10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for Alessandrorenzi

Hi, How can I do to get motherboard and processor serial number in VB6? I am able to get HD serial number with this code: Option Explicit Private Type DRIVEINFO HDDSerialNum As String End Type Private Sub Form_Load() Dim info As DRIVEINFO Dim objs As Object Dim obj As Object …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mklove999

Run-time error '-2147217887 (80040e21)' Multiple-step operation errors. Check each status value. === The one highlighted was: **Adodc2.Recordset.Update** Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc2.Recordset.AddNew Text13.Text = Label19.Caption Text14.Text = Label15.Caption Label5.Caption = Text6.Text + "-" + Text7.Text Label3.Caption = Text1.Text Label21.Caption = Text10.Text Text11.Text = Text6.Text Label17.Caption = Text3.Text + ", " + …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sarman.boyslo

hi all, i'm very - very newbie here, i need a help, i try to connect arduino with vb6, i want to display data from arduino to vb6, lets say the data is : "the distance : XX m", the problem is when i want to put data via mscomm.input …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for BombAppetit

As the title suggest, I don't know how to add item to a multiple column list box. When I do the usual ListBox1.AddItem "haha" it only adds to the first column. How do I populate the others? Columns property has been set to, say, 3. I googled out this issue …

Member Avatar for jksjai
Member Avatar for mklove999

I'm really new in ADO for just a substitution on Data Control (I cannot dl any access 2003 D:) --- Whenever I enter command3, it says: *Compile Error: Method or data member not found* and the highlighted one was **.EOF** Code: Private Sub Command3_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst Adodc1.Recordset.Find "SID = '" & …

Member Avatar for logamuthu

I have been using Qbasic 1.1 in MS DOS 6.22 PCs upto P4. In view of the changing hardware scenerio, I wish to migrate to VB inside Windows 7 32 bit machines. Should i rewrite all code in VB or can I import .bas files created in Qbasic 1.1 into …

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Member Avatar for Skate Bart

When the button is clicked, I want the file (it's a XPS document) to be opened in windows. The file will be in the same directory as the visual basic project. Therefore, I need the code to open the file using "app.Path". Any solutions?

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for Skate Bart

When the button is clicked, I want the file to be opened. The file will be in the same directory as the visual basic project. Therefore, I need the code to open the file using "app.Path". Any solutions?

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Sammy Valdez

In VB6, how do you get the contents of "Comments" from the properties of an image file? I want to place the contents in a text box so I can manipulate it and display it superimposed on the picture. The comments is where one places the the discription of the …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Blank808

for example: 8 - 9 = -1 i want it to be : 8 - 9 = 1 i want to subtract a lower number from a higher number and the result will be a positive number and it will display on a Label.

Member Avatar for Sammy Valdez
Member Avatar for HibaPro

i have vb6 project with cr8 and 10 , its correctly run on one pc what i need is to run this project on local netwrok , how i can do this and how i can edit the connection string and make .exe file ???? Help me plz

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for silversurf

Hello everyone. I am developing a inventory and pos software myself with vb 6.0 and ms-access as database. In my sales invoice I want to generate the sales invoice number serially. I mean when I load the sales invoice form the txtsinvno text box will automatically generate the sales invoice …

Member Avatar for silversurf
Member Avatar for sharmi cse

hi all, i am creating a form in which when a particular command button is clicked, it will open another form with a flex grid. Based on the row selection the user makes on the flex the first form will be filled with datas retrieved from sql database. i can …

Member Avatar for PM312
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I have a program I have made in vb which works perfectly fine. It has a couple of variables I would like the user to define though such as the timer interval. To do this I would like to have one program where the user can download it, run …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for vonnoy

im having problm with my date function. i want to record date in database only one but my code do not function. this checks attendance once in a day. date must not double plz help me. Sub search() 'search if id registered With ado .ConnectionString = connectdb .RecordSource = "Select …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Shailajaprasad

Hi I need to use sumproduct in VBA, but not able to use it. can any one tell how to use it. Shailaja

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for bluesky18

Hi everyone! Can please someone help and guide me on how to export image from vb6 to excel. I found some codes here but doesnt work well when i tried it. I will use an existing excel file then i will export the image probably from the picture box located …

Member Avatar for bluesky18
Member Avatar for ImZick
Member Avatar for angel06

Hey guys does anyone here knows what is the code for inserting the current day in a form? I'm creating an Employee Monitoring System. I have here a part of the codes of my program Private Sub Command1_Click() If Text1.Text = "2036251" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from Table4 where …

Member Avatar for vonnoy
Member Avatar for nezar
Member Avatar for rectifryer

Hello fellow code enthusiasts. I am currently trying to figure out how to retrieve text from pdf images submitted to my MS office inbox and put them into an excel spread sheet. At the moment, I plan on using Tesseract as a library (well reference) to do this. Is there …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for linky1hit

Read text file after change text " text1 " to " text2" Example text file name hhh.txt have content sdasdsa ádsaewf dsasa asdsa text1 asdksls text1 as +>>>> hhh.txt sdasdsa ádsaewf dsasa asdsa text2 asdksls text2 as Thk :)

Member Avatar for deepakbshitole
Member Avatar for vonnoy

hi, im new in vb6 how to search in datagrid where every keyword you type wil display the record found in database? here's my code in saving pls ned help here....this is our thesis God Bless>thanks. Sub search() 'search if student is registered then With ado .ConnectionString = connectdb .RecordSource …

Member Avatar for deepakbshitole
Member Avatar for candywayans

what is the code to make a timer to my program that basically times how long it takes students to complete a quiz, the timer starts and stops once the 15 questions in the quiz are answered twice , Thank You

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for jakub.peciak

Hi, I have following code. Dim myData1 As MySqlDataReader Dim sqlquary1 = "INSERT INTO table1 (text1) Values (Value1); INSERT INTO table2 (text2) Values (Value2); INSERT INTO table3 (text3) Values (Value3)" Dim command1 As New MySqlCommand command1.Connection = mySqlConnection command1.CommandText = sqlquary1 myData1 = command1.ExecuteReader mySqlConnection.Close() I need to send few …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for gmissile1

well,i am a new programmer in vb6 so i dont know much about vb6.So i have 3 questions. 1) Finding sum of all the numbers from 1 to 100 by loop method. 2) Finding factorial of a number. 3) organizing table of any word. eg. 9*1=9 9*2=18 and so on …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for slymdjay.gunshot

Hi geeks!! im working on a project (in visual studio 2008) where i need to create a reminder which will prompt every month for showing the actual state of fees a number of customers have left to pay. the project uses access as database and will have a fixed amount …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for manishj9869

he y frnds i hve a project on mobile store in vb 6 ..but theres a problem in it whnevr i try to add any amount in that its always shows invalid amount ..i already chcked full coding of the project..is any 1 can hlep me out in this..its an …

Member Avatar for uro123
Member Avatar for maria.susai.7

Good to all. Here I have a doubt in Visual basic 6.0. I need have excel file as backend and the visual basic is to be the frontend for my project which I am on it. In the excel sheet keeps updating while saving in vb form. Please If any …

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The End.