10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for Vast

Hello. I need some help in deducing time in a game. The current time is (06:45:10) I have two fleets that is send to attack a planet. The first fleets arrival time is known (10:31:15) 24 hour format The second fleets time to get to the target planet is known …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for aslamsadia
Member Avatar for enong

huy guys, iam Newbie. I am using visual studio 6.0 when I would run the exe file an error occurred :>> [B]Setup was unable to create a DCOM user account in order to register ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\VS-Ent98\Vanalyzr\valec.exe'[/B] I have remove the program up to 3 times, but i still …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for tyras
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for johntech2001

I am working through the book Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming by John Connell. I have finished the section on Building a Data Control Class Module and have created a nice Book List program for my wife. I am using the DAO database control as shown in the book. …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for VB2008beginner

I add connections in server explorors. Then, I use AdventureWorks Person.Contact to set up a query by searching peter and mary ,but how to add it on form 1 ? and I type part of their names and by the way how to link a "VB label of text" or …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for sureshprg

Dear all, I need to send a string value along with an 'Enter' keystroke from an active form to a multi-line text box in an inactive form. Tell me a way to do this in VB6. Thanks.

Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart
Member Avatar for lady_lily

hello anyone, hope you could help me, im working for my project a mini system in title Test Banking system, definitely its an examination system that might use at our guidance office for students to do their entrance examination. Im just beginner and doesnt have idea on how do i …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for asaness

hello there! is anybody to help me in my program... my problem is how to hide application in process list in a task manager??? thanks...

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Wesley80

this windows application finds the amount of your pay if your pay is doubled each day, starting with a penny a day or a nickel a day. Instead of one month's salary, a boss offers her new employees a penny the first day and experienced employees a nickel the first …

Member Avatar for glurlay

Schema is a string, lstSchemas is listbpb and rc is a variant Schema = VB6.GetItemString(lstSchemas, rc)

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for George Jump

Hello - I have been searching to no avail for a clear and concise definition of VB6 Classes and Class Modules with perhaps some simple examples. Does anyone know where I might find this??? Thanks! George

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hello world of DaniWeb, it's been months since I last visited this forum but here I am asking for your help again :) I've been developing a text editing application and my problem is that the RichTextBox control will "lose" all special formatting (like font, color etc.) when enabling WordWrap. …

Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek
Member Avatar for syd_master

when i run my code...this error come out [QUOTE]"data type mismatch in criteria expression"[/QUOTE] here my code: [CODE]Private Sub Text2_Change() TXT1 = "" TXT1 = "SELECT * FROM Profile WHERE sID =' " & Text2 & "'" If RS.State = 1 Then RS.Close End If RS.Open TXT1, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sti

...will you pls help me with regards about my project.. it was a database and i've already created a form (user interface form for inputing data) with visual basic 6.0.. my prblem is, if the user wants to edit the data he entered how does he do that?.. send me …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for locsin

Greetings Anybody know how to change the position of form controlbox(Minimized, maximized, close) button. Original location is on the top right of the screen. I want to relocate it on the top left. Thankyou in advance

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Dr.Del

Hi, I am a pastor of a small church. I am 67 years old. I am trying to learn to program an address book for our church lay people. I am using the a book titled, “Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming” by John Connell. I managed to get along …

Member Avatar for Mohidul
Member Avatar for nagatron

The traditional way of displaying a file in a fileListBox is by using DriveListBox, DirListBox, and FileListBox. I would like to know how to show files on FileListBox by just using DriveListBox. Let say if I choose C:\, all the files on drive C: with a .ico, .dll, .exe, .ocx …

Member Avatar for nagatron
Member Avatar for exception

I used VB a long time.. i never manipulate a Class.. I just want to know what is the concept in using a class.. because i already graduated in an IT course, and then im eventually working with VB with a back-end SQL Server 2000. when i look at their …

Member Avatar for sajan666
Member Avatar for Kalusingh

Please help me in the following matter:- vb6 Ado database connection vb6 Ado recordset connection show record add record in database delete record from database edit record from database find record from database and all sort of ado connection and add record in datagrid Please give me solution.

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for Priyanka88

Hello, I am using vb6 as front end and oracle as back end. i want to insert new row in database using adodc. i put adodc1.recordset.addnew on command's click event....do i need to mention adodc1.recorset.save or adodc1.recorset.update? and while executing the code text boxes are becoming blank whenever i goto …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for lulus

i´m trying to transfer the info that appears on a textbox to a label in another Form. I wrote this: Me.form9.label5.text=Form2.textbox3.text could you please help me thanks!!

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for auxius

im using visual studio 2010 ultimate and installed Crystal Report Beta 2.my problem is that after i made a RPT file using Crystal report viewer on my form..it appears many error running my app..:-(please help me reconfigure installing crystal report on visual studio...i realy realy need to get this work.

Member Avatar for auxius

please help me.im using vb studio 2010.my problem is that when im trying to save a data on the database access .accdb it wont update the datagrid on my main form..it only update on my CustomerInfoForm where you can input New Item info and a Datagrid but my Datagrid2 on …

Member Avatar for auxius

hello please help me. i want to search a data using from a textbox and a command button to search ..I have a i have a access database and 1 table with 2 fields ID and Name..im using Visual Basic 2010..please help me on second thought after finding a data …

Member Avatar for auxius
Member Avatar for shabadoo

I'm am very new to vba for excel and having a hell of a time with it. I am trying to create a program for small business that will be used by admin and managers to quote jobs, check/update work schedule, check inventory and such. I have a main workbook …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for danielpoche
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Dear Sir, I need a process for monitor internet's downloaded/uploaded data on net by any web browser and save bytes information to any .txt or .mdb file. Thanks & Regards, PARDEEP

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jjemphoung

GOOD DAY! I am working with a project and i need to have a back up database feature. how can i do this? I've read a lot of forums and they suggest to use SQLDMO but when i test their codes its either generating error or does not create the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Storyahe

I'm creating a library which when everytime i add new book, i always get the [B][B]'Update or CancelUpdate without addnew or edit[/B][/B]'.The condition is when the user inputs a new ISBN that is already in the database, the message box will prompt as "That book is already listed!', else if …

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The End.