10,991 Topics
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Hello, I have a combo box to select the ID, then it will display the particular record from from the database into the text boxes. And now I'm trying to make a update command button. Then I can just change the record which displaying in the text box. And click … | |
Hello seniors, I want to load data in listview on selecting the item in listbox.The data is available in data folder in different text form.I am trying to load but there is a msg"file already open". what i am doing wrong? Secondly I also want to add timer function so … | |
how to put a data in the listview? using adodb.recordset :) | |
hi, i am new in this forum and i cannot find a free downloadable activeX button, i want to make my design beautiful, can anyone here pls help me where to find cool buttons for free. im using VB6.. | |
Hi There I want to open access from VB6 and join the tables of my database from VB6 and store the value in an array. THis is what i have done till now. but i can't make the query from VB6 with SQL. I don't know what is the problem … | |
Sir when i edit any one of the line in the code window i have to comment and i put line this is [B]commented by raj on 06/1/2008 at 10:40:12 can anybody tell me[/B] if i press f3 this commented line should come automatic In the cursor located line. | |
Admit have mymdb.mdb with table mytable and filed myfield in c:\... Ho to fill combobox without dupes from table, please without "select distinct..." statement is possible? Tks. | |
I am doing a project in VB and have used ADODC connection to connect in Access Database. I have used MSHFlexGrid and want it's data get highlighted Automatically if it is on current date (i.e Today's Date) for Birthday Reminder. How can i do it? | |
hi i am new to visual basic and i need help creating a timer that will count down from 60 seconds and blow up a bomb when it hists 0 | |
Hallo to all vb masters, I need help in using the vb calendar. I have textfield where the date will be displayed everytime I click a particular date in the vb calendar. If I click 6 of january 2009 in the calendar, it will display in the textfield the date, … | |
hi, i want to display one table in a access database using datagrid. i tried to do like this. [COLOR="Red"]con.open constring set rs=con.execute("command to select the table") set datagrid.DataSource=rs[/COLOR] but it shows an runtime error like this: [B]RunTime Error '7004' The rowset in not bookmarkable[/B] wats' the reason... pls post … | |
Is there any way to shift the position of underline downward? e-g in [U]This is game[/U] underline passes through g. I want to move it a bit below so that it does not cut through words | |
[B]You cannot scroll by using the mouse wheel in the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 IDE.[/B] [B]CAUSE[/B] This problem occurs because the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE does not have built-in support for scrolling by using the mouse wheel. [B]WORK AROUND:[/B] To work around this problem, use one of the following methods: … | |
Hi, I am wanting to get some data from an Excel spreadsheet. My problem is the data in the cell has been formatted. i.e. This is [B]sample[/B] text. I want to be able to know which bits are made bold and create a string similar to: This is <b>sample<\b> text. … | |
Greetings! Anybody have idea how to make "Optional Title" in visual basic 6 data report. In visual vasic 6 data report there is %i for title. it is possible to use it in optional and how to use this command.. Example: i want to have optional Heading report in VB6 … | |
Dynamic reports means depending on the inputs the reports will be generated. For example if we want to show the details of particular day means the particular date is the input and show that days reports. If you know the answer means please give me the solution. | |
hi all.... this is another thread on datareports... i need to know how to work if i have an sql and i wish to give it in my front end and run the report from the front end... please help!! thanking in advance!! | |
Can any help me in doing a project on online examination in VB, I want a code in which, the program will fetch 10 questions from data base randomly. The data base having more than 10 questions. The data base would be of questions and there answers and the answers … | |
hi can anyone help me? because i dont know how to use for next loop i want to make a sample program in vb i have 1 textbox if i inputted value of 3 in text1.text it will come up in this answer 1 2 3 then if i click … | |
i want fields department,job_centre,cost centre should come first before detail section can anybody tell me how should i code for that. i have written a code it is working fine but i am making iso certified report and req. is to place fields just above the detail section kindly let … | |
I'm trying to write application run as service in vb6. I have two barcode printers (ZEBRA) with print servers connected to centronics port (D-LINK DP-301P+). In my service i connect to SQL server and get information about destination printer and source code (ZPL) to print. Now i must send my … | |
Hi, im new here, and I have a huge question. How am I or a user able to submit data from a vb6 application to create a new post? Here is an example of what im referring to. [CODE]http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=61664343pu1.jpg[/CODE] I just need to figured out how to send the data … | |
Hi Experts See attachment it will explain my problem I need coding in vb to solve it Thanks Altaf Ahmed | |
sir i want if user click on submit all the records should come form production table if it match dtpicker1 and dtpicker2 value i have written a code but it is not working kindly let me know. [code] Private Sub Command1_Click() Set rs = New adodb.Recordset [B]rs.Open "select * from … | |
does any of u know how to make a app in vb 2005 send a e-mail with text and/or attachments ? | |
OK im new to this so bear with me. I need to add a search function to my project. I need to input a value into a textbox, click a submit button and a screen needs to appear with the results Ive got a the following code but i get … | |
please i just got this visual basic 2008 installed on my system and i would have started work if not for the fact that i cant locate the tools on the toolbox, and what can i do without tools? plaease how can add the tools and get them working.... | |
help theres nothing happen everytime i search a record heres my code [ICODE]Dim a a = InputBox("Input Product Code :", "Find", "") If a = "" Then Exit Sub End If Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select * from Product where pcode='" & a & "'", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic … | |
hi how can i change the backcolor of my label the SA is the name of the label heres my code [code] Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Select Case KeyAscii Case 97 SA_Click (0) Case 115 SA_Click (1) Case 100 SA_Click (2) Case 102 SA_Click (3) Case 103 SA_Click (4) … |
The End.