10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for subrata.roy.7583992

hi guys, i am using vb6.i want to know which type of picture used for imagelist and toolbar control.

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

HI, I buy a SNMP board for my project and i got some problem to understand SNMP code with VB, Can somenone help me?, i got this code under another project, and i want to use it in my project but, when i copy and paste it in my project, …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for mlesniak

Hi all. Using VB6: I have an application in which I am programmatically populating a datagrid. When I first drop the datagrid on my form, it has 2 columns by default. I can add further columns to them but I wanted to know if there was a tidy way of …

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for nitos

hi, i need to .show a window to enter the date of a record when it was recalled i have the following so far but its jumping the frmRecallDate.show line. Any help is appreciated Private Sub cmdRecall_Click() On eror GoTo ErrMsg: With rsRecalls If .State = 1 Then .Close .Open …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi I know how to make just numeric textbox, but the problem is that I wisch to enter in the text box wit 2 numbers and then search trough a database to recive just zipcodes. Lenny

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for mnorton

Hi - I am a pretty remedial visual studio express user. I recently understood how to do cascading comboboxes using the binding sources of the related tables, eg tbl 1 Make, Table 2 model, so as eg only ford models displayed in cbo2 if Ford selected in cbo1 - thanks …

Member Avatar for mnorton
Member Avatar for sem.sabiduria
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I am getting this error when I try to pass an sql string to an external crystal report. extenal in the the report is not part of the project but a crystal report file. I have uploaded a summarised version of the project Dim Report As New CrystalReport1 Set rs …

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for rishif2

There is very simple application (it uses some special fonts). Now i wanna create a setup using package & Deployment wizard , So what should be done to add that fonts to the package . These fonts should be installed automatically when user run the setup and so that there …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for kimangel

hi experts, gud am! I need your help on my DTR form. When I generate report for the total hours, the counts on the hours is correct only when time in and time out difference is more than 30 minutes but when it's less than 30 minutes for example: 12:46:13 …

Member Avatar for kimangel
Member Avatar for kwng

I have this problem of moving my codes around in my external drive. Everytime I plug the external drive to a new PC, a different drive is assigned and I would have path not found error in my program. I only knew about set_path=app.path which is actually referring to the …

Member Avatar for fsshah
Member Avatar for yuvjeeth

Hi Guys, I would like to know of any way avaliable to Import / Convert Vb6 Projects to Vb10 Project. It would be very helpful to me because it is a large program which has too much of coding which I cannot redo in the Vb10. Any post would be …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for HibaPro

how i can make my crsytal report show the data depend on Supplier name , any help plz ??? i have 6 Suppliers on each report

Member Avatar for aditya.pandey.50702

I am making an application in which i want to store a user in a form and then when i visit other forms i want that forms to show the content from that form's database table to show the record for that user only... Example : If frmbasic is first …

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for De.morgansPink

hi, i want to delete data in database from textbox. after i execute my program.there was error saying that oledbexeption was unhandelled and Syntax error in FROM clause. can you help me.. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim data As String Dim objCmd …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for ben.nahalewski

ok so i have set commands which i normally use with cmd.exe but i need to create gui so its easier based off clicking a button and it would process the entire command for me but still have selection with VB if anyone could show me the the conversion of …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi all, Is it possible to select multiple records (rows) in "DataGrid" and then delete all selected items? Because I can't find any properties to enable for multiple selection. Whenever I try to delete a record, system always prompt the run time error. Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim count As Integer …

Member Avatar for zawpai
Member Avatar for EkoX

Hello friends, I'm tring to make excel file using vb but i don't know how to do it. There anyone know how to do this. Thank you. Eko

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Member Avatar for november_pooh

Hi all, As i mentioned in thread title, i want to create and delete folder. How i can create and delete folder/directory with vb6. Please help Regard

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

Do anyone here Know how to get the previous month of a given date.. Example given date: 11/25/2012 Output: 10/25/2012 thank you.. i know you can help me ..

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

Hello, I have a form that has hit its max for controls. I have created a UserControl to add more to the form. I can re-size the UserControl but the controls on the UserControl are not resizing. I have the Sheridan ActiveResizer tool on the form that works with all …

Member Avatar for WordTickler
Member Avatar for androidz

Good Day Hi, I would like to know, how to work with wireless and lan connections in vb6 and how to generate a random password on every users who wants to use the internet connection,this password has a limited time only it expires depends on the number of minutes you …

Member Avatar for Saleem_1
Member Avatar for keedier

hi there, im new in coding on visual basic, well, im new at coding at anything :) i have a problem on my telephone directory program that i created about listview, i was wondering if i can click the item on a listview and show the result on a new …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for somjit{}

hi everyone :) i want to learn vb6 , but i dont know where to start. I have a college project related to creating banking software where vb6 is being used as the frontend. i have around 1 month to get my vb6 skills up , as the project has …

Member Avatar for chowdhary.barnali
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

Can Anyone here can tell me How to create a Date Picker in MS EXCEL using MACRO. And Binding it with a Button onClick Event. Thank You

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Allorango

i have asdecr.dll file and i have to call c++ 2010 dll made file in vb 6 tell me process in detail.. like after open vb 6 what should i have to do to open dll file... step by step

Member Avatar for Allorango
Member Avatar for jayrbete

Can you help me about inserting video in resources of visual basic and how to call it and play in my media player in a form..because i have media player in my project and my problem is how can i insert video and call it from resources... i hope you …

Member Avatar for jakewebb
Member Avatar for odohben

please how can i create a database and link it to my VB6 application. i designed a VB application to hold bio-data that will be updated from time to time but am finding it difficult to create the access back-end for it. please any urgent help will be most welcomed.

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

I always get this error: >RUNTIME ERROR '32809' > Application-defined or Application-Defined error file_Path = interpo.ActiveSheet.Range("B12").Value number_of_loops = (interpo.ActiveSheet.Range("B9").Value - interpo.ActiveSheet.Range("B6").Value + 1) * 96 do anyone know how to fix this.

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

Hi, i have a form and i have 2 input box. Is there any way to restore the last input in reopening the Form. 'is there any code like this? userform1.input_date.value = userform1.input_date.lastValue Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for imBaCodes

The End.