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Member Avatar for 4ukh

giving me error when compiler run the query i thing the only thing which is messing is the check box yes/no i don't know how to store the check box state into the table field... please find me the solution... thank you [CODE]Private Sub Chop_it_Click() Dim sql_val As String Dim …

Member Avatar for 4ukh
Member Avatar for nagatron

Hello to all, I have a SQL Manager 2007. I don't know how connect MySQL from VB6. Can you help me PLS.... Can you give me a complete process of connecting a sql database? here is the download link of the sql manager i use. [url]http://www.download.com/EMS-SQL-Manager-2007-Lite-for-MySQL/3000-10254_4-10439256.html[/url] pls help me. . …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

i want if user select in any product_id it should list in another Ms flex grid control . kindly help me. Private Sub Form_Load() MSFlexGrid1.FixedRows = 1 MSFlexGrid1.FillStyle = flexFillRepeat MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(0) = 1000 MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(1) = 3500 MSFlexGrid1.ColAlignment(0) = 4 MSFlexGrid1.ColAlignment(1) = 4 MSFlexGrid1.ColAlignment(2) = 4 MSFlexGrid1.Row = 1 MSFlexGrid1.Col = …

Member Avatar for Zermoth
Member Avatar for Zermoth
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guyzz... i have a problem in my combobox listindex searching. when i open my comp, the combobox working very well that when i type the first letter it automatically autocomplete the data in the combobox, but after an hour or restarting my pc.. it doesnt work any more... i …

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for ariesL

Hi Everyone, can someone help me on this, i cant figure out how to 'correctly sort' an already 'sorted' listbox in VB6, with alphanumeric items [LIST]listbox when the Sort property set to TRUE have these values[/LIST] [INDENT] data0 data1 data10 data19 data2 data22 data3 data31 [/INDENT] [LIST] i need to …

Member Avatar for ariesL
Member Avatar for Jaalenn

I'm new here and I am looking for a bit of help with a project I am working on. It is complete except for one function. I need help with coding a button to select and copy text in VB6. I have never done anything like this before and I …

Member Avatar for Jaalenn
Member Avatar for sowmyav

Hi , I have a VB program.I would like to convert the VB program to .exe file so that if i want to execute the vb program, I need to just double click on the .exe program.Hope this is clear. I am new to VB so will be good if …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for firoz.raj
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, I am getting problem for running my programme setup. It gives error message whose jpeg format i attached with this thread. Please help Thank you Pardeep

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for locsin

Greetings I want to display system information using visual basic 6. Anybody can help me. It is similar to "Visual basic Help then About Microsoft Visual Basic then System info" Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for 4ukh
Member Avatar for andy_aphale

hey frnds, i am planning to create a mini project for my colg project work. the idea is i am trying to create a anti-virus with the database of 100 virus but the problem is that i need a code to kill the process from the task mgr. because to …

Member Avatar for 4ukh
Member Avatar for nagatron

Hallo to all, I have a problem in connecting to MySQL Database on my VB Program. "Can't connect to MySQL Server on 'localhost' (10061)." This is the error I always receive, what seems to be the problem? can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for neovo-88

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can help me. I got two forms I can send data from one form to the other one when I press the SEND button. I’m trying to get data from one form to the other when I press the ‘GET’ button, to get …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for yuleball

I am designing an editor program using rich text box in vb 6.0. I want to add a special box for entering verse or poems so that when I click a button, this box is placed at current position of cursor e-g if cursor is at line#3, the box is …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

hi, I want help in developing the following code. step1 : match Todays date with string in Paragraph. Step 2: if Date matches, extract from Date to EndOfLine. Step 1 code If InStr(status_array(i), Format(Now(), "mm-dd-yyyy")) <> 0 Then Step2 code End If Please help me developing code for Step2. Regards, …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Soleybancing

Hi, I wanted to issue a select query with where clause. I used sql parameter in my sql query, but how do i pass the value to that parameter at run time. Help!

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for sierrasoft

I want to convert a VB6 Application with many Forms to C# .Net 2.0. How can i do it. Is there a tool available?

Member Avatar for mjuras
Member Avatar for Bill Purkins

Hi, I am a full time freelancer who works primarily in Visual Basic 2008 using the Express Edition. I love the fact that it is free, but I find it slow and somewhat quirky, even buggy in some frustrating cases. I guess I am asking for opinions on what your …

Member Avatar for Bill Purkins
Member Avatar for Ian90

Hello, I have a fairly basic knowlegde of Visual basic, I am trying to create a form to create a username and password which is then saved in a .txt file, the problem being that anyone can read it. Is there any way that it can be simply encrypted before …

Member Avatar for andy_aphale
Member Avatar for lucier

way back 2006 when im interested in programming, but sad to say i wasnt able to pursue , I work in Hardware and now im in Software Company, and I need to Gain my Knowledge in Programming.. Who is outhere that can help me gain back my skills in Programming …

Member Avatar for Bill Purkins
Member Avatar for Zermoth

Try to do 3 things. The 1st see if a database exists in a certain location: if it dose then connect. else show error message. The 2nd see if the database is open: if open the display a message to the users that they are going to get disconnected. pause …

Member Avatar for Zermoth
Member Avatar for Zermoth

is there a way to disconnect a user/s from a database and/or display a msgbox to the users telling them that there are about to be disconnected? ms access 2003

Member Avatar for Xadavus

Hello, I am very new to Visual Basic and try to teach myself again after years and years of not using it. Learned very basic codes back in school but that was too long ago. So far I have wrote only ONE application. Basic input, calculate and output. Came out …

Member Avatar for Xadavus
Member Avatar for yuleball

I want to exchange the functioning of backspace and delete key e-g if i press backspace it should delete the character on the right side of cursor and vicee versa for delete key. How can i implement this in rtb?

Member Avatar for yuleball
Member Avatar for ryan311

how can i delete the record in my Sold To table if the quantity is = 0 heres my code in my command button [CODE]Set cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Inventory System\PharmacyInventory.mdb;Jet OLEDB:System Database=system.mdw;", "admin", "" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cn.Execute "INSERT INTO CustomerReturn (cno, pcode, …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for kamsuk

Friends, I am novice to Visual Basic Programme. I am using Visual Basic 2005 and I have TextBoxes, Lables and Buttons. I want to name these controls. I wish to superscript the Text. i.e., to denote Sq.mm - as mm^2. But if we type or cut & paste from Ms …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for ryan311

i have 1 textbox in the keypress event this is my code if keyascii >= 48 and keyascii <= 75 then exit sub else keyascii = 0 end if how can i erase the last value that im inputted in my textbox using vbkeyback? god bless daniweb!

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for VB6Beginner

Hi, I'm fairly new to VB6. Although I really like the language I am a bit stuck with a problem that I have come across. I want to create 6 random numbers using the Rnd function, they have to be between 1 and 30 (whole numbers) and they all have …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I am using visual studio 2005. I want to split the form into 2 parts. On the left side i wil give the VB coding. On the right side i want output for that coding. Similar to this link [url]http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit....ml_paragraphs1[/url] But the link is for HTML coding, But …

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The End.