10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hello, I hope I can get help on this its like this... -->>I have an application that allows a User to brows files in a Computer... -->>On My point of interest Zipped files,that's My filtering Criteria... -->>When the File wiht .zip is found it is displayed on the Textbox very …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vonnoy

i have my two database namely: "data1st.mdb" and "data2nd.mdb", then my combobox items are "1st_semester","2nd_semester". if i chose combobox "1st_semester" then all values inputed from the txtbox will directly save to "data1st.mdb", then 2nd_semester combo save to data2nd.mdb.i got no idea with this. thanks a lot. please help me with …

Member Avatar for vonnoy
Member Avatar for major_lost

Is there a way to get the hard drive letter with VB 4.0? I have an older program written in this language that I am attempting to modify and need to get the hard drive letter to update it. Thanks for your help. major_lost

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for gsatya

Hi friends, I need to know how the auto responding softwares work. for example if I send keyword IBAL to 567666 I will be receiving my current bank balance through sms. Is it possible to develop such software using vb6? if so I need basics to communicate withe GSM/CDMA modem/Phone …

Member Avatar for Jake.20

Guys i need help or tips about allowing only one dot in calculator and i'm using button. could you guys provide me some tips on how to do it? Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for Jake.20
Member Avatar for keth
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sarman.boyslo

hi all, newbie wanna ask... :) if i have a button, normally (before it clicked) the button is just like usual, but if i clicked it, in the button appear dotted line, how if i want to before and after he button clicked without dotted line? please see the pict, …

Member Avatar for sarman.boyslo
Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain

i connected and migrated all the things from access to mySQL (online) using free hosting on the net, when i make my simple program to .exe, then run it on different computer, its asking for some OCX and dll files... why is that happening? my .exe program run well on …

Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain
Member Avatar for rishif2

hello experts `rec.Open "select * from tbl where id="& inputted, con, 2, 3` i used the above code to find records and now the real problem occures when a value is inputted and that doesn't exist in the database so in such a case i wanna display en error message …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vonnoy

i search record from the present form then i want to load it in another form for editing and saving the record. here's my code but its always error. With list_stud .label1.caption = ID_no .label2.caption = lvStudentInfo.SelectedItem.SubItems(1) .label3.caption = lvStudentInfo.SelectedItem.SubItems(2) .label4.caption = lvStudentInfo.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) .label5.caption = lvStudentInfo.SelectedItem.SubItems(4) .label6.caption = lvStudentInfo.SelectedItem.SubItems(5) .Show …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for shanaka895

Hi... I want to create a project to use in my cd's.So I want to create a button, when I press it should open a new window and browes the cd.Please help me guys... thank you soooooooooo much..

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for viktoriaong

need help mybe this site can help me with my vb6 class.., i'm trying my best in our lab.class but still i'm having hard time with the codes and logic of the problem that our instructor give us. i don't know why but in our java class and object-oriented class …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vonnoy

can anyone help how to save using this code below.? i used adodc recordset with adodc1 .ConnectionString = connectdb .RecordSource = "Select * from 'tablename'" .Refresh 'dont know the next action end with 'what does this code mean?

Member Avatar for vonnoy
Member Avatar for rishif2

how to make a mdiform fixed size(can't be resized or maximize) as there is no property like border style in mdi.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for t2nator

I'm having trouble figuring out how to fill a dynamic array function and then print it on declaration. Here is the function: Public Function SQLConductGetFields(InCommand As Object) As String() Dim ConnectionA As New MySqlConnection(My.Application.sqlconnect) Dim command As New MySqlCommand() ConnectionA.Open() command.Connection = ConnectionA Dim reader As MySqlDataReader command.CommandText = InCommand …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for silversurf

Hello, As I am building a pos and inventory software in vb 6.0 with Ms-Access as database, I am building the face of the software where I have one MDImain form with toolbar and menus and related some mdichild form holding different informations (I have attached the image). ![main2](/attachments/large/3/main2.JPG "main2") …

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Member Avatar for dipankar_pr

1. A access database contain one table PhBook with fields First name, Last Name, Mobile Number 2. Few record already exist in PhBook table 3. Mobile Number is consider as unique and appears in database once. 4. First name and last name may duplicate. 5. One excel contains few records …

Member Avatar for romz

hi everyone. I want to delay the click event in a vsFlexgrid so that the double click event will run 1st. I used a timer for the delay in the click event and managed to get the value of the double click speed in the windows library for the timer …

Member Avatar for romz
Member Avatar for docgrid

Hi, i want to calculate elasped time in Mintues excluding after 6pm and the weekends. for instance i have a start time on 2013-01-11 2:37:20 PM and need to calculate the time difference with repect to current time(NOW) in minutes by satisfying above 2 conditions. i've been trying to do …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for silversurf

Hello everyone. I am trying to build a inventory and pos software with vb 6.0 and MS-Access as database. In one of my form I have the following code to call my inventory of a certain invoice number to print tag for my products. I am using a MSHFlexgrid with …

Member Avatar for silversurf
Member Avatar for imti321

'the code is working properly only problem with this code is when the first line ends in excel and data is inserted in next Row "instead of inserting another row it copies the same content which is inseted last time in form "

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain

Please show me what is the correct code to compare the DateAdded (2012-12-26 00:00:00 - its format inside MySQL) and DTPicker (01-01-2000 default format from user input) Sub FilteredQuery() cnDDR.Open "Driver={Mysql ODBC 3.51 Driver}; server=x; port=3307; database=x; user=x; password=x; OPTION= 1 + 2 + 8 + 32 + 2048 + …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for John Mello

*to copy the codes of this sample article: just go to facebook to type this in your facebook search browser to find & added me: **jm amaro**, or you can add me as one of your friends in fb for i enable to share this topic.*Emphasized Text Here** or else, …

Member Avatar for rishif2

Hello experts i am using following code in order to truncate a ms access table Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rec As New ADODB.Recordset con.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" con.Open App.Path & "\db.mdb" Dim query As String query = "truncate table tbl" rec.Open query, con, 2, 3 con.close but its producing …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for tinstaafl

I'm working on a project that contains 3 different lists. 2 lists of 2 different controls, and 1 list of a custom class. I found that I needed each of these lists sorted. The problem with sorting a list of complex types is there's no default comparer for them. That …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Tekito

This is an issue that I've discusses many times before, but never with a conclusive solution. I am trying to programmatically change the data range for an existing chart in Excel. My code goes something like this: [CODE] With WS.CharObjects(SelChart).Chart With .SeriesCollection(1) .XValues =DataWS.Range("A1:A101") '<-----ERROR! .Values = DataWS.Range("B1:B101") End With …

Member Avatar for gmcfarlane
Member Avatar for Divinedar

I am trying to reference a cell with a date from one worksheet to the other. I am using ='Statistics MVP'!A16 but it doesn't give me the date format it just gives me the number 41125 or any other number. When I format as a date form I get 1/0/1900 …

Member Avatar for Divinedar
Member Avatar for s1lentb0b

Hi I have an insert statement in my VB code that updates about 20 fields in sql. I pass through todays date and a set of values. This occurs on a button click event. My problem is if the button is clicked more than once the data is duplicated in …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for StarTrekCafe

hi. a blind programming student, and did ask my lecturer, but he could not answer. has not done the talker classes before. i have a hangman self voicing game. it uses the anna voice, but looking for some more human sounding voices, like aussie, british, united states. did downloa and …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for killer88

For instance , i need store a database of a student.i will get all the details through the respective fields like name , no , mark1 , mark2 , mark3 etc.. nw i need to save this information . how do i do it ?. thanks :)

Member Avatar for tinstaafl

The End.