10,987 Topics

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616.00 -first value -1 empty -2 empty 616.00- last value 791.00 791.00 -1 empty -2 empty 994.00 1,008.00 - - - -- - 910.00 882.00 -1 empty 826.00 756.00 can anyone show me a code to interpolate this replacing the blank space that is not more than 4 to tha …

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Member Avatar for rahul.katiyar.7731

I want the vba coding of the formula SUMIFS in MS-Excel 2007, so I can copy the code and paste it in the Module of MS-Excel 2003 to use the formula in this version. [url=http://damdamalakeresort.com/]Damdama Lake[/url]

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Member Avatar for Allorango

Getting Run Time Error 13 Typy Mismatch this coding is of EXE file of VB programing can any 1 sold this coding for me ??? please help me here is full coding :- Dim serverid, serverport, serverip, agentid, lsip, lsport As Integer Dim zonelist() As String Dim zonecount As Integer …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

Can Anyone Show me how to make a user form to be risize able. I'm using excel macro, but i can't find in some way to do it. is there anyone here who can show me how. Thanks a lot .

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain

Dim siar As Integer, siac As Integer Set SIATable = SIADoc.Tables.Add(SIADoc.Bookmarks("\endofdoc").Range, rs.RecordCount, 7) SIATable.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0 SIATable.Range.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineNone SIADoc.Tables(1).Borders(wdBorderTop).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle SIADoc.Tables(1).Borders(wdBorderLeft).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle SIADoc.Tables(1).Borders(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle SIADoc.Tables(1).Borders(wdBorderRight).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle SIADoc.Tables(1).Borders(wdBorderHorizontal).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle SIADoc.Tables(1).Borders(wdBorderVertical).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle For siar = 1 To rs.RecordCount For siac = 1 To 7 SIATable.Cell(siar, …

Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain
Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi, Currently, I have 3 listboxs' data, but I don't know how to create 3 columns and show them with datagrid control. Does anyone give me a guid line how to show listbox's data with datagrid? regards

Member Avatar for zawpai
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I need to know why this isn't working... I have tried many different things but still can't get it to work. (And, yes, I have replaced the MYPASSHERE with my password but it always says I have not registered yet...) Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Public Class Form1 …

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Member Avatar for Jake.20

Guys i'm having another problem here. I have a data report that prints the student's information but my problem is how to create a report that prints only one student because my report prints all the student. Thank you in advance.

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Member Avatar for Aurax

Hi all How i can read txt file and put it into textbox? Please help me. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you

Member Avatar for Aurax
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I am trying to make a program which will login to a website with many different accounts one after another. The problem I have though is, the documentCompleted event either doesn't run at all or it runs more than once before the page is fully loaded. This causes the …

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Member Avatar for Jake.20

Greetings guys how can i delete the selected items on the datagrid. I'm trying to search for some code but i can't find anything. And i need to finish this before thursday. i really need your help guys thanks!

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Member Avatar for nova37

hi i want to know how to add water ripple effects to image in vb please see this demo app : [Demo](http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/9g1c1on1a8/keygen.exe)

Member Avatar for Matigo

Hello guys Anybody could help me please to make the Windows estimated usage in visual basic 2010 "To show how many MB/GB of internet i have used" I'm running windows 8 and this application will will be used on windows 8 Only Thanks in advance guys and i hope to …

Member Avatar for Matigo
Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain

Dim oWord As Word.Application Dim oDoc As Word.Document Dim oTable As Word.Table Dim x As Integer Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") oWord.Visible = True Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset With rs .Open "SELECT * FROM ClientTable", cn, 2, 3 Dim r As Integer, c As Integer Set …

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Member Avatar for Matigo

To be honest, I tried to find a tittle for this but i couldn't think of any I'm creating an application using visual basic 2010 that i will be using/running on Backtrack 5 R3, I tried it and it works fine, But i needed to add a Terminal to the …

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Member Avatar for ppstyle

I am making a windows based application in visual studio 2010 using VB. My project starts with a splash screen and a brief welcome splash then opens the main mdi form. The menu in the mdi form has the link to open all the other modules. My question is- How …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Divinedar

Can anyone help. I have the following code: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 7 Then MakeHyperLink Target, "Q:\" End If End Sub Option Explicit Private Files As Dictionary Private StrFile As String Dim StrFlePath As String, FleCollection, fle, f1, fs, f2, subfld Sub MakeHyperLink(InRange As Range, …

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Member Avatar for fx.eko

Hi all I have a problem with how to check the printer via LPT1 through programming language Visual Basic 6. Its need for printing the letter post items, so that the data is not easily changed. thanks for the friends who can help solving my problem. respectful greetings,

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, So I'm trying to make a program to auto bump my facebook posts. I have made it log in etc but there is no 'post' button on facebook, you have to press enter on the keyboard. How can I make the program press enter in the box and make …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Djmann1013

I am having a bit of trouble with converting a string (url) into a Uri. Here is the screenshot of the error: http://www.imgbomb.com/i/d15/3bk3v.png Here is the code that is giving me trouble: Private Sub ComboBox1_Change(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.TextChanged Dim myString As String = ComboBox1.Text.ToString() Me.WebBrowser1.Navigate(New Uri(myString)) …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for ShamSundar

People pls help me i am getting a compiler error - Loop Without Do This is my Code Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Shyam\Documents\Database1.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" cn.Open() rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open("select* from STUDENTSWITHHOA", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic) Do …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for katabullet

i have created two forms and two controls, form1 has a button, form two has label. now i wanted the caption of my label to change after clicking on my button, but i just can not call in the control "label" into my button click event because there are from …

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Member Avatar for Aurax

Hi all I am trying to write a program to recognizing word or phrase is a palindrome or not. Please help me Regards Aura

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Member Avatar for krishjain99

I am using vb6 to do my project. When i define an initialize a variable i get the compile time error as "Expected:End of statement". The code is : Dim i as integer=1

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Aurax

Hi all.. Please help me how to clear all textbox in form. It really hard to set each of it. Thank you Aura

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Member Avatar for archangel1177

I was having a discussion with a co worker just now and we discussed the idea of a message box coming up as part of a search and displaying a JPG picture as part of the results. Is that even possible? If so then how difficult would it be to …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for fx.eko

hi .. I use visual basic 6, I opened a new project, when I create a data report using Crystal Report 8.5 which already include the current Visual Basic will add a new report by way of Add -> Crystal report 8.5, the error message "Visual Basic has stopped working …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

is there any java programming software that looks like vb6 ? our panelist said on our thesis defense that we must use java for our interface but we dont have any background in java programming, but only vb. please help. thanks

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The End.