10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for yAjMeL

How to count data from field name .Fields("findings") and txtcount.text will hold the answer...Please help..I almost forgot to count data from database..Haha

Member Avatar for Khawar_1

sir i am using VB6.0 POS software, i want to know the source code of the software. Regards! Khawar

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for silversurf

Hello everyone. Here is the code first Private Sub Grid1_Click() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Grid2.Cols = Grid1.Cols Grid2.Rows = i + 1 C = Grid1.Row For j = 0 To Grid1.Cols - 1 Grid2.TextMatrix(i, j) = Grid1.TextMatrix(C, j) Next j i = i + 1 End Sub …

Member Avatar for mushtaqueahmed.chandio
Member Avatar for mushtaqueahmed.chandio

Dear friends i am making inventory management i have one problem when i have purchase product form its working successufully. other form is edit purchase order. when i click update it does not save. please any one can help me? here is code private cmdsave_click() Dim dd1 As Database Dim …

Member Avatar for Rameez_1

i am having a problem after saving the entire project. i have connected the database with Visual Basic forms using Adodc connectivity. when i close it and reopen it after a few hours to continue working the Adodc connectivity is lost and shows a blank box instead of Adodc box.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for alina.nazchowdhury

My program worked fine untill i changed it, cause i wanted to be able to see recently opened files in menu bar, after i finished it shows this error: Input past end of file, i do not understand what to do with it, somebody help please, I'll provide full code: …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard
Member Avatar for parthiban.samy.3

hi guys, i am doing a project on vb, now the issues is i am not able to retrive the data from the textbox which in created during runtime. i created 5 textboxes in runtime, i enter the datas for each textbox, but i couldnt read the same. can anyone …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Gulzar_1

I have a Project which is running on client side.i have to develop a program to delete some useless files from the project which is running on client side.so what we have to do? Should we go for exe,dll,batch,patch or ocx i am confused how it will work how it …

Member Avatar for Ewald Horn
Member Avatar for niksxon

I have changed a Document Mode to Internet explore 10 and the event is properly executed. what is the difference between those two?

Member Avatar for venomv1

*Program is attached as well, due to there being pictures of the ships that are required to get the full experience of the program* I am recreating battleship in Visual Basic 6, and I am almost complete. The one part that I am unable to complete, is matching an input …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi Is there a way a vb form structure the same as its backgroud picture? Its same with making the form invisible and let its background picture remain Im trying to make a program that when it runs, it displays like widget. thanks

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for micca.jhai

greetings everyone!. I'm making Clinic system for my project. I just want to ask how to get the total quantity of the medicine and display it on textbox. I'm using using vb6 and adodc. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you... Table name inventory fields: Medicinename StockQuantity

Member Avatar for Ferdielux
Member Avatar for missy_mi

Hello. i use this code to print my vb page form : PrintForm1.Print() But only half of the page from the form is printed. i tried using this , code : PrintForm1.Print(Me, PowerPacks.Printing.PrintForm.PrintOption.CompatibleModeClientAreaOnly) Nothing is prinetd on the printed page. I got only a black page. What can i do …

Member Avatar for missy_mi
Member Avatar for Athiyarath

Iv 10 Tables consisting of atleast 10 fields each in a single Database. Bt, Im only able to connect 1 table at a time to a form using an ADO Control. Im able to add data from table 'student' to textboxes in my form. Bt, hw can I add data …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for gibuh

i need to create a search button for my vb 6.0 to mysql database search that when data is entered in textbox1 (user id), then textbox2 (fname) and textbox3 (lname) feactes data

Member Avatar for ling_tj
Member Avatar for Marius_1

There is a new FaceBook page for Visual Basic 6.0 advanced source codes: https://www.facebook.com/MicrosoftVB

Member Avatar for Marius_1
Member Avatar for yAjMeL

Please help me..What is wrong with this syntax...there are 2 parts of error.. Private Sub class_initialize() DoEvents Set con = New ADODB.Connection With con .ConnectionString = "Driver=(MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver);SERVER=localhost;PWD=;UID=root;PORT=3306;DATABASe=cvsur;" .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open End With End Sub **.Open** was the error from this syntax..(Sytax Above) ______________________________________________________________ And another one …

Member Avatar for yAjMeL
Member Avatar for kcid108

Is it possible to create a program in VB 6.0 or VB.Net that diagnose a computer??? For example check any problems with hard disk or memory or any other peripherals... if it can be done. can somebody point me to the right direction on how can I do this??? thanks …

Member Avatar for kcid108
Member Avatar for Arm55

Hello everybody, I'm new in this forum. I don't know where to place this thread, because it's about VB6 and C, but I think the problem is in the C code so here I am. I'm working with C with no special focus, so the solution can be in C++ …

Member Avatar for Arm55
Member Avatar for markee

Why i can't see the data environment in vb 6? I tried to Project tab but i can't see the data environment then i tried Project > Reference but i can't see Microsoft data environment 1.0 then I tried to Add Component > Designer tab but i can't see the …

Member Avatar for mr.afridi
Member Avatar for ismah

how to transfer data from excel to ms access database?? and how to retrieve data from ms access database using visual basic 6.0??anybody can help me..

Member Avatar for ling_tj
Member Avatar for syed rashid

Dear All, I have a listbox with various items like : Ali, Aslam, Akram, Jone, Mikle, Ebrahim etc. Now I have to select more than one items like : Jone, Aslam, Akram in a Textbox. Could anyone let me know the code. Rashid

Member Avatar for ling_tj
Member Avatar for ranjithattingal
Member Avatar for bhem-bhem

hi...im new in here can any give me or help me to have some code in vb6.0...my project right now is unit conversion..gope can anyone give me a big help..thank you so much.

Member Avatar for Marius_1
Member Avatar for vjeshemv2000

Hai all, i have created a project in visual basic 6 and i made the exe file by clicking the command in file menu " Make Exe ........". but the icon represents like a form. i wnat to change this icon to my own. how can i change it. is …

Member Avatar for Omega330
Member Avatar for LeNenne

In a list box some email now I will that the corresponding name to the email rs.MoveLast rs.MoveFirst max = rs.RecordCount rs.MoveFirst LstData3.Clear List1e.Clear For i = 1 To max If Not Len(Trim(rs("Email"))) = 0 Then LstData3.AddItem rs("email") & " " & rs("eftn") & " " & rs("namn") If Not …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for vividiah

I made a report in VB6 program using crystal report. Here I've made a connection between crystal reports, This is my coding CR_Summary.ReportFileName = "E: \ Report \ payments1.rpt" CR_Summary.Connect = "& OpenDB &" CR_Summary.WindowState = crptMaximized CR_Summary.ReplaceSelectionFormula "iCHECK_PAYMENT.PAYMENT_TYPE {} ​​= '" & C_Payment.Text & "'" CR_Summary.Action = 1 My …

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for mikepeal
Member Avatar for nick.papadakis.908

To create an application installer the following methods are known: - Package and deployment wizard - Visual Basic Installer - Installshield - Inno Setup Are there any more ? I like Inno. Inno allows you to specify the install directory - the others don't. Do you also recommend it ?


The End.