10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for hanes84

Hi anyone can help me edit VB6 code to VB.NET code cause i have been working on it and still can't get any thing on it. there are some code which cannot be recognise by .net pls help.

Member Avatar for bagraoprasad
Member Avatar for noraz

Hi, I'm building a small information retrieval (IR) application using VB6. I'm stuck at calculating the tf.idf part. I've google for the solutions/codes, but didn't find anything in vb6, except other languages such as phyton etc (which I'm not familiar with). I'm also a beginner programmer in vb6. I've looked …

Member Avatar for noraz
Member Avatar for toffeecaliliw

please help me, im adding an information in database with txtboxes and comboboxes. the error appears as "this action was cancelled by an associated object". how can i fix this error?

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for noraz

hi all, just want an opinion from all of you out there on how to do descending sort. I got this sort example code from the net but it does ascending sort. Is the a possibility that if I change a few line inside the code it will come out …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for JamStar

I Have To Write A Pseudo Code For A Unit Converter. I Have Written The Program Already But I've Not Really Written One Before. It Converts Miles To KM: Dim DataIn As Single Dim DataOut As Single Dim ConversionType As String Const M2KCoefficient As Single = 1.6 Private Sub UserForm_Activate() …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jogieglenmait

how can i put data from an access datafield to a datacombo?so that each time i click the data combo it will show the data that is stored in the access file it is connected. here is my code: Private Sub cboCustomerID_Change() On Error Resume Next If blnID = True …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for glenak

I'm using visual studio 2010 and even though I'm not new to VB.NET I still want to get the best possible book that can teach me what I need to know. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for glenak
Member Avatar for leiron16

Hi to all, sorry for the bad English, I am a beginner programmer but yet task to develop a payroll program for a company with 350 employees. The payroll program that I will going to make is separate from the time in and out program the company have. The Time …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for claw72

hi people can anyone help me how to simplify these codes? [CODE]Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set oBook = ThisWorkbook Set osheet3 = oBook.Worksheets("DBASE") Set osheet4 = oBook.Worksheets("List Box Lookup Demonstration") Dim listIndex As Variant On Error Resume Next osheet3.Select Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select Selection.Value = ListBox2.List(0) Selection.Offset(0, -1).Value = TextBox2.Text Selection.Offset(0, 1).Value …

Member Avatar for claw72
Member Avatar for WildBamaBoy

I'm coming from Python to Visual Basic and it's really playing with my head. This program is intended to scan a list of directories (only have one directory so far) and see if they contain any files. If they do, their directory is added to a list (DirtyFolders) and all …

Member Avatar for WildBamaBoy
Member Avatar for jjemphoung

hi! please help me. i want my data report to be in landscape mode. i've read many forums and they suggest to install vb6 sp6. i've already downloaded it from MS site and installed it. and now when i open my project in vb6 and type datareport1. there is no …

Member Avatar for dspnhn
Member Avatar for john_beginner

hello eve one, i'm student of Bsc (IT) i have to made one small application in VB with in month so whould u pls suggest me any application which can be made with in one or one & half month .... thanx in advance...

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for yonderyellow

Hello, i have to interface an energymeter (RS485) to the RS232 port on the PC and develope a program in Visual Basic to manipulate the data received from the meter (according to IEC1107 protocol). I must be able to read the data recieved real time and also save the data …

Member Avatar for craigcl
Member Avatar for claw72

Hello everyone. i really need help on this one.. sorry for bad english! I have made 2 listbox.. listbox1 and listbox2. data on listbox 2 comes every after i double click listbox1 data. my codes for that works properly. i am working in a excel worksheet. i have these columns …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for bang2711

hi guy, i need this ugently.. hope someone can help me out.. i need to get data from database, but want it to take randomly and also dont want to get data duplicate. Ex; i get data A from DB, then there will be a next button. i wan to …

Member Avatar for Ganesh_m
Member Avatar for jonniebl

I have created a porcess that manipulates large volumes of text. I have created a form that has a button that manually starts the process. I have tried to give some feedback that the process is actually progressing through the data by changing the value of text fields on the …

