10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Vega_Knight
Member Avatar for Vega_Knight
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, My problem is i am unable to find out records within a specified date. I am describing my programme detail i have a column in ms access table name [B]travel[/B] column naem doj data type [B]date/time[/B] format short date ' dd/mm/yyyy in visual basic i took two datepicker …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi every one.. i have problm in my cviewer.. im using crystal report for my report when i view the report the data come in my crystal but the problem is when i click the print button on it.. it doest print, but only show the printer.. when i try …

Member Avatar for elmes100

Hi, I am new to VB so go gentle with me. I am using VisualStudio 2005 VB (team edition). It's been a real pain finding examples of retrieving webpage data from a website given a URL (plenty of examples that don't work in visual studio sigh) but I have achieved …

Member Avatar for kalleo
Member Avatar for theory

I am programming in vb6 and am trying to cause ctrl-a to "select all" in a list box, but am not having much luck. Does anyone have any ideas on how this might be accomplished? Thanks, theory

Member Avatar for CommGuy
Member Avatar for dimega

Hi there, How would I go about setting a date/time to 0? Basically I want the time to be 00:00:00 so that when I use the addseconds function of say 120 seconds it reads 00:02:00 Any help would be much appreciated.

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Rabbz

I need help to make a Access user system. I'm very new to VB and am trying to make a system that allows a number of users to register and have individual username names with specfic passwords. I've never done this before so any help will be greatly apperciated, even …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for abu taher

I put 2 dtpicker in my project. both are for search data from backed access file. like (1st dtpicker) i select a date 16/08/08 and (2nd dtpicker) 16/09/08. i want to find data last a month or any few days. i mean i want to find a period data like …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Rabbz

I'm making a login in system using one notepad document to store the usernames and passwords. I was wondering if somebody could help me do this as at the moment I'm struggling to get it to match the username to the correct password. For example: On the first line of …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for applejack

i'm using vb6 application and i've create a graph by using msgraph .. the problem is ... can i save the graph into picture file (jpeg, bitmap) can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for muzaffardange

Hi I m facing this "runtime error '429' Activex Component can not found" problem while I am doing a setup of my own created software in vb6. Please tell me the solution to resolve the problem. Thanking You!

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for ruby.n

Hi Im new to VB. I am looking to write a basic code to do the following: when a button is clicked, a valve has to close, after 5 seconds it has to open. This should be done 5 time, for every click. Please help! Thanks...

Member Avatar for ruby.n
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi friends.... I am using SS Tab in my form. There are 4 tabs in total. The user needs to enter a text provided on tab1 and then go to tab2. If the user clicks on tab2 without entering text in the textbox, a message box should be shown to …

Member Avatar for dinilkarun
Member Avatar for blacknight03

Hello, I am trying to get back into programming I took it way back in high school and I am to say the least I am a little rusty. I can’t find the type of program that I want so I thought that I would make it and it has …

Member Avatar for venkatramasamy
Member Avatar for emk4

Hi, i've a problem about load and parse a large array block on my dictionary-like app. My app will load mytext.db to its array. App users entered specific text to txtIn, press cmdSearch and get the translated ones. The main issue is scanning speed, load array speed and match input …

Member Avatar for emk4
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, I am unable to declaring variable which can used from any form in a particular project.

Member Avatar for venkatramasamy
Member Avatar for efemena

hi every one i am working on a network monitor in vb6 i need help on how to view desktop of clients on the network, i have completed the software but i want to add this module dat can monitor other desktop remotely. any guideline would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for bprabhumdu

Hi friends, in my vb project , hindi font doesn't set . i download the mangal font from internet and paste it in a c:windows/font folder........but it resemble like a unknown symbol... any help will be appreciated .... waititng for ur reply

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for smile4evr

hi... im finding an error in the following statement... here department is my database name... n deptid n deptname is the name of the fields on the form... when i run the form it shows "No value given for one or more parameters." [code]sql = "INSERT INTO Department(Department_ID,Department_name)VALUES(deptid,Text2)"[/code] please help …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for acerdafpz

Hi guys.... hope someone here could help me, im creating a program connected with a database (i used MS access) the i want to add a search function on it... any of you guys could share some codes that i could use as reference would be greatly appreciated... you can …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

How can i read an input from parallel port... example a switch. if i switch it on my program will say that i turned on the switch.. vice versa.. other suggestions.. thanks for the help

Member Avatar for acerdafpz
Member Avatar for TrevorDawes

Hi, I am really struggling with this one. I want to open the port in form1 but also be able to access the port from another form. Is this possible. If yes, please guide me. Thanks to all. Regards Trevor

Member Avatar for TrevorDawes
Member Avatar for hawisme000

can any1 please help me on a step by step coding on how i can do this? i can understands the codes i see when i googled it pls help me i really need to know this within 24hrs.. also if any1 have a sample VB project can u pls …

Member Avatar for kiran043953644
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

hi sir/mam, i have a school projects called tachometer cycle reader with VB program i want to read tachometer's cycle per minute i know how to output from parallel port but i dont know how to read an input or declare an input code.. to read the sensor analog signal.. …

Member Avatar for abu taher

what difference between access and sql. i use access in a database project not sql. what what problem i will faced for not use sql. or what advantage i will get for using sql.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for salahuddin_1988

I want to download MSDN for VB 6.0, From where can I? Regards, Engineer Jokhio Salahuddin Kohistani, Bachelor Of Engineering 2nd Year 4th term Department of Computer Systems & Software Engineering Institute of information & Communication Technologies Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for kiran043953644

hi i m trying to develope telephone equiry system in vb6.0. plz tell me how can i connect my system with phone .

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for smile4evr

Im not able to run my program witht the following code! [ICODE] Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim sql1 As String sql1 = "insert into Passport_Release VALUES('0259','14/09/2008','returned')" CN.Execute sql1 As Recordset [/ICODE] instead of the last statement i even tried CN.Execute sql1 alone.... but nothing is working... i doubt if error …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for smile4evr

i have made a sstab with three tabs... i want to know that if i hv to assign different funtions like only one tab should be active for one user at a time where as the other should be disabled... please help soon... very urgent

Member Avatar for GaryOC

The End.