10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for tomo_uni

I have a continious Form which opens and shows records of people with whatever criteria the user had chosen the screen before. When the form opens it checks which button was pressed and then changes the recordsource of the continious form. When I try to edit the records it says …

Member Avatar for tomo_uni
Member Avatar for dc_fdl

I was tasked with taking our current mail out enrollment form and converting it to a template that will be downloadable from our website. The customer will be able to fill out the form via 23 textboxes, 4 option buttons, 3 comboboxes as dropdowns and clicking one button that attaches …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for cristey

Hi! Good day, I am new here and I want to ask several questions about making graphs in vb6. I am working now on a project which gather samples from a remote sensor and transfer the data via SMS. My problem is I am a novice programmer specially dealing with …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for fourty

Hi guys I need a code that outputs the save as Dialog box. Just as simmple as that. Thanks.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Ghost34

how can i make a random number not to always appear every time i open the program my code always prints or present same number every time i open and terminate and open it again and again it always shows same number but if i click a button for random …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mrthomasbkk

Hello, i need help please, i need to create an trigger in ms access 2007, probably by vb code, but don't know how. The issue: i created a database in ms access 2007 and i need to make an time trigger to show every time when opening the database (it …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for nerdthon123

Hi Daniweb, I am currently taking a computer science class in school, and was given an extra project(because I'm so far ahead of the rest of the class). I am stumped on how to get the of the slider bar to do what I want. In the project I have …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for wondering_ed

Can somebody help me formulate a VB program the would Record TIN numbers of a tax payer? With a sorting function and search function. The most basic of VB that could be formed. Any replies would be a great help! :D Thank you.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for prasadbby

I have sstab with 9 tabs. Each tab have 4 text box. I have named all the textboxes in arrays. For eg. In first tab the array is txtbox0(0),txtbox0(1),txtbox0(2),txtbox0(3)... Similarly in the second tab, ihave six text boxes named as txtbox1(0),txtbox1(1),txtbox1(2),txtbox1(3)..... Each of this tab shows one table of my …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Bardoel

Hi, Not sure if anyone can help i am trying to be able to send/receive SMS message via my Sony Ericsson K700i from a PC automatically rather than using a Specific Application. Can someone supply me with some example code to be able to achieve this. I have tried searching …

Member Avatar for nisu
Member Avatar for Retsel_ter

guys i am having some trouble here, please help me. I need it badly. What happens is when i ckick on the log in button, the button must first verify the date, then the password and username, if the date doesnt exist on the user's database, he should be logged …

Member Avatar for fourty
Member Avatar for apit17

can somebody help me plizz...i need a sample perfect projects for vb6..send to my email plizz

Member Avatar for alleybye

i got this! [CODE]Option Explicit Public con As New ADODB.Connection Public rsTally As New ADODB.Recordset Public Sub Connect() con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Aianski\Desktop\Cliente ko\SGO_Tally.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" rsTally.Open "select * from tbl_Tally ", con, 3, 2 End Sub [/CODE] i think its right. but when i run it i get "syntax …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for danilomayojr

Dear Programmer i am having problem developing simple reading and sending data via rs232.. can anyone help me by sending me a very simple module with comments with regards to reading and sending data.... Thanks in advance good friend!!! Danilo Mayo Jr., Philippines

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for hell_tej

:) Hi Masters, I m creating a project of VB to Access conectivity. I need that i want store data in server, there is 5 PC server-client networking.[B]How can i write Program in VB to STORE DATA IN SERVER[/B].I m totaly blank for this problem. :'( Please Help me to …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for fourty

Hi Pals could anyone show me how to code an active clock window Thanks in advance fourty

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for metricstorm

Hi Im new here and i need some help. I'm into codedom right now and im looking for someone to help me out a bit. Now I have a problem on when it compiles the code. I'm using .net 2.0 to compile [CODE] Shared Sub ReflectionPE(ByVal ob As Object) Dim …

Member Avatar for bryt

Someone created a point of sale for a supermarket. Now i need to track all deletions made. We use f10 key to delete an entry. Can someone please help me with an idea or solution? Thanks in advance, your help will be highly appreciated.

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for guru511
Member Avatar for zebnoon1

[B]Hello and Asslam o alekom![/B] This thread is for who wants to learn VB6, post your suggation and advises to us.

Member Avatar for Retsel_ter
Member Avatar for Sarama2030

does vb 6 and above support cross operating system compatibility. i mean can applications developed in vb be deployed on other operating systems apart from windows and if they can what is the level of vb compared to other renowned programming languages like c++ and java.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

This is my Cogwheel Encryption Method to encrypt and decrypt strings. Wheel1 is Replace by Wheel2 when Encrypting and Wheel2 is Replace by wheel1 when you are decrypting... To Encrypt a string, just call the EncryptString function [CODE=vb] Text2.Text = EncryptString(Text1.Text) [/CODE] To Decrypt a string, just call the DecryptString …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for awmantonio

Hi everyone! I have an installment payment program which have Hijri date (Saudi Arabia) and I already have the code for it's converter inside the forms (using datetimepicker for the Gregorian & maskedtextbox for the Hijri). I'd like to know how can I convert or produce the corresponding equivalent Hijri …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for jatt09

hi I need a code that allowed the user to enter 4 digit in the textbox then replace each digit with the result of adding 7 to the digit and getting the remainder after dividing the new value by 10. then swap the first digit with the third and swap …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for iceman101

Hi could some one please help me with code for vb6. I have started on a calculator for profit but a error "Overflow" keeps coming up here's the code im usin dim number as integer number1 = label1.caption number= val(label2.caption) label3.caption = number Pls help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks iceman:rolleyes:

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Simran Kaur

Hello, I have Get() & Put() functions in my VB6 project. It was upgraded to FileGet() & FilePut() but they are not working. I am getting the runtime error as "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream." Eg: FileGet(X, Y, Z) -> I think the parameters are FileGet(FileNumber, …

Member Avatar for Simran Kaur
Member Avatar for StephenHancox

Hi, Does anyone know how to open a shared, read-only MS Word document in MS Word outside of the application upon clicking a command button? Any help would be really appreciated Many, many thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for brieghz23

Can anyone help me? i'm looking for a [U][B]Point of sale system[/B][/U] that is made in [B]Visual Basic?[/B] . . please help me find it sir/ma'am. Thank you.

Member Avatar for campuzcrazyness
Member Avatar for tomo_uni

I want to retrieve dates between two dates the user has specified e.g. say the user enters the dates 01/10/2010 amd 05/10/2010 i want to be able to get the dates inbetween the dates entered by the user e.g. 02/10, 03/10.... What possible way is there to do it? Thanks …

Member Avatar for tomo_uni
Member Avatar for Ryan61343

Anyone able to help load a list box using a text file I load the text file into a single string then split at every new line and put into an array of strings then us the array of strings as the data source for the list box. The problem …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.