Member Avatar for jonniebl
Member Avatar for killbill07

I can easily hide my form with the event KeyDown, but only by pressing ONE key, and I wanna hide it by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+O, for example. And the biggest problem is when I wanna restore it, because I have to go to the Task Manager, make the aplication has the …

Member Avatar for killbill07
Member Avatar for Dv9UnKnoWn

I am trying to create a game in VB6 where the user guess a number in a certain range depending on the level (Easy 1-5, Medium 1-15, Hard 1-30). I can't get the game to create a random number. [CODE]Private Sub cmdGo_Click() [COLOR="red"][B]Dim Randomize As New Random[/B][/COLOR] If optEasy.Value = …

Member Avatar for killbill07
Member Avatar for lover99509

Guys anyone knows how to check if a value entered in a text box i.e. text3.text=integer value is integer or long i found a function that checks wether the text is numeric or not "isNumeric" but i did not find any other function that checks if the value entered is …

Member Avatar for cool beans
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

Guys, does anyone of you have Windows 7?... Okay, here is my problem can you kindy test this code in windows 7. [CODE=vb] Public Sub createAccessDSN(MDBPath As String, xDescription As String, xDSN As String, xUID As String, Optional xPassword As String) 'Creating the DSN #If Win32 Then Dim intRet As …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for rayrenz

Hello guys, I'm developing a system in which I want to have an image for the datareport. Can you show me how to code it?

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for 12345pj

EDIT: Sorry, it is of course Skype4Com. I really appreciate any help I can get, I want to develop a Skype userinterface for dissabled people, it must be a downscaled version of Skype, an easier human interface focused on video connection. I hold a Bachelor degree in electronics Engineering with …

Member Avatar for 12345pj
Member Avatar for killbill07

Hey it's me again, I need some help with WMP control, because i was trying to remove an item (I have a listbox wich has songlist for playing and a button). I wanna remove the selected song in the listbox from the playlist, but I don't know how to use …

Member Avatar for killbill07
Member Avatar for webfan16

please help me.. i'm new here so i made a sales report in vb6 so i need to print the sales report. so how should i do this with the help of crystal report? and can i ask some helpful codes can i also ask for some codes for vb …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for killbill07

Hey, I'm new here and I wanna know how can I use the default Windows folders in my code in VB 6. For example, in VB.Net I can use My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments shorcuts to know the path of folders like My Music, My Docs, etc. But I don't know how to do …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for chris311fan

Hello, I've been assigned to build a calculator using visual studio 2008 or 2010, and I have both...however, I could really use some help on the code. I major in Computer Science however my specialty is virus removal and things like that, NOT programming. is there any way someone could …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for ftl25

Hi. I have just downloaded infozip for integration with some of our vb6 software. I got it working however, when I check the zip folder, I see that a directory structure has been created for each path contained in the filenames. E.g., I have a list of files as follows: …

Member Avatar for sofrdk

Hi experts I have this code: [URL="http://www.sofr.dk/div/code001.txt"]CODE[/URL] and the userform: [URL="http://www.sofr.dk/div/userform.png"]USERFORM[/URL] I have added a new button "Shell invoices" to the form (OptionButton 13) I want to open the 3 zip files in a e-mail (attachments): Invoice_DK_RBA_...zip Invoice_DK_DO_...zip Invoice_DK_DART_...zip (after _(...) comes different dates every day) When file is opened, …

Member Avatar for samurai14

Hi..We do have a project in school using visual basi 6.0 named "Memory Game". I have started to do it however i cant finish it. I have attached the interface of the program. Click image to match in pairs Card will randomize each test Each match will give 10 points …

Member Avatar for killbill07
Member Avatar for 07-0466

What driver do you need to connect vb.net to MySQL? How do I create a Data source to MySQL? ...am only getting the options for SQL and MS-database! Please help... am designing a reg system for a college! Thanx :-)

Member Avatar for JJCollins

The End.