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VB6Query20071120.doc Hi VB6 I am trying to have 2 ACCESS databases open at the same time in order to populate the 2nd one with data from the first one. The problem is that it appears that I can only have one connection to a database at a time. Is this …

Member Avatar for geethasethu
Member Avatar for Lynchman

I'm attempting to run a simple VB script that opens an Excel 2007 spreadsheet, reads cell data and then echos it to the screen, however I get the following error: UpdateTitle.vbs(4, 1) (null): The server threw an exception Here is the code: Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Visible = False objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Temp\ADUserUpdates\ADUserUpdates\qryEmployee.xlsx") …

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Member Avatar for junjun61991

[COLOR="Green"]Function booklvwRec(str As String) Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset catlvw.ListItems.Clear rs.Open str, connect, 2, 3[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"](this section has an error, what is the error in this section) and the error state that: "[B][U]the connection cannot be used to perform this operation. it is either closed or invalid in this connection[/U][/B]"[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for wenohnacecilia

How to connect vb6 to MS access? I'm only an student and I wanted to have more knowledge about producing new programs and systems to be a better system analyst. We are assigned to make a biometric system using vb6 connected to MS Access..Can you help me? We dont have …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for tomo_uni

I was wondering how you would display the time in hour/minutes/seconds and then depending on what time of the day it is, it displays the relevant label e.g. Good morning, good afternoon etc thanks

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vidhya33
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vidhya33

how to connect vb with oracle...?? Very urgent.. plssssssssssssssssssssssss..

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Member Avatar for vidhya33
Member Avatar for fourty

Hey pals anyone know : I need a code under a cmdhelp that 1. opens the windows help 2. Opens a file in the database containing help msg on the project. I also need to know how i could link a folder with my project or lets say a text …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vidhya33
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Member Avatar for ichwara

I am doing a project on hospital management system in vb6. i have a problem on how the program will be accessed by different users using a network and how to store data. someone help me

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Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings! Hi, I'm a vb starter. I've inserted an adodc data control into a form. [CODE]With adodcIncoming .Recordset.Find "p_id = " & "'" & txtPatientId.Text & "'"[/CODE] Above is a code snippet. After this block of codes, I'd like to check if p_id = txtPatientId.Text is found or not, how …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ftl25

Hi, I am writing a program in VB6 where I'm adding an "Import/Export" option to the file menu. Starting with export, I basically need to find all files matching a particular filename and zip and export them to a folder. Currently I am simply finding all the files (with different …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ramaliah
Member Avatar for VBNew

Hi, I would like to create a table as attachement below is VB6, may I know what component name of this table? is this DBGrid? Thanks!

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for marketingmaniac

The unfollow button is written in Java does anyone or can anyone programmaticly click the unfollow button? tried everything i know, visual basic, Java, JavaScript,, you name it,, cant do it.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Ok here's my problem. What i wanted to do was that if i save the value i enter on my txtbox (txtIDNo) and saves it to my database, the default value should automatically adds 1 or + 1 on it. I set the field data type to Number and the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Here i am again. I would like to to know how to use/connect a database for my login program to a Database from another computer. I will be using 2 pc unit and connect them with a CROSSOVER connection UTP Ethernet cable. My Dbase will be on the other unit …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for tomo_uni

I am currently wanting to know how to find out two different dates from a list of dates for each customer. I can find out the first date for each customer but I need to know their 6 month and 1 year visit. But the problem is not all the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for SpiritualMadMan

Please direct me if this has been answered previously. Here's my problem. I am decidedly not a C++ Programmer. I do pretty good with VB6... I have a 3rd Party program that I need to write a replacement User GUI for. The company has provided a .DLL and the interface …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for cwestern

Hello, I am new to vbs and I am trying to copy 'multiple folders' out of a folder called 'voice profiles' into the 'my documents' folder. I've tried this script I wrote and haven't got the results I've wanted. dim filesys, tempFile, readFile, fileText, fileVer On Error Resume Next '' …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for maichy

hi all am trying to obtain a daily report from my database using the code below but it keeps giving me an error of false,when i say debug.print. when i say rptETR.show it gives me all the transactions and not the daily transactions.below is the code Private Sub Cmddaily_Click() Dim …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vbnetskywalker

hi guys... I'm developing a commercial app using VB6 , this time in my case I have to be worried about the code disclosure I konw any app can be cracked by a Pro Cracker, but I'm targeting people with a Decompiler ([URL="http://www.soft32.com/Download/free-trial/VB_Decompiler/4-124248-1.html"]like this[/URL]) with no assembly knowledge, It's not …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for tomo_uni

I have a continious Form which opens and shows records of people with whatever criteria the user had chosen the screen before. When the form opens it checks which button was pressed and then changes the recordsource of the continious form. When I try to edit the records it says …

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Member Avatar for dc_fdl

I was tasked with taking our current mail out enrollment form and converting it to a template that will be downloadable from our website. The customer will be able to fill out the form via 23 textboxes, 4 option buttons, 3 comboboxes as dropdowns and clicking one button that attaches …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for cristey

Hi! Good day, I am new here and I want to ask several questions about making graphs in vb6. I am working now on a project which gather samples from a remote sensor and transfer the data via SMS. My problem is I am a novice programmer specially dealing with …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for fourty

Hi guys I need a code that outputs the save as Dialog box. Just as simmple as that. Thanks.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Ghost34

how can i make a random number not to always appear every time i open the program my code always prints or present same number every time i open and terminate and open it again and again it always shows same number but if i click a button for random …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mrthomasbkk

Hello, i need help please, i need to create an trigger in ms access 2007, probably by vb code, but don't know how. The issue: i created a database in ms access 2007 and i need to make an time trigger to show every time when opening the database (it …

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The End.