10,993 Topics
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I need to concatenate characters from a text document to create a phrase. I understand the concept of concatenating from text boxes on a form, but not concatenating characters from another file. This isn't my assignment, but it is the concept I need to understand. A text document that reads … | |
does anyone know how to make syntax of max if in vb excel 2007? (not formula) | |
17 May 2013 | I am trying (with no success) to connect an Access 2010 Table (.accdb).to a Vb6 ADO data control and having no luck at all. I have downloaded and installed the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 (as i read that this would solve the problem) and to be honest had expected … | |
Hi How to kill a file in this format kill App.Path & "\backup\backup\PhoneTel.mdb" & Format(Now, "yymmdd_hhnn") & ".mdb" Lenny | |
Hi Again I have a file list with 2 backup library For i = 0 To File2.ListCount - 1 If File2.Selected(i) Then min = Left$(File2.fileName, 12) ' here I got the file name from PhoneTel.mdb130513_2014.mdb '********** min is Phonetel.mdb Kill App.Path & "\phonetel.mdb" sourcefile1 = File2.Path & "\min" ' The … | |
im just a noob vb programmer and im now making a thesis project (library system) im just wondering if any1 know how to do that (see title) in visual basic coz im planning to put that in our text box for searching books or student info for easier searching. help … | |
This code show how to made a MDI Form Borderless. Tested on Visual Basic 6 under Windows XP SP3 platform. | |
I want to put the total on the last row of the sheet regardless the number of the records. If 10 rows are populated, i want to put total on 11th row. If 12 rows are populated, i want to put total on 13th row. If I based the adjustment … | |
i'm inneed of a sample project on preschool management system developed in vb6 to my subject System Develop and System Desigh.. does anybody help me in this? it's urgent? [Click Here](null) | |
What to do when connection is lost in a client-server system? Is it okay to automatically logout the user from the system when connection is lost?.. Do you have better idea than this? thanks... | |
I can not for the life of me figure out how to solve for a cubic equation using visual basic. I have tried multiple codes found on the internet, but they do not work or there is code I do not understand (such as root.root). Here is the equation I … | |
Hi I wonder how to count the backup files I have. If I say like this 1: making backup OK 2: making backup OK 3: now is the question how to count the backup files so I can remove some of them or kill one Bonzo | |
Hi The problem is when I have open the common dialog and press the cancel button I got error code 32755 say that I have pressed the cancel button and i halts On Error GoTo MnuNamnD_click_exit With dlgDemo .CancelError = True .InitDir = mstrLastDir .Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly .fileName = .FileTitle … | |
I am automating the application installation using vbs. I have a code which launches the setup exe file and proceed further with sending the keystroks. But now I need to get the text of the installer window. I can get the title of installer window(using objShell.AppActivate ) but didn't found … | |
Hi I wonder how to create a Mru list of the last open mdb file in app.path and how to numerate this in order of used Lenny | |
Hi guys, I have a VB6 exe file on pc A and I want run this exe from pc B. Pc A and pc B are connected in internet. Then, the running exe file in pc B has to send in real time data to pc A Is it possible … | |
how can i code for the windows media palyer in vb pls? | |
i want to save the image together with excel file. Like this, this is my code converting vb report to word: ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddPicture FileName:="" & App.Path & "\logo1.jpg", Left:=140, Top:=0, SaveWithDocument:=True Is there an option on excel like "SaveWithDocument:=True" | |
Hello, I support a large VB5 application which is installed and running on a number of windows PC's around the world on versions up to win 7. I have installed it on windows 8 and whilst the program starts, it fails with error 70 in a number of places. On … | |
Hello all, I am very new to visual basic, I started codeing at the beginning of this semester so bare with me. Main goal of this post: Create an array for a table of properties of my gas Have my program read a temperature value input by the user Find … | |
I am currently creating a game. Everything in this game works great. To reset the highscores you click on a button and an input box pops up asking for your admin number. If the number is entered correctly the text files containing the highscores are deleted and blank ones replace … | |
can anyone tell me how to programe barcode in vb6.0. i want to use barcode reader in my newly developed retail shop software. i'll be very thankfull? | |
Hi all, I'm make a program to read text file. I can read the text file but don't know how to write it to listview. This my code to read into arrays: Function ReadFileText(ByVal filename As String) As String Dim handle As Integer ' ensure that the file exists If … | |
Option Explicit Dim card(1 To 52) As String Dim cardused(1 To 52) As String Dim deck(1 To 52) As String Dim profit As Integer Dim playerscore(1 To 5) As Integer, dealerscore(1 To 5) As Integer Dim playercards As Integer, dealercards As Integer Dim currentcard As Integer Dim playerscard(1 To 6) … | |
I want to populate combo box with particular field value of a table in ms access. datafile = "D:\database.accdb" With cn .Provider = "microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" .ConnectionString = datafile End With cn.Open Set rs = cn.Execute("select * from mytable") Do Until rs.EOF combo1.AddItem rs!name rs.MoveNext Loop cn.Close I am getting runtime error … | |
Hi I have the file copy statement to copy a sourcefile = App.Path & "\PhoneTel.mdb" destinationfile = App.Path & "\backup\PhoneTel.mdb" FileCopy sourcefile, destinationfile sourcefile1 = App.Path & "\backup\PhoneTel.mdb" destinationfile1 = App.Path & "\backup\backup\PhoneTel.mdb" FileCopy sourcefile1, destinationfile1 how can I get the backup file from backup\backup with the old data, not … | |
This type of message appears when I start downloading information of agents from 'Visual DO Magic' . DO Oline FUP update Runtime error '91' object variable or with block variable not set. | |
I Have created a movie database in visual studio 2008, and its just not saving my records to my access database, Can anyone help me, if it helps if you send me a PM i can send you the file Thanks Michael | |
READ a text file line by line and store it into string if a particular pattern is found ,then output the pattern into differnt string ? | |
Hi group, I already build a program with vb6. The problem is when the program is running and user click the exe file again then it makes program running twice in same time. Is there a way to restrict this happened? Thank you. |
The End.