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Member Avatar for rishu pal

i make my project set up but when i install it on another computer it gives error that " can not find data in c:/document and settings.how we an solve it plz tell me

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for subrata.roy.7583992

I've a field, say "Invoice No.", i want to be this as an auto-generated number. like DLP/001/2013-2014 DLP/002/2013-2014 DLP/003/2013-2014 . I use vb6 and Access.how can i do this?

Member Avatar for subrata.roy.7583992
Member Avatar for Sturdy

Hi all, I need to read my text file that contain first name, last name, age and blood types. All of it separated by semicolon sign. Eg: `Trudy;Canavan;41;AB` What i need to achieve is read the text file into different arrays. Please help me. Thank you

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Member Avatar for subrata.roy.7583992

hi guys, i am making invoice form in vb6, i have to make grid view so that user can add item details in row just by clicking on it and new Grid is open when user want to add new item. like productname description qnt rate amount ----------------------------------------------- row1 row2 …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

i have this code an everytime i run it. `ActivePrinter = "PDF Complete on PDFC"` `ActiveWorkbook.PrintOut copies:=1, collate:=True, Preview:=False, PrintToFile:=True,` `PrToFileName:="C:\Users\srnardo\Desktop\CONVERT" & "\" & strFileName` i get this : >Runtime error '1004': >Your file could not be printed due to an error on PDF Complete on PDFC. im trying to …

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for arudhumbu
Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi and thanks. I am wondering if there is a way to clear the screen before the program is loading. Lenny

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for GeoEqual

.ConnectionString = "Driver=MySQL ODBC 5.2a Driver; SERVER=localhost; UID=asdsadafg; PWD=sadsadsJFKSKF9; DATABASE=SampleDB; PORT=3306; OPTION= 1 + 2 + 8 + 32 + 2048 + 16384 can anyone explain the OPTION, what this connetion string will do... i have no idea.. please explain

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

Can i convert an excel file to PDF file .. can anyone give me an example macro .. Thank you guyss ..

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for ABDALSLAM.ALI

create a text file called contacts using Notepad (programs> accessories > Notepad) with n=15 records for storing their name,sex age ,telephone and email address that resembles the below. "Hiba", "M",20,1234567,"aaa@yahoo.com" "ahmed", "f",21,2345678,"bbb@yahoo.com" "ali", "M",25,3456789,"ccc@yahoo.com" write a program to read the file display contact information.

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi I have tried evrything in a list box. The listbox contain this 04-25 ene and I will deselect 04-25 when I am going to dbclick on that item the name "ene" shall I display in a book Any Help Lenny

Member Avatar for LeNenne
Member Avatar for HanyaYgSatu

I have to do final year project based of system .. i've choose to make information technology system .. i have to make it showed up at LCD sceen using database monitoring system .. i have to link to our University student database .. it such a hard work .. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ABDALSLAM.ALI

write a program to calculate the areas and circumferences of circles given thier radii 5.2 , 7,12,7.7 and 23.5. Round your output to 4 decimal places

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ABDALSLAM.ALI

write a program to generate 200 interger random numbers in the range [1000,9999]? can some one help me please use Visual Basic 6 write a program to generate 200 interger random numbers in the range [1000,9999].compute (a)how many of thee numbers fallin the ranges 100-2499, 2500-4999.5000-7499 and 7500-9999? (b) how …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

I have this code. pdfCreator.ActiveSheet.PrintOut copies:=1, ActivePrinter:= _ "PDF Complete on PDFC", collate:=True How can i add a save location to this code . My default is the desktop when i save all the the file to be converted my desktop becomes a mess . can anyone help me how …

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for Chris450

Hi I just started playing around with Visual Basics today and thought it would be cool if I could make a program to work out the weight and the price of a square peice of steel. I have tried to solve the problem and fixed many errors but now I'm …

Member Avatar for Chris450
Member Avatar for ng5

I have a form with a calendar and a textbox with 2 buttons. The calendar is the vb 2010 tool and the textbox overlaps it so that when a day is selected on the calendar you can make an appointment for that day. i have a save button and a …

Member Avatar for ben.ot.18
Member Avatar for fx.eko

hi all I have a problem with the error message "System Error & H80004005 (-2147467259)", this happens or appears when I make a program with VB6 and now I have created a program that will save me. Please enlightenment, thanks for the help

Member Avatar for fx.eko
Member Avatar for gowans07

I have a school project in which i am creating a barcode scanning system. I now want to add the ability to create and print a barcode. As far as i can see there is three ways of going about it, firstly creating an individual image of the numbers 0 …

Member Avatar for Fredwis
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

DOes anybody here know how to use send key for alt+s . can you please tell me how to do it. thank you!!

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

The default print area is upto cell H how can i extend it to I? Can anyone here help me .. thank you.

Member Avatar for game4tress

Is it possible to place a VB6 application working on Windows Azure and share it among several clients? If so, how? My thanks in advanced

Member Avatar for game4tress
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi I am going to be crazy I have a txtbox with 1950-04-23 How can I extract just 1950 from that box and take the pc's date ( as today is 2013-04-23) to a label.caption and the result shall be 63 years in the labels caption. Lenny

Member Avatar for LeNenne
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

Can anyone tell me how can i convert excel to word . I hope anyone can show me how to include the tables in the convertion. thank you!!

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for GeoEqual

xlWSheet.Range("C19:K19").Merge xlWSheet.Range("C20:K20").Merge xlWSheet.Range("C21:K21").Merge xlWSheet.Range("C22:K22").Merge up to 54, thanks

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi I am going to solve a problem and have now idea of how, I will that in the list1 only those people that correspond to the date of the date is showing. No one else than that one of the day the word Prn is standing for birthday in …

Member Avatar for LeNenne
Member Avatar for SpectateSwamp

I haven't used this type of function since 1975 and a keypunch verify system. Now I want to navigate between mini video segments. My app can play mini slices of a video and if a directional key is entered I want it to switch to another video segment or back …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for mlesniak

Hello. I have a listbox that I would like to display and I would like to set a default selected item, which I will not be able to determine until run-time. Is it possible to set a default item in the program code? I have looked at the Index property …

Member Avatar for mlesniak
Member Avatar for subrata.roy.7583992

Hi I would like to know :- 1. after developing a program with vb 6 then I would like to run the setup n install it in different computer,but when i run it adodc not connected with database Can I connected adodc in my computer ? Because my intention is …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for kiran2012

Hi, My problem is, the Update query process is painfully slow. Every time user updates a value to a column, it is taking more than 1 min ! I have to update a cerain field Yes/No based on some other field values from the same table. Below is my code: …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.