10,993 Topics
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Hello guys, i am facing problem while updating database. I get "data type mismatch in criteria expression" error when click update button. Necessary info: *The database i am using is creadted ms office acess appliaction. *I have created a module where i have putted connection data in a sub function … | |
1. Design and develop a simple Student Registration Program to record the data related to the students. The user will enter the name, surname and age information of the student to the textboxes provided. The gender of the student will be initialized by using option buttons, since there are only … | |
This is what I want to do; I would like to generate some files (csv) with VB. For example for my fantasy sports teams I keep track of the teams stats, lineups and standings. All 3 for 24 weeks. So if I could generate (CSV) files such as filename-homers_lineup_wk_1 (CSV). … | |
How to show field/row serial number on detail data report without use data environment? simply view like this |Number|WO Number|WO DATE|ERROR DESCRIPTION|LOCATION|EXECUTOR NAME| ___________________________________________________________________ | [COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR] |N0.000001|10-01-1| | [COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR] |N0.000002|10-01-2| | [COLOR="Red"]3[/COLOR] |N0.000003|10-01-3| | [COLOR="Red"]4[/COLOR] |N0.000004|10-01-4| | [COLOR="Red"]5[/COLOR] |N0.000005|10-01-5| ___________________________________________________________________ | |
Hello! I need helping using the DataGridView in vb. This needs to show the degrees from 2001 and 2003. I displayed some examples also! The things this needs to display are the following: 1. Display degrees in alphabetical order by field of study. 2. Decreasing percentage of those enrolled for … | |
Hey, I've been working with a company which basically works with vb6 and now we're trying to re-write the applications they developed using vb.net any recommendation for where i should start searching , what we're thinking of is to create application programmatically and then loading forms from access then looping … | |
i have 1 text box and 1 button in my application text box have items like this**** now what i want to do? when i press button then txt change in to this format , like this some when can help me? please | |
I wrote code Private Sub cmdok_Click() Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strSql As String Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic strSql = "SELECT * FROM tb_absensi " & _ " WHERE nrp='" & cmbnrp & "'" & _ " AND tanggal … | |
Hi there experts, I would like to know that is there any way to filter data in vb6 (data grid, flex grid or etc) as we do in excel spreadsheet? If no, can anyone suggest how to filter records in data grid pls? I'm nw to this. Please help anyone. … | |
I have 3 tables in which one column name is common for all i.e PRNO .I want to write SQL query to select everything from Table1 where PRNO is 500, Table2 where PRNO is 500 , Table3 where PRNO is 500 . “Select * from Tab1,Tab2,Tab3 WHERE PRNO=500” Getting Error … | |
-->>Hope all is well... -->>I'm trying to print all records in my list view on my form I went through the tread http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/visual-basic-4-5-6/threads/431714/print-from-mshflexgrid-in-vb-6.0 and tried a couple of eamples it was cool and nice but what comes difficult to me is that my form has List View and not the … | |
-->>I hope all is well,I'm developing an application that stimulates the Computer monitor and so I have lots of buttons more likly as on my Monitor here. -->>I got stuck when I added a Slider on my Vitual Monitor,this is for adjusting Brightness on the Monitor whether high or low... … | |
I've been working on getting a basic VB ASP.NET application put together that uses LDAP to login and I have it working. The login page has a form on it for login but the actual code for the login is inside my web.config file. When the user clicks login it … | |
Hi, A graph is getting plotted in a Picture Box with real-time field values. I want to print the graph in real-time, say in every 10 secs. Tried the following : Printer.PaintPicture Picture2.Image, 0, 0 Printer.EndDoc but this didn't worked..... help plzzz.... | |
Please help me for my problem in adding and retrieving video from mysql to vb 2008. I don't know the codes for it. | |
I have an Access database that I upsized with the wizard wishing to continue using Access for the Front End. I want to be able to connect to the SQL database without having each computer setup for the DSN. I added this to the autoexec macro. Function autoexec() On Error … | |
how to print selected item from your database ms access using visula basic 6.0... | |
i created a game program using vb6 and i finish it already my problem is how can i make this program ready to install in or become installer. | |
Been fighting with this for a while. Office 2007 and Adobe Pro 10. Have VBA code to step through a directory tree and print .doc and .docx files to PDF Printer (set as default). Code runs fine but when I try to open the file, Adobe says it can't because … | |
I'm beginner with vb6, i want help to create vb6 application store data in sqlserver8 Could you give me example for windows application? | |
{Prescriptions.GlsType} Like "SV" and ( ((IsNull({Prescriptions.R_DV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.R_DV_SP}="+2.00") or (IsNull({Prescriptions.R_NV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.R_NV_SP}="+2.00") or (IsNull({Prescriptions.L_DV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.L_DV_SP}="+2.00") or (IsNull({Prescriptions.L_NV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.L_NV_SP}="+2.00")) ) i am having this type of recordselection formula but when i execute this if the First condition ***[((IsNull({Prescriptions.R_DV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.R_DV_SP}="+2.00") or ]*** becomes true then it is giving output, … | |
Hi, Please help on this. How can I let the buttonmenus shows when the toolbar menu is clicked? Here is my code: Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button) Select Case Button.Description Case "Maintenance" 'I want to display submenus when this is clicked! 'button menus: '1.) Employee '2.) company '3.) department … | |
i am doing a project which will display real time ECG(electronic cardio graph) of the patient in vb6. i doint have any idea how can we use serial communication data to plot a continuous graph. thank you. | |
How can I make ONE database be updated from multiple terminals connected through a LAN network? How can I access the database through a LAN network in visual Basic 6? | |
please help me how to do it ,,, step by step please.... hahahahaha | |
i want to change the path so it saves to the current file location. so lets say my current file is 'Z:\cdrfiles\myfile\123'then it should save to the current file open Dim SaveOptions As StructSaveAsOptions Set SaveOptions = CreateStructSaveAsOptions With SaveOptions .EmbedVBAProject = True .Filter = cdrCDR .IncludeCMXData = False .Range … | |
Hi Everyone. It's been a while since I was on here last, but ran into an interesting problem with a nested for loop that I cannot solve. Hoping someone here will know the answer. I placed breakpoints in my code at the For x=1 to 10 line and after to … | |
Hello, I want to search a specific column in ListView. I've coded searching however it always defaults to search the first column, how can i specify which column to search? Here is my code: Private Sub btnSearch_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click If txtSearchThoughts.Text IsNot "" Then 'ListViewSearch.Focus() … | |
-->>Hi everyone,I'm having this problem with updating records in my application my code is: SQL = "UPDATE Ministers SET User_Name='" & txtUser_Name.Text & "',Password='" & txtRetype_Password.Text & "',Prefix='" & cmbPrefix.Text & "',Passport='" & NewPicture_Name & "';" Call dbConnect Conn.Execute SQL Conn.Close Set Conn = Nothing -->>The SQL and Conn variables … |
The End.