I saw many project resize with change screen resulation. I mean I work with my project in 800 by 600 pixel resulation. when I run It 1024 by 768 pixels then its many control change. but I want it match with changing resulation. example: I have a image control with image in the background of form. when I change the resulation and maximized the form then some place show blink. other control like it. then what I need to do? when I maximized other software the bottom of the screen stop the top of taskbar. how it possible?

Most users will have a problem with you changing their screen resolution but what you can do is set the maximized button to false in properties of the form. That way your form will constantly look the same even if it does not fill the entire screen.

Note: you should check the screen resolution prior to showing the form so you can make sure it will look correctly.

Good Luck

when I maximized other software the bottom of the screen stop the top of taskbar. how it possible?

another thing which resulation is best for work with vb6?

I have some programs that I design for full screen 640x480 and disable the max button on. That way now matter what the resolution is the form looks the same even if it takes up less real estate on the desktop.

Granted, some programs look better if all of the controls are resized based upon the resolution. So with that in mind...




Good Luck

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