10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for satti

Dear friends iam making a vb program when i created splash screen and run the program splash screen run ok and next form with login pop up but when i enter my password to login on second form(FRMMAIN.frm) it give me error.when i remove splash screen it becomes ok again …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Hi Guys! I just need a little help on how to detect if a form is open or loaded.? When it is loaded or open, i want it to show or visible when a button is click.. Something like this... [code=vb] if frmisOpen(frmname)=true then 'show or load the form end …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for FanionGolfer

Hey Im just wondering if anyone could help me with this timer project Im working on... The purpose of this project is to keep tract of the time a classroom of students is working, not working and then total time of the class. So far I have only the seconds …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for neosonic

Sorry, maybe I post this in the wrong section. But, I hope it is simple enough to be answered :) I have .dot ms word template with mailto hyperlink. something like: [U]neosonic@neosonic.com[/U], link to mailto: [email]neosonic@neosonic.com[/email] I have tried to edit it manually in the .dot file, and that mailto …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for satti

am facing an error 'Run time error:424 Object required, Private Sub Form_Load()iam highlighting the error in code below. [CODE]Private Sub cmdAddEntry_Click() ' add a new entry to our table. With DataEnvironment1.rsDataTable .AddNew !CodeNo = txtCodeNo !DealerName = txtDealerName !TruckNumber = txtTruckNumber !Quantity = txtQuantity !NetPrice = txtNetPrice !Commision = txtCommision …

Member Avatar for satti
Member Avatar for Cale93

Hello there, I'm struggling with my computing coursework in college and I though I'd ask here for help. My issue is simple but I can't get it right. I need to validate the text into a textbox and check that it contains ONLY alphanumeric characters, but it MUST contain both, …

Member Avatar for Cale93
Member Avatar for fraijyia

Anyone, please help me to make a program that has something to do with POS in Visual Basic ... Please! Thank you . You can email it at [U][I][B]email removed[/B][/I][/U]

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for karthiyayiniyp

me doing attendance project in vb... i need to send automatic SMS from e-mail to phone number...... please help me .... and post some sample codings tooo...

Member Avatar for trilok31
Member Avatar for arul jeba

I have a vb 6.0 project which uses access as a database. but i need only oracle as database. Will anybody pls tell me how to change it to oracle database. Does it requires the Complete change in the code of the project or only a little changes. i am …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Evesy

Hi, I've created an AIO tool in Visual Basic and i need to create some code so when the application is opened it places itself in the computer startup folder. I know i can do it manually but i want to do it on school computers (restricted access) Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

Hi All I really had some awesome feedback on my problem and finally I came to the last bit. I want to add/modify my code to make sure that multiple emails aren't added due to my selection method of my list box. AndreRet helped me with this and also monarchmk …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi all, can anyone tell me how to write the .net code for vb6.setitemdata for combobox or listbox item?

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys.. can you help me on how to make 45 angle shoot or 45 angle movement of bullet in vb.net

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

Hi there I need to know how to select multiple list items from a list box. My code below only selects one email address when there's found that more than one ID's is behind schedule... [CODE]Private Sub Form_Load() folder = Dir("c:\LogBook\*.txt") 'variable folder conatins names of files in folder c:\LogBook\ …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

Hi All I don't actually know how to explain my problem, but here goes.. I have a small form. It has a listbox with a submit button. In the list box there are ID's displayed, i.a 10027, 10028, etc. Those ID's are the names of text files that have logbook …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i have a database in sql server2000... i have some of them tables, that i want to connect with visual basic.. the connection is tested, its connected.. now first tell me which data control should i use?? And then the code for updating, editing, adding a record in my database …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for karthiyayiniyp

sir/madam i need a help.......how to search a string from oracle to vb.......my codings are not working properly so please correct it........i attach my codings below... [COLOR="Red"] accse.Open "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=tiger;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=scott;Data Source=facultydetails" rsfdcse.Open "select * from csefacultydetails where name= " & "'&name1.Text '", accse, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Not rsfdcse.RecordCount …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed

i dont know aany thing about adodb.. please help me.. please tell me the step by step way to connect the database with adodb in vb6, and to add and update..

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys help me please.. how do i make my project into installer in visual basic studio 2008 with mysql database? i only know how to make installer project in vb 2008 without database but with database i really don't know. thanks for the help...

Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, I have used Pop Up menu to show the list_Item of a list box on Up and Down Arrow KeyPressed event. But here i can't see the list item continuously by pressing up or down keys, either i have to click/enter on that pop up menu or in …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Jaseem Ahmed
Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for TwijoO

As the title says i am trying to click this button... [URL="http://gyazo.com/5776f257d554f0b590944bc6474e1db3.png"]Pic[/URL] (The save one) on this webpage... [url]http://upload.youtube.com/my_videos_upload?restrict=html_form[/url] I have been trying various permutatuons of this [CODE]Dim j As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("BUTTON") For Each elem As HtmlElement In i elem.InvokeMember("click") Next[/CODE] With little luck, i also tried to find …

Member Avatar for smsmcp
Member Avatar for critznikkian

Well im currently developing a system, a admission system to be exactly im having issues with if else statement through the search engine of my system so here it goes i have a database/table that contains name and status the name can be any string"not a big deal" then the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for apple12

Please help me to put a condition in data report in vb 6 where in the user can choose the information that she/he want to show and printout. I used module for my connection on my database, then my problem is, as a user how can i print the specific …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ferdousKhanom

I need to open a serial port on Windows XP. I'm pretty limited on programming languages but can code Java and C. [B]Javax.comm[/B] package is no longer supported - third party isn't very good [I]either[/I] :S so [COLOR="Red"]how[/COLOR] do I open a port? at the moment all I want to …

Member Avatar for ben25x

I have just started learning Basic, and i know you can create command butons from the virtual environment, but how do you create (and, more importantly, let the user drag around) them from code?

Member Avatar for ben25x
Member Avatar for yeldar13

Hi everyone, I am totally new to VB and am trying to put together a macro. In short, I want it to select a range, store the values as an array (employee names). Then I want to loop through the values in the array. For each iteration, I want to …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for prajana

Hey can anyone tell me what is this error all about? "Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. Too many rows were affected by update." I am trying to update some fields in my database tables and its giving this error. When i say debug its highlighting the update statement. …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for otomatis

Hi, all Does somebody know how to open text file with half of its name using vb6. example i have 2 files in C:\, they are : 1. Myfile10001.txt 2. Myfile20001.txt I want to read file no.2 with 7 characters first (Myfile2xxxx.txt), and ignore next characters. my script is : …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sash_le

Hey I am using a devexpress tabcontrol. I have a created a program that allows the user to select an option button and that button takes them to the correct tab. Ive set all the tabs to visable = false untill the option button has been selected. The problem i …

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The End.