10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

I have a Stored Procedure that is called through VB6 for a report. The Reports were working great until yesterday. Now all of the reports that use that sp are timing out. The default time is set to 60. I have adjusted this to 1000 and the report finally displays. …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for Ravi Kant

Please Help me. Please see the attachment. I have created a project and have coding problem. Please help me. it's urgent.

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for vishal_nut

heyy i m makin a video splitter in VB 6.0...the problem is that wen i split a video file is 2 parts or more only ...the video gets splitted but only the first splitted video runs...others do not....i know the header wud not be present in other videos...now wat shud …

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Member Avatar for brothertse2008

Im having trouble with my internet linking. I have a picture boc named [I][B]picq[/B][/I] that i want the user to be able to click to take them to a web page. i tried the following: picq.picture =(url) im new to this so bear with me

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Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me where should i pass sql statement in crystal report . suppose i want to pass these codes in crystal report.this would be greately appereciated. [code] RECORDSQL = "SELECT * From MR WHERE (((MR.Req_no)=" & Text12.Text & "));" rs.Open RECORDSQL, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic [/code]

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Member Avatar for rajeevppm
Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Mark Whitt

I've been searching for a way to convert the Menu Bar item captions to Unicode -- or an ocx to replace the VB standard Menu Bar with a Unicode Enabled substitute. If there is a way to coerce the native control to display Unicode, then that would be preferable. Otherwise, …

Member Avatar for vb6sux

I have the code [code=vb] Dim cApp As CRAXDDRT.Application Public cReport As CRAXDDRT.Report Public CurrentTemplate As String Dim ErrorMsg As String 'Dim ReportLayOut() As RptLayOut Dim ErrorNo As Long Dim ErrorModule As String Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo PrintReportErr With frmFolderDisplay .txtPath = GetSingleLUMSTREntry("OMU", "CRIT MATL REPORTS", "PATH", "") …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me how should i generate automatic sr no which match with mr no. i have written a code but it is not working properly. [code] Dim crystal As CRAXDDRT.Application Dim Report As CRAXDDRT.Report Dim cparam As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition Dim cparams As CRAXDDRT.ParameterFieldDefinitions Dim con As ADODB.Connection Dim rs …

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Member Avatar for kirimaru

Dear all I wrote a small program to send-receive message simply base on Winsock/UDP. But a problem occured : When i test this program with my friend, she can receive all message i sent,but i can't receive any from her ??? ??? Any one can explain to me what wrong …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for sal21

After the treeview is filled is possible to: count how may AG-xxxxx are in 8501-xxx, count how may items are in each AG-xxxxx, , count how may items are in each SETT. -xx, ....ecc and store the result in a var or count during the treeview is filling and return …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all, I have developed a software that is basically a Question Paper Maker, I have stored all the questions in a MEMO field in an MSACCESS table. Now while I try to print the random questions on a report, it shows the question with all the rtf codes and …

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Member Avatar for yara.008

hi i have program in clien and program in server the connected by winsock i want send more than one variable by winsock1.SendData how i can send it its from diffrent type x as integet s as string y as string i want send x , s and y and …

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Member Avatar for berillio

hello everybody, I am installing some (~10y old) research software which must have been using vb4, because when I started installing it failed because it was looking for vb40016.dll (got that) than oc25.dll (got that one too), and then PUSHHELP.VBX. This is where I got stuck, there a lot of …

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Member Avatar for yara.008

hi i have vb program in client connect with vb program in the server by winsock clinet will send data to the server and server will add data to the data base access data base how i can work with access in vb 6 program ? how can i add …

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Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez

Hi, I want to know how can I eject a removable device. The device is assumed to be a USB memory stick and comes on a E drive so therefore I would like to safely remove the E drive when the user log off! The code for log off is …

Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez
Member Avatar for gaurisweet2

hi guys i m doing my final yr project in vb 6.0 and back end in ms access i want help about how can i send a vb form as an attachment to outlook express or else how can i convert it into a word document is there any code …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Kennylee

Hello! I will attempt to explain what I am trying to achieve here...I want develop a function that will accomplish the following: First of all the called function will look like this Balanced_Matrix(b,g,l,f) Where: b = base g = groupnumber l = number of lines f = frequency of occurrence …

Member Avatar for gaurisweet2

hey guys can anyone juss gimme a hint about how can i make such a facility in my project that i a client can send a form as an attachment via email plz waiting for ur reply gauri

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Member Avatar for mmmark

I need the source code from an EXE to customize a little. The programmer had died last year who developed it. He did not took backup the code on his PC.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Emerogork

I want to accumulate time into a variable (Time1) and have it count hours, minutes and seconds. It should not carry over to date when it passes 24:00:00 but should go to 25:00:00. For example, if I have 22:00:00 hours on a project and spend another 10:00:00 hours the total …

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Member Avatar for stephen lowry

:'( hi guys hope you can help i have written a small project used to simulate a cash reg however i have 3 froms on it ,main,checkout and about my problem is that if i move my main form to say left had of screen when i click on checkout …

Member Avatar for stephen lowry
Member Avatar for markx_018

Hi..by the way i'm mark...a newbie in visual basic and my question is this... How or what is the codes used to connect from visual basic to "SQLyog"...just like visual basic to ms access?...

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for k88joshi

Hey Everyone , I am working on a project where i constatly need to update from one place to the other in word. Can anyone help me figure out how to get the Table from word and paste it in excel through VBA only. This help woulf be greatly appreciated …

Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi, Could anyone give me some suggestion? How can I detect the button is pressed continuously? Actually, I use [ICODE]Command1_MouseDown[/ICODE], but it is not succeed. I would like to do the application continuously if the button is pressed. If the user release (mouse up), I will stop the application. How …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for chopin2256

I have a database of all 5000 cities to compare against. What I am trying to do is extract only the exact city names from a string. For example, let's say column A in Excel contains these phrases: [LIST] [*]bankruptcy new haven [*]personal injury new york [*]personal injury new york …

Member Avatar for lostandfound

Hello, Please can someone enlighten me. What I need is to fetch data back from my access database using an SQL query in order to present the data entered into the database in the last hour.

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Member Avatar for selicon.valley

i am developng system in vb6 and crystal report 10 in form i have opened recordset now i want that result will be shown in report text box i have created text box in crystal report 10 form in vb6 form i opened rs now i want this rs!table_name crystal …

Member Avatar for RahulV

Hai, Once again im here with a problem. Can u help me write a program to search a file in the project folder. I also want to use a progress bar to represent the search status. Can anyone help!!! Thank you!!!

Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for sackymatt

hi there, i have a form in Vb6 and a msacess 2007 database connected using ADODC, on a form is a listbox that i want to populate with the table data from the database, the name of the database is Storenw and the table from which i want to access …

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The End.