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Member Avatar for ss123456

i have a database consisting of a table PROJECT(p_id,p_name,P_manager) i am using oracle 9i as my backend and auto increment is possible only through triggers and sequence. instead i would like to retreive the data p_id onto a combo box. simply put- when i add data into my table PROJECT …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for HibaPro

hey everybody , i need the help plzz,,, i have an application that developed using vb6 and i have its database that design by sql server , but i dont know how to make it run , when i run the application its give me the following error : Dim …

Member Avatar for HibaPro
Member Avatar for dinzky0307

i have 2 forms.. the first one is for displaying students record while the other one is for searching student record (in datagrid) i want to display the searched record of a student from form2 to textboxes in form1..how is this possible? If DataGrid1.Col = 0 Then If Text1.Text = …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for abelingaw

I've done programs to save values to a dbase from a certain control, but done one by one. Scenario: * There are 7 textboxes where values are entered. * There are also 7 rows (but in one column only) for each values when save button is clicked. Problem: * How …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for utsav91292

I want to make student management system in which student will enter his data and we can save it in any other program such as word, excel. And when he will open again he can get his data back..

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for llian21

ive been trying to connect visual basic 6 to a database using only codes and i cant make it work. please help

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for compulove

Help writing inventory program in vb! I am writing a program that is a multi-form inventory program for a bookstore with data saved in a textbox. Here is what I need to do: Write a menu-driven multiform inventory program for a bookstore with data saved in a text file. Help …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for dstoltz

If I use WRITE to a text file, it uses quotes " surrounding the lines... If I use PRINT, it does not include quotes - which is what I want... BUT - if the line has a comma in it, like "FIELD1 FIELD2, FIELD 3" then PRINT wraps to a …

Member Avatar for dstoltz
Member Avatar for mark.scutt.7

Hiya, Andre kindly showed me how to put my points into a listbox and sort in numerical order decending. I need a way, (Perhaps another list box) of adding a string, (Players Name) next to the points after they are sorted so we can clearly see who's first etc. Here's …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for angel06

Hello everybody! I'm currently creating my first employee monitoring system here in Visual Basic 6. I have a problem with regards to my program, it has an error of no value given for one or more parameters. The code that I will show here is just a part of my …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

Hello, i got this error when i click my button save. Error: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string. please help me... this is my save button code: Private Sub btnSimpan_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSimpan.Click Dim check As Integer Dim …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Would be implementing a system which database is shared accross LAN nextweek. Scenario: All 5 units are of the same OS (Windows XP) * 1 Server * 4 Client Database is MSAccess 2007 * (but 2003 format in case of compatibility issues) Now here's my checklist: * Make sure all …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for san.ssj

Hello, Im a student doing my final year mini project and am facing a problem related to searching data in the datagrid. The error im getting is : > Run-time error : '3001' > Arguments are of wront type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mgmahilum18

I have a problem for my system Registration in times of printing a record of student. any one here can help me? or give me idea about it ? and im using visual basic 6.0 Im looking forward to you Guys.. help me please?

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for joeweks
Member Avatar for V0lcan1c_A5h

hi i have a datgrid bound using a dataenvironment and i need to filter it using specific fields

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for millionub40

please everyone i want to know the advanced setiings between two forms. i want by database like Encarta software or others.that means when i click the first form i want to appear the second form only. so please help me. thank you.

Member Avatar for Denden17
Member Avatar for akasekaihime

Can anyone teach me how to remove the background image in the form? i am trying to create a system that willn change its background color using option buttons but with the background image in place, the change in back color is not visible........ Please help me. Your immediate reply …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Divinedar

Not sure if this can be done. There are word files in a directory with all familiar names. i.e. fr001, fr002, fr003, etc... all with the extension .doc. I would like to know is there a code that will link an excel file to a directory and then be able …

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Member Avatar for lulemurfan

Hello, I'm making a application to use in college to retrieve my calendar and other things in VB.NET. But my college uses a proxy so when I connect my laptop I need to change the internet settings in my web browser to view web pages. Can anyone help me by …

Member Avatar for ireshagun
Member Avatar for noblesw

I have Table of Contents working fine. I can't get a Table Of Figures to work, however. I have tried setting the Caption property, but I still get "No Tables of Figures Entries Found". Anybody, HELP! Thanks.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mark.scutt.7

Hi all, I wrote an application for our poker games. It works great as a timer and stores our points. My problem is that I want to sort the points in order and redisplay along with peoples names, total tournament games, total games. Here is a snippet of how I …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for honeybee2090

i want creat a login client application have webbrowser1 ,text1 = username , text2 = password, button1 = login and here is link , but user name and pas is wrong i dont want to use http post method i want to use web browser

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for daniesmith

First, if I am not in the correct place, please let me know. I am a novice needing help. I have a single DB (Contractor) with 17 various fields. The purpose is to track the type of license they have, i.e. plumbing, electrical, HVAC, general, etc..... One contractor can have …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for shazib07

Hello guys, i am facing problem while updating database. I get "data type mismatch in criteria expression" error when click update button. Necessary info: *The database i am using is creadted ms office acess appliaction. *I have created a module where i have putted connection data in a sub function …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for dhada18

1. Design and develop a simple Student Registration Program to record the data related to the students. The user will enter the name, surname and age information of the student to the textboxes provided. The gender of the student will be initialized by using option buttons, since there are only …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for habenero

This is what I want to do; I would like to generate some files (csv) with VB. For example for my fantasy sports teams I keep track of the teams stats, lineups and standings. All 3 for 24 weeks. So if I could generate (CSV) files such as filename-homers_lineup_wk_1 (CSV). …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for labq5

How to show field/row serial number on detail data report without use data environment? simply view like this |Number|WO Number|WO DATE|ERROR DESCRIPTION|LOCATION|EXECUTOR NAME| ___________________________________________________________________ | [COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR] |N0.000001|10-01-1| | [COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR] |N0.000002|10-01-2| | [COLOR="Red"]3[/COLOR] |N0.000003|10-01-3| | [COLOR="Red"]4[/COLOR] |N0.000004|10-01-4| | [COLOR="Red"]5[/COLOR] |N0.000005|10-01-5| ___________________________________________________________________

Member Avatar for nihar1989
Member Avatar for compulove

Hello! I need helping using the DataGridView in vb. This needs to show the degrees from 2001 and 2003. I displayed some examples also! The things this needs to display are the following: 1. Display degrees in alphabetical order by field of study. 2. Decreasing percentage of those enrolled for …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

Hey, I've been working with a company which basically works with vb6 and now we're trying to re-write the applications they developed using vb.net any recommendation for where i should start searching , what we're thinking of is to create application programmatically and then loading forms from access then looping …

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The End.