10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Masterace
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Member Avatar for student02

Im just having a problem on my VB 5 update command.. [CODE]Adodc1.RecordSource = "UPDATE Tuition_Fee SET (Amount_Paid, Balance) VALUES(" & WHERE Tuition_Fee_ID_PK = " & Form2.Label16.Caption 'Adodc1.RecordSource = "UPDATE Tuition_Fee SET (Amount_Paid = " & & ", Balance = " & Val(Text1.Text) - Val(Text2.Text) & ") WHERE Tuition_Fee_ID_PK = " …

Member Avatar for student02
Member Avatar for yopirates

hi.. friends.. i hav created a new form!! 4 my project but i need a horizontal scroll bar to be attached to it so that i can add more no sections.. to right side of the form!! 15360*11520 is the default size of the form!! i want to increase the …

Member Avatar for yopirates
Member Avatar for savi_karthika

Dataenviroment designer is not working? do anyone know the solution. pls help me. It was working earlier but now whenever i run a report i am getting error message "failed getting rowset from current datasource"

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for piyakka

I am very interested in knowing how i might code a function using the DateTimePicker control to see if i can to check and see if and when any date and day of any given year falls on a sunday so that the function will force a radiobutton.checked from one …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for yentenwangchuk

[I]<<split from [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post456250.html#post456250"]here[/URL]>> [/I] oh! if you dont mind can you help me too. i have completed programing and it almost 99 % is completed. but i dont know how to create set up file. i tried with the help of employing and deploying wizard but when i install my …

Member Avatar for Vineeth K
Member Avatar for vishaldalya

can anybody send me code on the following VB6. TOTAL 4 COMBO BOX: 1) when form load, all the combo boxes are blank 2) When selecting one combo box item, it effect other combo box ex : in first combo box we have entry of all the countries in the …

Member Avatar for Vineeth K
Member Avatar for namurt1

I want to build a simple app, text box and command button to open a excel file with a specific worksheet. lets say i have 20 excel files with 20 worksheets each all with various names, I'm trying to make it so i can enter the worksheet name in my …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kashy!

Hi friendz, I completed a project in VB6 recently, its a database handling project, Problem is, I have created a SETUP with all its required files via PDW wizard, when I run that setup just before completing the setup there came a message that "System files are outdated" so I …

Member Avatar for kashy!
Member Avatar for DogDee

Hi all I have a datetimepicker icon in my toolbox but when i try to add to the from in datagrid view it comes up with an error saying "Element not found" and when i click on the help icon in this pop up box it displays nothing. Forgive me …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for The Pobo

Hey, I'm a student with rudimentry knoledge of VB6 and I've a college project where I have to develop a blackjack game. Unfortuanately I've a problem with the method I call the cards I was wondering if any of you would be able to shed some light on the problem. …

Member Avatar for The Pobo
Member Avatar for anandmanole

While developing program, i made six to seven text boxes to add the data in mdb database. All the data are properly added to the the database but for presentation purpose i have to show all these in one row & one column only. Ex: Textboxes for address: 1) Flat …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for tyrael

im using vb6 then i add dataenvironment in the project. i dont know how to connect dataenvironment a dynamic connection to database. i already type this syntax to the dataenvironment and it didnt work. "provider blaa blaa blaa\app.path\db.mdb" the bug sez the oledb specification does not support the syntax.. help …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for drewpee

Im trying to create a report that only includes records that was created between to [B]Date Variables[/B], [B]dateTo[/B] and [B]dateFrom[/B]. There are three combo boxes used to get the values for the two dates. Here's the code I didn't include the select case for the month(in string) to be converted …

Member Avatar for drewpee
Member Avatar for cricket2030

Hello, I am taking a VB.net class and am having trouble seeing the difference between event driven and object oriented programming. This will not help on any assignments, I have already turned it in, but I do not understand why VB6 is considered event driven and .NET is object oriented. …

Member Avatar for cricket2030
Member Avatar for leverin4

I want a certain subroutine to run if the user clicks the red close button in the top corner of the form. Is there a subroutine similar to Form_Load() when the form is opened that will do this for me? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for vishaldalya

Friends i am developing small application for my test purpose in which i have lots of problem. mainly code for the project depends on form 2 & form 3. Zip file attached. 1) Whether to use Datagrid/MSflexgird/MSHflexgrid to display data from database. 2) form 2 is used only for display …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for johnpatrick01
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Member Avatar for london-G

Hello I need ideas of how to create my project. I am supposed to create a map and shows description of each cities. So i have put buttons on each cities on the map and when the user clicks on a certain city he/she should see the description of it …

Member Avatar for london-G
Member Avatar for WAIWAIWAI

This is the condition, the user must enter a set of integers that ranges from 0-9 (so therefore the user is free to use up to 10 digits) and no two numbers are the same. The user interface is like a calculator without the signs. I've done the array and …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for avirooge

Hi, i would like to connect a webcam to vb6.0 or to vb.net and wolud like to take a photograph which is then to be stored in access / sql database. plz. help me Avinash Rooge

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for psyvanz

i've got an attachment below... kindly scan it before opening.. i put it there so you can understand easily... cause there is no way i can put an image HERE. i hope you would understand it? thanks in advance... GOD bless

Member Avatar for betabasic

Hello guys.. Please help me on this.. I downloaded this file: [CODE]http://www.cproxy.com/download/cpsetup_en.exe[/CODE] Then I decompiled it using [B]Form Extractor[/B] Software.. But VB6 is the only programming language I know.. How can I convert Delphi to VB6? :(

Member Avatar for anant26692
Member Avatar for mstangeh

hi, I need to create or replace a permanent query in access (like a view in oracle, postgres...), but from vb6 using ADODB. i know that i can create and alter tables using a ADODB connection object with something like this dim obj as new adodb.connection ... ... obj.execute "create …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for vighnesh
Member Avatar for tejubjp

hi.....how to read n write multiline data excel file in vb6.0?i would like to know d concept of excel file handling in vb6.0 .......help needed....

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for czarinahao
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this i am confuse, if i will use this [CODE]sql = "select * from item_table where itmno = '" & m_item & "'" Set item_rs = con.Execute(sql) 'do i still need to use this With cmd .ActiveConnection = con .CommandText = "item_table" .CommandType = adCmdTable …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for johnovision27

Hello all! Firstly, sorry, it's been a while since I've been programming and I'm relatively new to VB My question is this; I want to change the number in an object identifier to what ever number the program picks at random. Roulette, 37 spots on the wheel, random number 1-37, …

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Member Avatar for rhomz

somebody help me... im using VB6.0 for my project and badly i need a littlE help,, the program should goes like this: --==>>>when yOu input a number in a textbox and click a command button label with"ADD" the number you input will automatically add to the listbox but should be …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr

The End.