10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for otomatis

Hi all, I am trying to manipulate an Excel spreadsheet. I want to search the A column for a string from a text box of vb6 then display it. I can't get it to work in my VB6 app. What am I doing wrong ? Dim mailmwo As Excel.Application Dim …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i have connected combo box with data base... i have called a field in combo box... but i dont know how to made selection.. means when i click on items that are in combo box from database, the text box should change value according to the selection of combobox. [CODE]Option …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for umamahesh2020

Please give me reply as early as possible!!! [CODE]In this at the code "Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)" here the loop auto matically terimates[/CODE] [CODE]Private Sub cmd_Copy_Policy_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Click Dim db As Database Dim SQL As String Dim rs As Recordset Dim PolicyYear As Integer Dim NewYear As Integer …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for darkelflemurian

Hello everyone: I have the following issue, i have and old computer and i need to erase pics and all that, but that computer has several folders and some are hidden, and is very time consuming checking where are those folders. I would like a VBS to erase all the …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for vb6explorer

Hello everyone!!! I'm a new poster here. Can somebody help me with my project. My listview is not working. :( I need to search a person's name using his/her lastname and firstname and display all the people with the same lastname or firstname and those data will display in the …

Member Avatar for TheChozen
Member Avatar for rambo3489

I have been tasked with trying to troubleshoot a VB6 problem with communication to a bar code scanner a CiMax 7500a running a PCC program. The scanner has worked for quite a while now and the same program that has worked for years does not work with it anymore. The …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for humera wagan

hello im displaying multiple records from different tables in text boxes,i have fields as item code (assigned to customer) description n quantity.now when running the program i move records,the customers who have been assigned the item code their record is being displayed only but who haven't been assigned with item …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for satti

hi friend,the problem is i have created two projects separately.both have dataEnvoirment with the same name as DataEnvoirment1 ..iwant to add a form from 2nd project to 1st project when i add the form along with its DataEnvoirment it gives duplicate name error, Itried to change the Dataenvoirment1 name to …

Member Avatar for satti
Member Avatar for ZeroCul

I am trying to pull down tasks from Sharepoint into MS Project, but my company does not have Project Server. There are no plans to get Project Server. I read that one could use "Intelligantt" or "Project Publisher" to accomplish what I am asking for. Again, there are no plans …

Member Avatar for vinothmca
Member Avatar for martin11ph

Hi again. I'm having another splash screen problem. I have 3 forms namely login, main, splash. Once the user has authenticated himself, the main functions will be started and the splash screen is shown as well. My problem is that if the user moves or minimizes the splash screen, the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for pmark019

I want to make a rating system in vb6 that has stars like here: [url]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1217613/[/url]. Is there any add-on available for vb6 that will allow me to make this kind of rating system?

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i m using sql server 2000 with vb 6. i m having some problem in navigating recors.. when i m pressing Move Next,it moves only one record, and when i m moving Move previous, samely it move one previous record... here is a code... [CODE]Option Explicit Private con As New …

Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

Me again :) Seems like this problem will never end.. All works fine in my code, except it doesn't REMOVE the email addresses that are NOT 2 days behind. In my messagebox it displays all the ones that are behind, so that means I only want those in my 'to' …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

Hi All I want to use a template that should be used in my email function of my application. Below is my code so how should I modify it so that I can use a template instead of having to everytime type in the body of the email. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for tshudyb

I am trying to calculate the 'Profit' field based on the current record's 'ProjectTotalBillingEstimate' field and the 'ProjectActualCost' field. I want the 'Profit' text field to be calculated every time a record is changed, either via the navigation toolbar or the Project ID drop down box. I tried performing the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for satti

hi friend, i want that my program should work like this, after inputs of total amount and expenses it automatically give the Total Expense and than TOTAL AMOUNT - TOTAL EXPENSE it give me the Remaining Amount. the total Expense and Remaining Amount should show in a text boxes. as …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i have 2 forms, one is Named With territory, where the territory description is given, and other form is Heirarchy, whre the tree will b shown, when any one writes the description in territory, and presses update button, the Node should b created in heirachy... can u help me plz...?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ben25x

I have JUST started learning basic (as of TODAY, actually) and I get the "basic" gist of it ;) but i have looked everywhere and cannot find out how to make the program do something [I]without[/I] the user doing anything. i'm sure it's a simple [CODE]Private Sub 'something[/CODE], but i …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for aparnesh

In my program, I need to have invoices printed from the program for the client's sales. The invoices are printed on pre-printed stationery whose top has the client's name, address, etc printed. The invoices are printed on a fan fold type paper on a dot-matrix printer (TVSE MSP 240 Classic). …

Member Avatar for aparnesh
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i have bundle of text boxes to get an input.. i have textboxes that some how work like data grid... i have 4 colums of textboxes and each colum have 30 textboxes as an array in picture box.. now i am facing a problem that, every time when i m …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for alleybye

Ive been trying to understand this thing for approximately 1 day, but i cant really get it I'm about to create a report which requires TWO tables. but i forgotten that the datareport.datasource only accepts One command. so ive got the idea of creating a child command and create it …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for KeerthigaN
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for satti

Dear friend ,iam working on a project in which i have to make a database on 14 columns and then a program in vb to add the new data,delet and find. i have created database and a flexgrid in vb.but the problem is that icant be able to connect the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for abelingaw

I'm having problem regarding a text box max length. If i set it manually from the properties tab (i set it to 10), output would like "10000000.0" What i want is that it would be "1000000000.00". So i tried using this code: [CODE]Private Sub txtrate_LostFocus() If txtrate.Text = vbNullString Then …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for deadelgabar

hi, im working on my graduation project which is a hotel reservation system. i just want to know one thing, what are the contents for that project. (system analysis, data base, visual basic). is there any extra thing.. thanks for your help so much,, i really appreciate your reply

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for critznikkian

well im having a little trouble hiding the password on my input because im using inputbox i just want to cover up what the user will type at the inputbox with asterisk "*" how can i change the input in the input box with * so it will not be …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for critznikkian

Good evening anyone, im having a hard time looking for the ascii code or number of a specific key in my keyboard, does anyone have a vb6 program that when you click a key on the keyboard it automatically displays the number equivalent in ascii? program or code will be …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

how can i can save date in database from dtpicker.. and what is the way to assign date field of database to dtpicker.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i have an error in my numric fields. just like Phone no., fax no., zip code. these field in data base are assigned numeric data type. now when i m assigning these fields to textboxes, there is error cuming, type mis match. phTxt.Text = rs!Phone in this line.

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.