

Member Avatar for Bashir ahmad
Member Avatar for jemz

hello can you help me how to secure database password...hoping for your positive responds...thank you in advance..

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for faceandname

So I have two forms. I want the information i input to text boxes in form one, to show up in text boxes on form two. The txtONE - TWELVE belong to form1 and the Form2.Adj/Adv/Noun etcetera belong to Form2 [code] Public Class Form1 Public Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for Melechesh

hello I've been designing a bookStore, tought it's not an easy task. It has been sweating me for no reason,errors pop up in correct statement. An error pops up saying compliation error: member or method not found in line adodc.RecordSet.Edit here is the full code: [CODE] Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for Thaddeus_03

Pls send let me see the codes on how to connect a My SQL database to vB6.. ^_^ i am new to My SQL! tnhx much!

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for neosonic

Hi, do you know any function or component that I need to use to make a smooth image rotation? (as smooth as windows image acquisition). I am currently have a sub that enables me to rotate the image, it is okay with small image, but I am dealing with very …

Member Avatar for neosonic
Member Avatar for m.c.w.e.

HI, I have a question. Currently i am working on a sort of catalogue in excel where i also use vb codes. The user can easely search for products using an productnr. It shows all the specifications of that product. All this information is used out of another database. Secondly …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Alazzawi

Hi everyone. earlier i wrote that i have a problem with the help file in my project, that it does not work under windows vista or 7. thanks god i figured it out that it need a MS help package to be installed to these OS so the help file …

Member Avatar for omoridi
Member Avatar for web24

Hi Guys, I am very new to Databases and keep getting this error in VB6 : "Syntax Error in FROM Clause" I'm using a MS Access database connected to my project via the Adodc control which has it's recordsource properties set to my table (Clients), I am trying to filter …

Member Avatar for omoridi
Member Avatar for Derice

I would like to include .swf file in a vb 2005 program. I have no idea how and where to include the .swf file. It is inside the picture box? Please guide me, I am new in vb and have no idea how 2 do it. thx

Member Avatar for gelmo214
Member Avatar for Lygris

I want to write a complex piece of coding that will do several things: 1) It will clear the contents of a folder named "Cache". 2) It will open (if not already) Mozilla Thunderbird. 3) It will find the latest email that starts with a specific title. 4) It will …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for al.khal4

Could any one help me? :sad: I am a beginner in Visual basic. I recenly was testing one of the applications I developed and have a problem to run it. The application basicly is a database that I can add/remove/update...etc records and it uses a microsoft access database to connect …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for leo1937ca

Name: George Ingram Using: vb6 OS: Windows 2000 I have created a Splash Screen for my program with a "Dont show this screen again" checkbox. I am using the checkbox value and the Savesetting/Getsetting parms to bypass the Splash Screen if checkbox is checked. It seems to be working correctly, …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for cpferoz
Member Avatar for Lygris

Alright... So I created a strange little query that takes an abbreviated currency amount and converts it into raw numbers. It you were to enter $2.5k, it would give you "2500" in return. Unfortunately, I'm having an issue passing values into the function. Previously, I was just having an InputBox …

Member Avatar for Lygris
Member Avatar for Deepankumar

If you Want to hide a adodc in form means its use full for you "adodc1.visible=false" copy the code in form code and run it if you want to visible means use it "adodc1.visible=true" By Deepan

Member Avatar for Sellepinah
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for dwel
Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for jemz

hello can you help me how can i remove the flexgrid lines or to be invisible lines in my flexgrid and to put some background color in every rows..just like in I-Tunes software blue and white color of the grid rows...please help me hoping for your positive responds... thank you …

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for acplayer

I have been working on an old VB6/Oracle app to add support for additional languages. I got the on screen controls to work and can display the contents of the Database OK on the screen. Now I am looking at importing data with some columns in Cyrillic. I can read …

Member Avatar for jemz

hello can you please help me and please correct my code if this is wrong. please also check my cursor type if it is correct..hoping for your positive responds... [CODE] Option Explicit Public con As ADODB.Connection Public user_rs As ADODB.Recordset Public cmd As ADODB.Command Public m_user As String Public m_pass …

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for bryansworld

Ok so I'm a casual VB6 programmer and now I'm VBA for Access. In VBA I am trying to determine if whether an option button has been pressed. I used the 'Option1.Value' procedure yet it throws a 'You entered and expression that has no value' error. Here's my code: [CODE]Dim …

Member Avatar for dwel
Member Avatar for Sonic42

I'm looking for code that would help me check the user's internet connection. For example, when Button1 is clicked a MsgBox appears that displays either "Connected" or "Disconnected" based on whether they are connected to the internet or not.

Member Avatar for dwel
Member Avatar for umers56

i neez help manz. here is what i have so far: ------------------------------------ Dim x As Integer Private Sub cmdexit_Click() 'this will end the program End End Sub Private Sub picmario_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) 'this will allow the user to use various keys to 'move mario 'this will move the mario up …

Member Avatar for umers56
Member Avatar for ally1002

hello peers, im working on a game, a pong-ish game there's is supposed to be a pause button but i dont know what to write. this is the first time i use vb. is there such a thing as a suspend method or somthing. im using vb6 thanx for the …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ameyanatu

I Have a excel file with lots of data. I want to create a VB form with back end connectivity with excel file How can i do that? PLease Guys Help me out!!!!

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for luai25

i need to copy many files with same date from a folder which contains a lot of files to another folder ?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day guys! I just want a little help about recordset navigation to act when i click Previous and Next button. I have created the navigation code but it jumps the records on a table..My code below. [code=vb] '==========================In class module(clsCheque_Navigation)======================== Option Explicit Private Nav_chkno As String 'Store current page …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for goodridge_

Hey guys I want to create a secure log in/ clock in / out form where different employees could log in and be automatically directed to there correct form. I have tried to create one but i keep getting "run time error 3011" [CODE]Dim WithEvents kell As Timer Private Sub …

Member Avatar for dspnhn
Member Avatar for priyam1309

I have created a DLL file using VB6.0 and the registered the DLL into another server. Now I have created a DTS Package (ActiveX Task) which will create object of the DLL and call a particular function. The problem is when I execute the DTS task from my ID, everything …

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The End.