10,993 Topics
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hi sir/mam, i have a school projects called tachometer cycle reader with VB program i want to read tachometer's cycle per minute i know how to output from parallel port but i dont know how to read an input or declare an input code.. to read the sensor analog signal.. … | |
what difference between access and sql. i use access in a database project not sql. what what problem i will faced for not use sql. or what advantage i will get for using sql. | |
I want to download MSDN for VB 6.0, From where can I? Regards, Engineer Jokhio Salahuddin Kohistani, Bachelor Of Engineering 2nd Year 4th term Department of Computer Systems & Software Engineering Institute of information & Communication Technologies Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan. | |
hi i m trying to develope telephone equiry system in vb6.0. plz tell me how can i connect my system with phone . | |
Im not able to run my program witht the following code! [ICODE] Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim sql1 As String sql1 = "insert into Passport_Release VALUES('0259','14/09/2008','returned')" CN.Execute sql1 As Recordset [/ICODE] instead of the last statement i even tried CN.Execute sql1 alone.... but nothing is working... i doubt if error … | |
i have made a sstab with three tabs... i want to know that if i hv to assign different funtions like only one tab should be active for one user at a time where as the other should be disabled... please help soon... very urgent | |
Hi friends, I have problem of selecting recordset between a specified date. I am giving my coding detail below. I took a field in Ms Access table table name-travel fieldname - doj datatyoe - Text and vbcoding dim db as new adodb.connection dim rc as new adodb.recordset db.open"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source='d:\tmgmt.mdb'" … | |
[code]Hello to all Masters, I have a problime in the database programming. i am using a Access DATABASE file in the VB6.0 Project. in this project i am creating a veriable such as " Dim s as new ABODB.Connection. but when i run the project it create an ERROR at … | |
[CODE]Call CheckLetter(char, letter)[/CODE] What I am trying to do above is send the string char to the procedure CheckLetter, and from CheckLetter I am trying to retrieve letter. How do I do this? All the code from my project. [CODE]Dim Alphabet(0 To 25) As String Dim codeword, wordtoencrypt As String … | |
how to create reports in which you can see all the NEW members in the current month data report i am using data1 to access records. | |
Hi friends, my query not worked. rc.open"select * from travel doj between #"& doj.text &"# AND #"& doj1.text &"#; suppose doj.text=01/09/2008 doj1.text=22/09/2008 but it shows july records also. | |
this is my first project n i need help in displaying images in imagebox this is the code to display the code which i am using to display images in imagebox Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\images\" & Text3.Text & ".jpg") '<<this works fine>> in the above code the location is C:\images\ , … | |
Hey guys, I'm trying to send an array as a parameter and it is not working.... I have set it to passed by reference in my sub. Visual Basic says: "Compile error: Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected" How may i solve this problem? Yours words of wisdom are … | |
Is there any way to scroll Datagrid on timer basis. Let say there are plenty of records which can not be shown in one screen. An auto scroll should start after 5 seconds and scroll till the last record and all the users . This is to display the records … | |
Hi! :) Im developing an application with visual basic 6.0 for front end and MS SQL 2000 for backend. I've been trying to create a data grid but the error above keep showing up. I wonder what's wrong with the code (since it was system generated I tought it would … | |
HI im new here, i would like to ask the code for generating words in random letters.. i have a 5x5 dimension of textboxes, each textbox is randomizing as the button1 was clicked,how am i supposed to generate words with the given random letters??pls help me , teach me the … | |
Hello I am using windows XP I need a small programme in Visual basic 6 with Access 2000 I have two tables for example one table named student other table named section In student table rno is primary key. In section table Rollno is primary key Both tables have datas, … | |
Hi friends, I took a date picker control on form but it is not showing current date. Is there any way except this datepicker1.value=date ? | |
hi..im really new here.. im looking for resources that may help me finish my thesis project.. im presently creating a Student information System and im having problems in generating statistical reports especilly because my panel wants it to generate graphical reports on its statistics...plssss help me.. im really desperate to … | |
I'm on developing a project regarding Random access(Hashing function), specifically in Folding. Now my problem is, if i enter a key values, how can i isolate each single values for me to control it. for example: i enter key value 12345 i need to choose the 2nd entry which is … | |
Hi, A newbie to VB6, I have to plot a graph using the picturebox control. I have drawn the 3 line graphs using the "Line" method and using relevant data. I have to shade the triangular portion marked "X" ( resulting from the lines B & C crossing the line … | |
[B][/B]Please help me out with this. Crystal reports entertains the MEMO field from ACCESS in three ways (uninterpreted, RTFText and HTMLText). Is there a way in which I can print the object in the MEMO field because I have the tables and diagrams in this field. and they don't print … | |
Hello Everyone, I am having some trouble with a VBA application I am writing for work. I am using ADODB to connect to an Oracle database and return and I want to return a 2-D array from my function. The problem I am having seems to be determining how big … | |
Hi, i am using VB6 with Access databse after a long time and have forgotten some syntax. I am using ADODC connection (the dirty method) wherein one makes a connection using ADODC component and setting its properties (ODBC and selecting table/ query). I need to display the fields of a … | |
Hi all, I'm stuck - it might be easy but I don't work with VB6 much. I have a form that is open and has a button on it which opens a second form overtop of it. when the second form opens it locks the first form. Upon exit from … | |
[B][/B]Hi all, I have developed a software which is basically is Question Paper Maker. For the questions and answers to be saved I have used access database with MEMO field. Now the entire software is ready and the reports seem to be printing fine on the screen as long as … | |
Hi friends, I am unable to fetch out correct result on date base. I am writing following code for fetching all records of a table between two dates. db.execute"select * from travel where doj between '"& doj.text &"' AND '"& doj1.text &"';" but above query can't give record between specified … | |
How to print and scan barcode label in vb6 | |
Hey i have a program running on a server that eats a lot of the processor. How can i see how much (%of processor) it is currently using similar to task manager? i only need it for one process. | |
:( i have tried by all means but i stil cant code it correctly. pls help! how do i code and call a sub procedure that retrieves 3numbers frm a comma seperated string,eg."30,15,66" then send the string to convert as a parameter & return the 3 numbers using parameters. my … |
The End.