10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi Sir, Kimangel is here again! Gud Day! How would I code that a cursor will automatically return to its place where it was encountered error? unless resolved. Below is my code; Private Sub txtContact_No1_LostFocus() On Error Resume Next If txtContact_No1.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Fill up the field to …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Skipind

connecting access 2003 database from remote computer .I have a vb2005 application which uses access2003 database. I want to connect to this database via remote computer connected via internet.

Member Avatar for savedlema
Member Avatar for pravi4444

dear all, i am creting internet lab management project for diploma ,I am trying to save web browsing history of google chrome,ie and mozila by the user in his login.. can you just tell me the way to proceed. not getting how to start for this.

Member Avatar for ThisIsNotYourS

Hey guys, i need a wave sound file for my program i am working for a basic tutorial for grade school and pre-scool so i am looking for a sound file that fitted to my quiz in pre-school i can`t find in google or to any sites..

Member Avatar for michellspijkers
Member Avatar for kimangel

hi experts, i have problem in displaying commas and decimal to a certain amount in a textbox and label. it only display certain amount without comma. below are my codes; ______ Private Sub lblAllowable_Change() lblAllowable.Caption = Format("4321", "#,##0.00") End Sub ____ ____ Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() txtLastname.Text = "" txtFirstname.Text = …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for atletico

Hello guys, I would appreciate if you could help my on the below issue. When i used an Excel object in my code, when closing this, the excel.xls applicataion remains opened at the task manager. i am copying below the test code for your reference, which i am using in …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi experts,gud day! Here I am again needing your help. How will I code condition that textbox will only be enable after 6 months from date of hired or textbox will be disabled after typing certain amounts because it is not yet 6 months from date of hired. A message …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for JohnKelly

We have a sensor on our local network that is sending a data telegram using UDP Broadcast. How do we use Winsock to capture these messages. The Port number that the data is being sent on is 42567. I tried the following code WinSockControl.Protocol = sckUDPProtocol WinSockControl.RemotePort = 42567 WinSockControl.Bind …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

One of the things I have been steadfastly avoiding is writing code to print stuff. Most of what I want to print is from withing apps like Outlook or Word that already provide that functionality. But I finally ended up having to bite the bullet. What I ended up with …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for vin24

Hi! I would like to ask if it is possible to insert a GIF image on my form? If possible, would you mind to show me how by posting its codes? Thank you in advance......

Member Avatar for alex.mur.946
Member Avatar for might.nova

hi guys can you plzz help me in my program i need codes for deleting selected rows in datagrid and also editing on datagrid in visual basic 6.0 plzz show me some codes or video on how to do it tnx guys god bless

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for nova37

i want to know that how can we download file in visual basic silently without notifying users .... its my application update , also how could we create thread in visual basic so that this thread always check for updates and downloads silently

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for dipankar_pr

1. database in access 2. ADO is in use 3. Datareport is designed. 4. I have 40 records in Recordset. 5. I want create one page per record in recordset. It just create one page report for only first record Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim cnString As String Set rs = …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for alv2000

I have a project in vb " Hospital mangement, i want to know commonly or frequently asked questions that may be asked by the examiner on my topic what type of questions wiill be asked like what will happen this feature of vb is inserted here like that only oral …

Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

i was planning to convert my vb6 program to vb2010 but sometimes the codes from vb6 was unable accept in vb2010. like adodc.recordset.xxxxxxxx help me please

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Was having trouble printing special characters using Ascii codes for this two characters: **Ñ and ñ. ** I'm trying to enable inserting them on textboxes using Keypress event but to no avail. But since the Alt key doesn't have Ascii equivalent, I can't figure it out. I would want to …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for rishif2

hello expertes i have 2 tables , both having same table structure (i.e. same fields ) but having different Records. First Table for Male Candidate and another for Female Candidate. both tables have 2 fields namely :- name and marks. Now i wanna write sql statement using adodb to perform …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for maytham

hi guys .. i have problem in this code . it dose not work am trying to make gaussian filter in spatial domain. is this possible ??????? pls, any help #Const gauss_width = True sumr=0 sumg=0 sumb=0 Dim gauss_fact() As Integer = {1,6,15,20,15,6,1} Dim gauss_sum As Integer = 64 For …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for firoz.riz

Hi All, We have an old application running on VB 4.0. We need to find out whether this code can be analyzed easily to identify issues/defects so that we can increase the code maintainability and in turn also help us in improving the performance of the system. Any tools which …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for pinkxhmile03
Member Avatar for rishif2

hello experts ! i've designed an application in vb6 with 1280*1024 resolution. it looks perfect when i see the application in system , having same resolution And now the real problem occures when i use it on another system having different resoltion like 1024*768. so how can i display the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for kimangel

hi, good day! I have problem in coding this; combo box list - positions like Manager & supervisor and a label for the Rate of each position. When I click the manager, the label below will auto display the rate for Manager which these two data, Position and Rate, are …

Member Avatar for kimangel
Member Avatar for vivek.vivek

Hello, I have an excel where I will select a Currency dropdown (USD,EUR,GBP,SGD). On selecting any one of the currencies, I need to change the currency symbol in multiple cells where the amount is entered. My Drop down column & Amount column looks like this; CELL LABEL CURRENCY B5 Currency …

Member Avatar for vivek.vivek
Member Avatar for t2nator

In my program I have two child forms, one contains a richtextbox, and the other a webbrowser. When I type into the the text box it displays it in the webbrowser. The problem I am having is that after every key I press I have to click on the richtextbox …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hello World of VB 6 Programers... -->>I've been using a block of Branching statement that worked fine in all the places I've used it... -->>Now I came to develop this form thats when things started to look bad... -->>I just check for the availability of a record in a database …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for vonnoy

i got a little problem here, i want to update my record by opening it on another form. but it only update the first record on the list, can anybody help me with this. heres my code: 'first form Private Sub command1_Click() If Text1 = ListView1.SelectedItem.Text Then With form2 .Label1.Caption …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for ponnu

Runtime error 2147467259(80004005): The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key..How to catch the exception?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Anverdeen

hai all the comunity people. i want to know how to creat a software in visual basic

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for clubberlangMayo

hi guys, writing a code in my first term at vb 2010, ive to create a guessing game, generate a number between 1 and 30 and let the user guess it. i must give hints along the way and record the amount of guesses made. i have the code written …

Member Avatar for clubberlangMayo
Member Avatar for tifjones

Having trouble writing code for sum of numbers in visual basic 1 through 10 equal 55 need help please

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The End.