10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for abu taher

In my access file I write code in query [CODE]SELECT AccountInfo.incategory, Sum(AccountInfo.InAmount) AS TotalAmount FROM AccountInfo WHERE (((AccountInfo.Date)>=#1/1/2009# And (AccountInfo.Date)<=#12/31/2009#)) GROUP BY AccountInfo.incategory; [/CODE] It show the total amount between 01-01-09 to 31-12-09 and it show in report. but in vb6 I want I select this two date and the …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for burdigol

Hi there! Anyone who could help me in making a report with a picture for each record?could i do this without saving the pciture to the database? can i use the functions in crystal report to do this by just using the location of the picture? i hope someone could …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anyone Explain and Demonstrate the Difference between Modal and modeless form.Kindly let me know the idea.Any help would be Highly appreciated.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for garylelandsmith

I have suddenly began getting 'out of memory' messages while editing an Acess2003 module VB code. It deletes the entered text that caused the message. There is no error number - that's the exact text. Restarting Access and rebooting have no effect. XP SP3, Access 2003, VB 6.5, 1.5GB memory, …

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Member Avatar for Nevidea

I am able to create .xlw files that will open with Microsoft Excel, but is there a way to turn that into a .csv file? The code I use to create the .xlw file is as follows: [code]Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(1) oSheet.Range("A1").Value …

Member Avatar for agyeia
Member Avatar for veeravicky22

pls someone give me a puiz project using visual basic 6 and ms access with adodc connection...plssssssssss... i am under pressure....pls upload file and send me immmediately

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for vaq

Here's what I'm trying to compile: [url]http://pastebin.com/f7f6bceab[/url] Getting an error at: Public Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (Dest As Any, Src As Any, ByVal L As Long) Could someone else try and see what the problem is? I really want to get this compiled into a .dll

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Esgrimidor

Open a word document by a chapter/mark I would like a VB script to execute from Start - Execute for open a word document by a chapter, mark or any other symbol. Thanksss This is my first post. Best Regard to all forumers.

Member Avatar for abu taher

I made data report with condition. I want to input a student id number in a text box and press a button to show all data of this student, but a problem when i input a number in the text box (and press the button) for show the report a …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for Ricky80

hi VB Master, I'm building an application using VB6, MS Access 2003 as database, and crystal report ocx for printing and report. Right now I'm using ms dao (database files) to connect crystal with access. But it is very slow, when I want to show 1 record out of 1000, …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for abu taher

in msflexgrid I have one fixed row. and 5 or more data show in 5 row. If I write code like:`txt1.Text = MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.Row, 1)` then when I click on a row then only one text box show that data. but I want I click a button then all data of …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

I'm having this error: type mismatch.. i dont actually get/understand the error.. i think the error is in the WHERE clause [tblUserAccount].[UserID].. the field [UserID] is set to a data type Autonumber, and the roleUserID is set as integer.. [CODE] Global rolesDbs as new adodb.connection Global rolesRs as new adodb.recordset …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Clueless86

Ive searched and downloaded somethings..But Im not sure what I do need to download, can someone post me a link to where I can get VB6? Or how exactly is VB used..I am a python user, but wanted to try VB for a change.. I am very un certain of …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for sameeraict

i know some about vb.net programming and i'm interested in developing some software which is able to Get Data From Serial Port /parallel Port to my working form. can somebody advice me ,how to start such kind of developing and what should i refere (web sites /e books) for this …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for andy999

Helo all, Can anyone help me .I want to put dilimiter in the substring of a whole string. Here is the string Amitav 12/3/2009,234,201,210,222 I want to put dilimiter in the left most substring like this Amitav,12/3/2009,234,201,210,222 ______________ How can i do that. Thanks

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Member Avatar for jghowatt

I know how to change the master volume control level, but I also need to know how to get the current level so I can change it back to what is was when exiting the application. Does someone know the vb code for this?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for RECrerar

Hi, I'm trying to do a paste special (values) of Excel data into an Excel sheet but coding it from word VBA. I can get a normal past to work however with the paste special the 'Paste' argument is not recognised. I have tried the following (only the paste special …

Member Avatar for RECrerar
Member Avatar for stevenaseron

Cashier 1.0 is a C++ program that displays on the screen item codes with corresponding item description and price (at least 10 items). It asks the user to enter the code of the item purchased by a customer. Then, its description and price are displayed on the screen too. Also, …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

so basicly what i want to do is get a list of the open windows, like all of the tabs in the taskbar. thanks for your time!

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for monq

help please... i'm into vb6 developing and it's my first time to incorporate a barcode reader into my system.. can someone give me a hint on how to do it.. the codes would be much greater... i'm going to use a handheld scanner...

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for MansoorAhmedK

Hello everyone, i want use EnterKey in my Project ,i write some code in from load,but still TAB key use in my project. Here is a code, [B]If KeyAscii = 13 Then SendKeys vbEnter End If[/B]

Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

can anybody explain me.the use of redim statement and preserve keyword over here.kindly let me know the idea .any help would be Highly appreciated. [code=vb] Public Function LoadData() As Boolean Dim codeString As String On Error GoTo LoadData_Error Dim Obj As IProducts '// The classinterface Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset '// …

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Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart
Member Avatar for Agent-of-Chaos

hi i am making point of sale system.. i want to make empty grid and i want to add list box in first cell of each row, that list box contain items name so that when user select item all other cell of that row is filled by the respective …

Member Avatar for Agent-of-Chaos
Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart

Hi! i'm a newbie in VB6, and I'm creating a program that reads arabic numerals and converts the specified Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. Is there a function in Visual Basic 6 that converts Arabic numerals to Roman numerals or vice-versa?:-/ ..,,If none,..would someone , post some code snippets about …

Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart
Member Avatar for Jack.He

hi,all Just like the title,i want to programme a update software for my softeware,but i don't know how to start. Is there a function that can download in VB6?And how to check the version? Please help me....

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, By clicking the button first time - it opens the form. if i try the same thing(in second time) .....In my form only [B]one textbox(using as a lostfocus[/B] and also using recordset[sql]) [B] Runtime Error '3367' : Object is already in collection.Cannot Append.[/B] Please ,help me out..........thanks in advance............

Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi
Member Avatar for Agent-of-Chaos

i am usng key ascii 13(Enter key) to move between text fields... but the problem is that it produce some sound i dont want that it produce that sound, can any one know how to avoid the beep in vb6????? Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) On Error Resume Next If …

Member Avatar for Agent-of-Chaos
Member Avatar for abu taher

a msflexgrid show my data. I write code in msflexgrid_click():[QUOTE]txt1.Text = MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.RowSel, 0) txt2.Text = MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.RowSel, 1)[/QUOTE] for show data in textbox. but one error msg show: "run time error 381 subscript out of range" what I do now?


The End.