10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for renierose

My problem are if you log in to the attendance system there is a 30 minutes interval before you can log - out to the system. then if you log- out to the system you can log -in again, until you complete the 8hours of working for one day.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for kavya_nayak7

Hiii...Iwant to retrieve the month part from dtppicker(like i want to display the monthwise reports or display a paricular month's entries from database) ..can anybody provide a solution for this?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Bananat

I am trying to generate a mouse click based on x, y position and not using a hwnd. I've tried several examples but none seem to work for me. I'm using VB6. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for timmmy

ey, im looking some code that will open up the browse window so i can open a file for my database i have created thanks :)

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for lomyuk
Member Avatar for purplegerbil
Member Avatar for Comatose

Another Small And Simple Function To Take Each Character of a string, and put it into an Array, This helps significantly when you need to sift through a string. This Function Uses The spush (String Push) Function, Also In Code Snippits.

Member Avatar for jfc2k4
Member Avatar for drewpee

Ok so i have a couple of [B]Strings[/B] and [B]Dates[/B] I'd like to use in making my reports. I can't seem to make it work. any help? This was my latest failure. [CODE]SELECTCCIF_No, Date_Recieved, FROM serviceRS WHERE Date_Recieved >= '" & DateFrom & "' AND Date_Recieved <= '" & DateTo …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for NILESHMPRABHU

How Do I Make My Vb Executable Filel In To A Service So That It Starts As Soon As System Starts. Also If This .exe File Is Closed, I Want To Shut The System. Please Help.

Member Avatar for kmeldo
Member Avatar for student02

Hi guys, I just want to ask if its possible to print some desired fields or data that is within database or vb used on MS word.. like this one example: First Name: (Field_FirstName on db) Last Nane: (Field_Lastname on db) scan by: (Text1.Text on vb) is it possible? if …

Member Avatar for student02
Member Avatar for jemz

hello, can you help me..is it possible that i will change the default font of the messagebox?....can i make it bold or using any fon..please help me on this ...thanks in advance hoping for your positive responds.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kartouss

Hello, I need to a browse button to be able to open an image in the image control and also be able to get the path for the image... Can anyone help...

Member Avatar for chrisjake
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this problem....i put this in form load txtunit.text = "C" my problem is that how can i position the cursor after the letter C..if i use txtunit.setfocus the cursor can be found before the letter C but i want it after...please help me.. thanks in …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for akssps011

I have written the following code for VB6 The application uses MS Access and used Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLEDM Provider [CODE] Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click() On Error GoTo Handler Eval_Env.Insert txtEvalCode.Text, txtEvalName.Text, txtEvalPhone.Text, 0 ClearControls Label4.Caption = "Data Submitted Successfully" Label4.Visible = True Handler: MsgBox "An error occurred" Label4.Visible = False …

Member Avatar for akssps011
Member Avatar for student02

I used autonumber for my id. i attach the screen shot.. [ATTACH]13899[/ATTACH] and i dont know how to make a code for compute command.. It should compute all the payments on that day, but i really dont have an idea how to make it.. ill attach my vb and access …

Member Avatar for student02
Member Avatar for lloydi12345

Hi, i am having a problem on my program [CODE]Private Sub Command1_Click() If text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox ("You have no content on your 1st Textbox") Else End If . . . Bunch of codes that will result to an error if there is no value for text1.text[/CODE] When the …

Member Avatar for student02
Member Avatar for kavya_nayak7

Iam doing a sales and purchase management proj ...i need to implement a feature in which the stock updates like if it is out of stock it should notify me before a time period like 7 days or so///the front end is vb 6.0 and back end is sql server …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for rrocket

Is it possible to find a record in a datagrid by typing characters into the grid? Bascially if I have the following records: Anne Bob Bill Bud Carl Carlos Curt And type "C" it will got to the records that start with "C". If I type "Ca" it will go …

Member Avatar for LordOne
Member Avatar for mahdouch5

please help me in [B][I][U]Private Sub bt1_Click() [/U][/I][/B] please pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase [COLOR="Red"][B][I]compile error: Method or data member not found[/I][/B][/COLOR] Private Sub balance_Click() Dim sc As Single Dim sd As Single sc = 0 sd = 0 For i = 0 To listcr.ListCount - 1 sc = sc + CSng(List.List(i)) Next i …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for salman.paracha

Please help.. I am trying to create an outlook script that will parse the subject line of emails coming from a particular source and organize them, by the ticket number present in the subject line. However, VB is sucking the life out of me on the error below I am …

Member Avatar for mahdouch5
Member Avatar for Masterace

Hi av got fields (Amount paid, balance & Total) now need codes that will display a negative value in (field Bal) when a person pays more thank u

Member Avatar for Vineeth K
Member Avatar for corales
Member Avatar for 4ukh

I want a macro that does the following: Let say I have two ms excel sheets named as Sheet1 and Sheet2 Sheet2 has two columns A and B (populated with some information) What I need is, check Sheet2 column A values in the Sheet1 column C if value exist highlight …

Member Avatar for vasantharajan n

can any of you help me by giving the project on library management system using VB6.0 and ORACLE 9i.... please friends... send me to email : <<Email Snipped>>

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for takarii

Possibly in the wrong places as i think this question relates to some pretty old stuff. I need to know if its possible to edit a function using another function by adding extra lines of code to it. More specifically im looking at adding additional things to a drop down …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Hi guys. Good day.! I just want to ask on how to retrieve a query result when i filter a field on one table that has a value base on relationship of other table. example: table1(genderid(autonumber),gender(text) table2(membername(text),gender(text) The value of table2 gender is based on table 1 via relationship created …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for job2617

can anyone help me to create a mouseover effect on an image or a command buttons. your response is highly appreciated . thank you for your help.

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for drewpee

I don't know what's causing this, but every time I have a do..while loop and the statements inside is quite long, I get an error "Loop without Do". Here is an example of my code.. PS: I know this code segment isn't efficient but this is how i code, do …

Member Avatar for drewpee
Member Avatar for happydiamond

I need to run large PDF files of financial reports, saving each Acct. ID to a separate PDF file so I can post electronically (to avoid printing out 800 pages a month and distributing in paper format). I don't know VB but the attachment shows the steps I need to …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for skateatvu

Hi there i one of my programing buddies said it would be good practice to make a macro program.So i was wondering how would i go about that.Im a vb6 noob. The program needs to be able to do the following. Record Macro Sessions,and be able to pause the play …

Member Avatar for wewill23
Member Avatar for selvaganapathy

This code snippet convert Number to String in VB6. For instance input 100 will be return as Hundred, It converts upto Core....

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The End.