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Hello all I'm getting the following runtime error when i try to open a report. Error in formula: <Record_Selection> - A String is Required Here. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! Here is my code: [CODE] If OptConta.Value = True Then MDIForm1.Report.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\SREPCKSOL.RPT" FormatDateTime (DTDesde.Value) FormatDateTime (DTHasta.Value) Reporte …

Member Avatar for Slotes

Hi im fairly new to developing (started making some basic small programs yesterday) and today I was working on a program which is essentially a updater/update checker and what the program does is it checks the version of the checker and compares it to the current version.txt and if they …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for mitchney

hello there! i am developing a registration form of users data...but i got a problem...what i want to happen is that if an id,name, username,password already exists msgbox will appear that it is already existing...here is my initial code..can u add it for what i want to happen with my …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for vishalbandre

Here before this, someone was already raised the thread regarding my issue, but this not resolved my problem , please anyone show whole process of module and connecting it to actual program with example. If you have any reference link regarding this please share i will check this out. Thanks …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for gozo12

is there a way to add command1 onto form's boderstyle ? like there is close and maximize and minimize can i add a new one nearby them

Member Avatar for imolorhe
Member Avatar for PM312

i am traying to put date from access table in text box with 2 coloumn (Invoice No &Invoice Amount) below code gives me right allignment for both coloumns . i want field 1 i.e invoice no to be left allign and field 3 i.e invoice amt. to be right allign. …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for itslucky

Hi Friends, My client give me a project to modify, but when I load the project I got the error about [COLOR="red"][B]"LORTCHTX.OCX" [/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"][B]"AGAUGE.OCX"[/B][/COLOR]. It says could not loaded... :angry: anybody can help me to solve this problem...??? [B][U][COLOR="Green"]I have attached the snap shot of messages i recieved while …

Member Avatar for itslucky
Member Avatar for Yamadron

Hello. :) I am new here at the forums of DANIWEB and I hope to enjoy and learn more about programming software. I have a problem with a little application I am making. The idea is simple. It is an application that execute file (like double clicking the actual files) …

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Member Avatar for VBNewUSer

Good day to everyone:) , i'm a new user here and i'm also new to Visual Basic , i'm having problems coding the codes myself. It's an assignment for me from school , after attemtping it for a few hours , I'm almost finish but i'm having trouble in the …

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Member Avatar for gozo12

hello , etc , i have form1 and form2 , form2 have a WindowsMediaPlayer1 and in form1 it have a button and its code is like : [CODE]Form2.Show WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = "c:\Users\lapi\Desktop\DOWNLOADED\365.wmv"[/CODE] but its gave me error that thhis object its not in form1 is there a way to controll it …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jorjah

gud pm, everyone!i just want to ask if what is the code in edit form in vb6?please i need your help, so much

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for piyushdhamecha

I am using VB6 i am create Crystal Report File at run time using CreateReportOnRuntimeDS "p2smon.dll" API function. this function will connect the .ttx file to the report. now i want to connect another one. i am creating .ttx file is at run time using CreateFieldDefFile "p2smon.dll" API function. now …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Muhammad Dasuki

Hi ... i have datagrid with sample : How to create rank 1, 2, 3 , etc... with variable rank rank score Name Job 1 251 Cames Student 2 249 David lawyer 3 135 Benny Office 4 125 Amy Student and how to sorting with variable name thank !

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for PCHarry

I have been using the below VB6 code to send basic text email messages every 30 minutes, program runs continuously. Code has been running successfully on numerous PC systems (WinXP, SP3) when transmitting emails connected to a land based LAN. When sending via a satellite based comms link (where comms …

Member Avatar for vin24

good day everyone! I have a problem regarding to my program. i want to create a multiple text file. To be clear to you, i'll give an example. for example I want create a textfile named as text1.txt and another textfile text2.txt. What possibly is the solution to prevent the …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for ahalyakashyap

plz help me i need a code for moving pictures just like a marquee....ie...from left to right n this process should continue...

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for dmatos

Hello All I'm having a hard time trying to get pass this annoying error... the cool thing about this is that the user gets to see the error, and when i go to my dev environment everything works just fine.. Here is my code: [CODE] If ColaI.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ScudRunner50

I'm creating a form in MS Word for our customer service reps to fill out and then I want to have a submit button at the bottom of the page that will run a macro to automatically save the file in a desired directory and to use the customer's name …

Member Avatar for SainteLibra
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hello, i'm making a program in which i need to place the controls relative to the size of the form..so could anyone tell me how to get a form's height and width form a code???

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for churva_churva

can someone here lead me in a website that allows to download the microsoft visual basic 6.0 for free... thanks everyone.:)

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for s†ig†rex

[CODE]Private Sub Command1_Click() Frame1.Caption = Text1.Text Frame2.Caption = Text2.Text Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click(Index As Integer) Text3.Text = Val(Text3.Text) + 1 End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click(Index As Integer) Text4.Text = Val(Text4.Text) + 1 End Sub Public Sub …

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Member Avatar for michael.pilapil

Greetings! Hi guys, Im mike, i am new in using Sybase central using sql anywhere 9, i've got a big problem, on how am i to connect my Sybase database to Visual Basic 6.0. Guys.. i badly want to know this, because i am new to my work. I hope …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for koolpinguy

sub:- requst to write a code to display all alphabets & word with their count and number of repetition in any document or file dear sir. im a student of vb, i need some code which could b able to 1- count the total numbers of alphabets used in a …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for khengchiew
Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hello I'm writing a program using winsock..whenever i try to send some data from the client i get the following error "Run-time error '40006' Wrong protocol or connection state for the requesting transaction or request" please help me in finding what's going wrong...my client code is given below [CODE]Private Sub …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for venkatnams

hello out there,,i'm using vb6 and need to use calendar control. I managed to import the calendar using projects-->ms calendar and i've placed it on my form. Now i need to add the dates slected onto my MS-Access Database. How do i do that?? the summary::: i need guidelines,codes,functions that …

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for balajiarun1992

how to display the reverse timer like in the quiuz program the clocks are role in 50,49,48....1. (time up) i need the program for questienare with timer any one help me.

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for Craig_V

Hi there. Using VB5 I am a real novice to VB but slowly getting the grasp of thing but at the moment writing things out long hand (thinking there must be short cuts) Like filling a VB form with MSACCESS data I am detailing every field e.g. [CODE]txtCompGST.Text = tldt.Rows(rowpos)("CompGST").ToString() …

Member Avatar for Craig_V
Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad

Hi guys, my keyboard has not [B]Break[/B] key, so i cant braek a test run with the conventional [B]Ctrl + Break[/B]. Is there any other way to break a test run? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad

Whenever I command my datareport to show, my computer halts. Their are other four report that work well. Then there is the only one that is pulling on my legs. Can any one tell me what the problem might be?

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The End.