10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for dreamgirl

hello, well my question is that when am creating a standard vb calculator, am unable to display the number 1,2 and so on the textbox?? How do we do that? Thx in advance

Member Avatar for Froot Loops
Member Avatar for hightert

I am new to vb6. I am trying to automatically click a button on a web age. I keep getting the run-time error 91, object variable or With block variable not set at the line doc.All("btnAcknowledge").Click. I have also set the HTML object library. Can I get some advice. Here …

Member Avatar for hightert
Member Avatar for DhruvaRai

Hi there I would like VB6 procedure to execute the TAB key as soon as the maximum length data is entered on the text box without having to press the TAB key. Text box has a maximum length of 5 characters. What code do I use to automatically move the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for terrible@VB

So I'm taking this introductory class on Visual Studio 2008 and I've been pretty lost since it started. Our current project is to write a code that will allow you to type in a starting and ending point then click the calculate button to calculate the factors of each number …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for andyhopper

i am trying to create a button that will open a database from a vb6 system. I have got so far but i dont know what is meant to go instead of [B][U]Database[/U][/B] Option Explicit Dim ACC As Access.Application Private Sub btnDatabase_Click() Set ACC = New Access.Application ACC.[B][U]Database[/U][/B].Open "" ACC.Visible …

Member Avatar for andyhopper
Member Avatar for regalla

Dear friends, i want to pass data from one form to another form which is having back end ms access table1 for form1, table2 for form2 connected to forms with databound controls data1. my problem is while entering data in text1 of forms1, it should go to text1 of form2 …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for ninjakx

Ok I have a project in which I must find the days active each project took based on dates. Assuming the project has an end date. For example I have the Date Initiated as 2008-Sep 29 05:09pm I have Task Ready 09/29/2008 5:21PM I have Task Done 9/25/2008 05:25PM I …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for jammiedude

Could anybody help me with a problem i have? I have a budget sheet and a list of incomes and expenses, and i need to be able to search a specific column and look for a certain text like general ( which may be displayed as "Commission - General") then …

Member Avatar for K.Vanlalliana
Member Avatar for ben_harvey327

hi all i have a program that has message boxes, the msgboxes have help buttons and ok buttons, the coding of the ok button is simple but how do i code the help button i have tried so much but i failed. i really want it to be a hyperlink …

Member Avatar for noobguy

I created a Class That takes gallons of fuel and Mileage then gives the total Mpg. I need it to give the mpg after both the gallons and mileage are entered and also the total Mpg. [code] Public Class MilesPerGallon Private mileCount As Integer Private gallonCount As Integer Private mileTotal …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for sarifah

hi i have a problems. can anyone help to settle this problem? for exp; a person will know about their status that he must pay the fines he borrow my pencil.after 3 days, he must pay the fines. 1 late day, he must pay rm1. it will also automatically calculate …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for dirtyhiphophead

I am working on a media player for my final year project using vb 6.0. i am trying to avoid exporting of songs that have being imported or played with the player.I was thinking if there was the option of changing the music format to a format that most operating …

Member Avatar for jammiedude

Hello, if anyone can help with this I would much appreciate it. I am writing a macro within vba for excel, and i have successfully managed to use the shell command to call my batch file but, how would i program the rest of the macro to carry on when …

Member Avatar for jammiedude
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

'I am putting my folder in sharing then try to use these from different pc but it shows 'file already in used PLEASE GIVE ME SOLUTION [code=visualbasic] Dim dblogin As New ADODB.Connection Dim rclo As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub cmdok_Click() dblogin.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\tmgmt.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" rclo.Open …

Member Avatar for AUGXIS
Member Avatar for noobguy

I am new to this forum so please enlighten me. I posted a question that I needed help with about 4 hours ago since then there has been several visitors to the post but no replies. Is it that the question was too hard or worded incorrectly please tell me. …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for laoballer

Hi all, I'm in need of a way to decompress .gz files that will be downloaded from the NCDC. These Files contain weather information that will be used for some analysis work. My problem is I have a vb6 application and would like to be able to decompress these gzip …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for TOROOOLOLOOLO

Guidelines on how to use the package wizard to package vb6 and ms access database.I don't know my way around it. Please help.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for nish88

hi all, i am doing my school project where the user can upload picture and store it in the database. actually like on web page when you are uploading picture you get a window with a browse button. i want to do something similar in ms access 2003. i have …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for K.Vanlalliana

I want to make line in Excel with a click of my VB Form button, but I do not know the correct code, can any one help me.

Member Avatar for hell_tej
Member Avatar for hell_tej

Hi Folks, I Trying to Copy File UJF.mdb in another Location which is User Specifyed. I Closed All Connection, But Still ERROR 70 'Permision Denied' Occurs :'( [ICODE] rs.close con.close FileCopy "D:\UJF\UJF.mdb", "D:\Person.mdb" MsgBox "Backup Successfully Compleated", vbInformation [/ICODE] How to Copy Access 2003 .mdb File to Another location Without …

Member Avatar for hell_tej
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, Please give me the solution of making a project multiuser on LAN. I am using Ms Access as backend tool. When i run that programme on another PC then it shows file already in used and programmes goes out. Pardeep

Member Avatar for hell_tej
Member Avatar for hell_tej

Hi friends, I m creating a software with backend of ORACLE 9i. I need to Generate backup ORACLE "ADDFILDP" table to ACCESS "ADDFILDP" table(Simply Copy the data to one table to another[ORACLE to ACCESS Table]):$ An access File is already Created. I was code for it as Follows [ICODE] Private …

Member Avatar for hell_tej
Member Avatar for Bhatti302

Dear I think I Solve Your Problime. When You Open Your Curent Form VB use Private sub Form1_load() endsub this Code is used for Form Load. When You Form Load You enter the following Code Private sub form1_load() text1.text="" text2.text="" text3.text="" text4.text="" Command1.Enable=false Msgbox "Enter All Deatiles && fill All …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for swapna7999
Member Avatar for jps447

Hi, Please help me on how to control remote parallel port using vb? I already know how to control the local parallel port but I still need additional parallel port to be used on my current project.

Member Avatar for Kusno

Dear all, Does someone know how to connect to SQL Server by using Remote Method Invoke (RMI) ? I have project from my lecturer to create program as its connection to database uses RMI or socket. Thus far, I only know to connect to database by using OLEDB and ODBC. …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for Phreak

Hi folks, Due to being unable to find a suitable app, i've decided to make a little app (with the help from my trusty DWeb chums) Currently i'm looking at a little app that will allow me to enter a username and password for... whatever purpose really, map drive, shared …

Member Avatar for Phreak
Member Avatar for Entropy1024

I am trying to write a program to store booking info for TV feeds. Most of the program is working fine, it stores all the info I need. One field is duration of feed which I am at the moment adding manually but it would be much nicer if I …

Member Avatar for Entropy1024
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, I need a programme or procedure which is capable in generating IP or computer name of the system( on which programme is running). Thank you

Member Avatar for Phreak
Member Avatar for Tekito

(I'm using VBA with Excel 2003, have references to OLE Automation and Microsoft Common Controls 6.0). The Hittest with my Treeview control does not seem to be working. I'm using it in a MouseDown event. The X and Y coordinates are being passed properly and are the correct values, but …

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The End.