10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for XZodia

Hi guys.. I need help with selecting an item in a listbox which gets its items from a database table using While-Wend Loop. The listbox lists the table's contents properly. My problem is how will I add the item I selected in the listbox (e.g. John, Erick) in another table …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Supa_mike

Hi, i have a group box with 2 radio buttons; failure and success. I need to have the text (either failure or success) saved in the access 2007 database instead of values (1 or 2). The same is also happening with the combo boxes. Here's the code am using: (i …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Rakyu

At the moment I am currently working on a program (for school) that saves and reads CD album information from a file (pre-made). The information that can be saved (and read) is the album title, the artist, the recording group, the genre, the date purchased (in the DD/MM/YYYY format) and …

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Member Avatar for korna

I am changing a VB6 program from DAO to ADO and bump into some problems. Before I go into the multi table problems I will start with a single table :-/ I have an Access 97 database with some tables. The tables have no relations among each other. I want …

Member Avatar for vanathi_vb

Hi, please guide me how to use crystal reports in vb6.0.anyone can explain with small example.say for example select the db and tables and fiels and links between tables ,sorting fields..how to call that report using vb.. Thanks in advance, vanathi

Member Avatar for kashy!
Member Avatar for palavi

Hi all, I am getting exceptions while downloading Excel template. i think the problem is in one sheet if i remove that sheet i am able to download with some vb error messages like cannot read file etc., As per my knowledge in vb code for downloading i have changed …

Member Avatar for palavi
Member Avatar for palavi

Hi All, If i protect a sheet then I am getting this runtime error stating Run time error '1004' Application-defined or object-defined error Its not highlighting where is the error .. can anybody help me please i have deadline by today evening.. thanks

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Member Avatar for abu taher

in my database I enter three item in 'Item' field. paper, pen, pencil. in my vb project i have three text box. here I want these three item show in this three text box. how it possible.

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for pearllyn

Hi, i need source code on how to check whether a new picture has upload in the folder. the source code have to be in VB. Thanks

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ttqtrang146
Member Avatar for gdkons
Member Avatar for gdkons

How can I create group report in Data Report by writing code without using Data Environment. I'm using VB 6 and SQL server 2000.

Member Avatar for johnGIS

Who has VB.Net notes for a beginner. Send them to [email]jyumbya@yahoo.com[/email]

Member Avatar for drabsch

hi, How do you make a exe open and run in a different directory in vb6? so my exe is in the directory D:\test.exe and want it to run in the directory C:\ without copying the file there

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Member Avatar for craigallansmith

I have posted this before and have not resceived a response. My problem is that when I create a simple data report and then run it, it takes about 2 min to display. I thought it was something i did but i deleted my project and started again. for some …

Member Avatar for kashy!
Member Avatar for LoNe_KiD08

Hi Guys, I got a problem with my report when I'm started previewing it. Just see this link for the details and my screen caps. [url]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb243/jumbo08/REPORT.jpg[/url] Thanks and advance...:)

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for CMSHelper
Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for WUT

Does anyone know of an easy way to implement a basic time-clock type function, that refreshes the display each time the information changes (perhaps in an allocated memory space)?

Member Avatar for zobl
Member Avatar for abdabd

Hi everybody , I am working on VB.6 but when tried to add component Microsoft data bound grid from the component list I did not find it , please help me I need to show my dbase .

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for chozhan

How to implement the activexcontrol at runtime. Activex control name is A32Control.

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Member Avatar for kehar

Hello, My problem is that when i try to see other datails of the person names selected in the list box, i can see the details of the firstname (first item) of the list box only and not the second onwards. So pl tell me the code to write so …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for nileshgr

I have two class modules namely DbConnection and Database. Database has all methods which are required to manipulate the tables (Insert, update, delete, move). And DbConnection has connection related methods (Connect, Close, StartTrans, CommitTrans, RollbackTrans) I have a global instance of DbConnection in a standard module and I don't initiate …

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Member Avatar for grazyah

hi, i have two listboxes namely list1(contains countries) AND list2(contains places).. the flow is when i select a country in list1, the places will be displayed in list2. how do I add places into a selected country in list1? also how do i display the places in list2? im new …

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Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi guys, im trying to develop a library system.. i actually don't know how to implement/create a code on filtering a certain search for a certain book by using keywords.. any code snippets out there?

Member Avatar for JerieLsky
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

i simple want when user click on the select all checkbox.all the checkboxes of list view should be filled with check sign.which is working fine.but problem is that when user click again on the checkbox .checksign still stay there.kindly let me know the idea any help would be highly appreciated. …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for gilehmi

Hi I am new to Visual Basic and I am trying to replicate the agent spreadsheet model set out in North and Macal (2007). Could someone please assist me? I have written out the code and worked out a few of the basics but the macro will not run. Being …

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Member Avatar for sotvisal
Member Avatar for jaasaria

Hi guys .. i wanted to open some of my files. like mswords that save in any of my folders. also wanted to open .txt, .jpg, html etc files. any code for this.. i have an idea using shell "location of exe" but it open exe files only. i wanted …

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Simple made programme for testing purpose.user take input from 1 to nine.and function convert that numeric number into text like one two ...nine. function is working fine .but the number in words is not comming in Upper case.Kindly let me know the idea.any help would be highly appreciated. [code=vb] Public …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for lakshay

hello vb experts, i have added no. of items through list,now iwant to total two combo box items in a text box plz. give me reply as early as possible. Thanks

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr

The End.