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Member Avatar for needHelpVBA

Hello everyone :) I have to do a very imporant project... And I would highly appreciate some useful hints, since I have NO experience at all with VBA... (I have read a book, but just from reading and following those instructions I am not able to key my own tool... …

Member Avatar for needHelpVBA
Member Avatar for ailcid

Hi everyone, please help me with this error. Im trying to fix this for hours now but still im a failure. Thanks, Public Sub LoadListView() Dim strSQL As String Dim objCurrLI As ListItem Dim strZip As String Dim strPhone As String strSQL = "SELECT Accession" _ & " , DateReceived" …

Member Avatar for ailcid
Member Avatar for kavya_nayak7

hii..i have a toolbar which i hav designed in a form..the problem is thatthe code isnt working...i have used screen.activeform in a select case..i think isnt fully correct..plz do help me out..

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for mewa_ashika

[CODE]Dim scoreArray() As String Dim nameArray() As String Dim NewScore As String 'loads the table Private Sub Form_Load() Dim nf As Integer Dim nFile As String Dim sf As Integer Dim sFile As String Dim scoreFile As String Dim nameWholeFile As String Dim scoreWholeFile As String Dim count As Integer …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for rambok4

guys, is it possible to connect a VB6 app to a asp.net page. My friends are making a vb6 app and now they realised they need some web connect as well. I want to know if it is possible to connect vb6 apps and asp.net page. They would use Visual …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for drewpee

[CODE]Unhandled exception in VB6.EXE: 0xC00000005: Access Violation[/CODE] my software recently crashes everytime it access it's DB and this error shows up when i click on the "debug" button. I am able to fix this sometimes when I set the Database name and RecordSource to the same DB and table. But …

Member Avatar for drewpee
Member Avatar for stuckcomputer

I have created the append query in access and have my new data to append to the access table. I have 1500 rows but every time I go to append, it says its about to append 4881 rows. I have deleted the rows several times but it still keeps appending …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for abu taher

I want to make a help file. but I want to do it without vb tools. I want to make it, use another tools. can any body tell me any software to make this kind of help file.

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for Sarama2030

Hi guys I'm developing this system for a cybercafe that will be used for costing and stuff. I've got it all figured out only that I'm not used to client-server architectures- okay I've read about it but I've never applied it. The system is in vb6. could please help me …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, How to measure memory consumption of a VB 6.0's programe? As a programmer in vb. 6.0, where i have to be conscious for getting less consumption of memory of my program at design time? Is there any free software to measure memory consumption of a programe? Please guide …

Member Avatar for P.manidas
Member Avatar for regalla

hai please any body can give me code how to insert one row in already prepared table in ms access

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for tetarpy

I have a program entitled "Club Administration Software". When I try to call up the database, it replies with runtime error 91. Any suggestions? I am using win7 and have it in compatibility mode. It worked great in XP. Thank you for your help.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for smile_pls

Hello DW!, I am in a beginning stage vb user. I need a small help. I need to create a program, if I entered the "product code" in a text box / search box, it wants to display its full details from database, such as Product code, product name, description …

Member Avatar for LennieKuah
Member Avatar for harune

Hello Friends, I am trying to automate PowerPoint using VB6. I want to dynamically create an organizational chart in Powepoint, from a VB6 application. I have Office 2003. I am getting error on the following line, when i try to add a node in the Organizational Chart. ppSlide3.Shapes.AddOLEObject 100, 150, …

Member Avatar for jadown

I built a form called PO Log that contains input text boxes that the user can enter the different iputs that will add an existing row to the worksheet called PO_log. I have the add function working perfectly. But I want to add a function to the form that if …

Member Avatar for N00b3r-1

I'm a complete and utter noob to VB so I sorta bit off more than I could chew with this little project. I'm not so sure how to create a calendar. But I have sort of designed it already. I'm planning on making the layout with labels and maybe tooltip …

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Member Avatar for sudh11482

Dear All, I am using following code at command button named as 'Print'. While running the project it is giving error at the line : Set RptTaxArrear.DataSource = TmpRec "Run Time Error -2147024770(8007007e)'. Automation Error - The Specified module could not be found." '****************************** TmpRec As New ADODB.Recordset If TmpRec.State …

Member Avatar for saphireina

Inputs are 0 and 1, create a Deterministic Finite-state Machine class that accepts NONE or EVEN number of zeros and having an input of 1 does not change its current state..... pls..help me...its for my final project.... pls...i really need help!!!.. thnx guys!!!

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Member Avatar for delizihin

I have problems with adding bullets. I know I can add pictureboxes with commands, but I don't know how can I erase them. I also have problems at adding more than one. [CODE]Dim aButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button() FormName.Controls.Add(aButton)[/CODE] I use this, but still I don't know how can I rename …

Member Avatar for demian007cur

Hi to all, I am a beginner at programming and is trying to learn myself on the way. I was trying the print a data report i created from my DataEnvironment. My only problem is that i have i image in on my datareport. whatever i do it will not …

Member Avatar for abhaypathak
Member Avatar for craigallansmith

Hi Ladies and Gents. I have written an application that reads data from a MS Access database. What I am trying to achieve is that on my data report connected to only 1 data environment, I would like the user to select what fields they want displayed whether it be …

Member Avatar for billmaster
Member Avatar for mewa_ashika

i am making a high score table for my whack a mole game. variable Score on frmGame is [CODE]Public score as integer[/CODE] then in frmHighScore table i have [CODE]Dim numbers As Integer numbers = frmGame.score[/CODE] however variable Numbers comes back as a empty variable for some reason. Help? thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for bdrkb
Member Avatar for web81

Hello all can you help me up with this guys.. i have this application with a product id which is in Hexadecimal format..wat i mean is an alphanumeric format.. and it is asking for a product key.. how can i suppose to know the product key? can you give me …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jjnaren

how to trim extra spaces in RTF box in vb.while [B]trasfering to word[/B] document.

Member Avatar for sidnei
Member Avatar for hkdani

Trying to raise an event in an ActiveX control from a module (.bas file). Been trying to create a timer control that will go past the 1 minute limit of the vb6 timer.ocx. The Windows API SetTimer will do this. But wanted to create an Active X timer control that …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for lean23

help poh cno poh my alm sa bubble sort nid ko poh xe in ascending order, 10 arrays poh ang gagamitin ska input box.pls. poh,,,

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ~wylde~

Hello, Id like to start by saying that I am a beginning programmer. Ive almost finished my code optimizer as my first serious project. What Ive designed this program to do it go through a source (.vbp) file and clean up the coding (removing large unnecessary spaces), from there, there …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for preetisingh

I have a problem . I have to draw a circle at a particular distance say 50 meters from a given lat/log.I refered to Aviation formula's and find a formula to calculate lat/log at a distance and at a bearing which is as follows:- A point {lat,lon} is a distance …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for rumi

hi.im facing an error that says 'syntax error in FROM clause'.i dont know where i went wrong because it used to run smoothly.from my research about this error,it seems each solution is unique,it doesnt relate to what im doing.can anyone please help?here are my codes: [code] Private Sub Cmd_Login_Click() Adodc1.RecordSource …

Member Avatar for Logica

The End.