10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for Zinando

Hello. I'm looking for a little help here. I need to extract file parts into a new file with a new format. I think the better way to explain it is to give an example: Extract line 3 column 2 from a group of files. The number of files can …

Member Avatar for shruti23

hi Sirs, i m using vb6 and acess2000, crystal report 9. i want to delete *.tmp files created due to crystal report 9. i want this in vb6 through coding. pls help me. these files are created on partition and of 0 bytes. so, pls help me its urgent. thanx …

Member Avatar for vponline
Member Avatar for hamidreza2790

Hi I run a batch file by VB6. The bach file need to pass a text file and a string (such as abc). I used the following commands but I faced errors : Shell "n:\aa.bat " & "c:\a1.txt" & "abc " , vbNormalFocus Shell "n:\aa.bat " & " " & …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for guest11

Hi all, I am facing problem regarding screen resolution. I mean i make one project and its run and look nice in my PC screen but if i run the same app. in others PC then its create problem i am not able to see the controls on my app …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for likurg

Hi all, what is a VB function that would enable me to name a bookmark to exactly match its contents? I've got a macro that defines bookmarks across a mailmerge document, the next step for me is to title them according to their values, which are unique. Also, what would …

Member Avatar for astroboy_x4

Hello, have anyone tried copying files from a remote server via FTP using VB Given: FTP Site FTP Password >>> the task is to copy files from the remote server to another machine thanks

Member Avatar for khalidmehmoodaw
Member Avatar for bryan110

Hi Everyone, I am looking for Secure Ftp ActiveX component in Vb6 to use it in a command line program. Please , if anybody have an idea how to get it free or how to create it. Thanks, Bryan.

Member Avatar for khalidmehmoodaw
Member Avatar for aclogics

I would like to create an application that would, after manipulating a text file, log on to a private FTP site and PUT that text file onto the server, and then logout. I have the code to manipulate my text file and make it ready for sending and I have …

Member Avatar for khalidmehmoodaw
Member Avatar for poilkjmnb

Please convert this code to Delphi to VB 6.0 const C1 = 43941; C2 = 16302; function BorlandEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result,Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (byte(Result[I]) + Key) * C1 …

Member Avatar for shitmitty

Hello My situation is: I have an excel file which i use as my template, and i want to place data from a list of .xls files. I want to be able to run a macro which prompts me with a list of files i have in the G:\MyFolder, and …

Member Avatar for neffness

I'm building a new database program using VB, I want to use the datetimepicker to do this: Show today's date on the datetimepicker, Show today's "to do" in a Text box (it would know it was today because it would be linked to the datetimepicker Then If I change the …

Member Avatar for neffness
Member Avatar for andyhopper

hey all, i keep having a problem using vb with an access database. anything i try to do with access brings up the same error message saying database format not recognised. any ideas what i need to do. thanks

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Nuella

I am looking forward to getting a car insurance policy source code to compare with the programme i have just written. Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for A H

Hello. I need to write a program that listen to the Comm Port. i.e. if any other program is sending Data to the comm Port, I need to read it as well. Can it be done using VB 6 ?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for poilkjmnb

Hello Friends, Any body help me to convert the code delphi to vb6.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- const C1 = 43941; C2 = 16302; function BorlandEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result,Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := …

Member Avatar for benjaminbbozok

Hi All , it is my first post in this great forume , I am in a greate problem and i hope to find the solurion here , I created a datareport and used the (shape) object as a frame for each row in the report , my case is …

Member Avatar for benjaminbbozok
Member Avatar for ChroNoS

is it possible to insert a character say " " (space) after every 2 characters in a string? using this doesnt seem to work : [CODE] Dim s As String s = "010001000100" s = Mid(s, 1, 2) & " " & Mid(s, 4) MsgBox s [/CODE] it adds space …

Member Avatar for ChroNoS
Member Avatar for Entropy1024

I have a database working with VB6 and Jet. Everything works fine except that I now need the database to be accessed from a second machine on the network. It appears that only one person can be connected at a time to the database using Jet, is this correct? In …

Member Avatar for Entropy1024
Member Avatar for smile4evr

hw to add multiple conditions in a single update statement?? my project goes code like this... [code] If release.Enabled = True And nonosc.Enabled = True Then Dim rst12 As New Recordset Dim sql12 As String sql12 = "update Passport_Release_Information_N set Ename2='" & taker.Text & "' ,Any_ID1='" & takerid.Text & "' …

Member Avatar for AUGXIS
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey i need a script to change the password of a user... i found some code: [code type=vb] strUser = InputBox("Enter username of user") strOU = InputBox("Enter domain where user's account resides") Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://CN=" & strUser & ",OU=blah,DC=blah") objUser.SetPassword "password" MsgBox "Done!" [/code] but m not sure how …

Member Avatar for abu taher

I work with a student database project. when I click Add New button a massage show. I write code in add new button was "adodc1.recordset.addnew." massage was "Multiple - step OLEDB operation generated errors. check each OLEDB status value, it avaiable. No works was done." when I press ok another …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I want to campare datas with different list boxes and need to alert the user. I grabbed datas from website and made it to be displayed in first 4 list boxes. and i already stored listbox5 and listbox6 values. consider these are those datas [ATTACH]8003[/ATTACH] listbox1 and listbox3 …

Member Avatar for abu taher

I have 4 text box in a form. when I click a button another Form show with a MSflexgrid. when I click in a msflexgrid the data show a text box of another form. I write code: form1.Text1.Text = MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.RowSel, MSFlexGrid1.ColSel) But I when I click msflexgrid the same data …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, If Not IsNull(rs!permaddr1) Then mpaddr1 = Mid(rs!permaddr1, 1, 500) Else mpaddr1 = " " where permaddr1 is a field type of varchar(1500). Example permaddr1 = "No:11/19 , Anna Salai , Chennai-1"(from sql server retriving the values) This value is now is stored in mpaddr1. Now, My main problem is …

Member Avatar for sendoshin
Member Avatar for vinzanity

what if the value is from the database? not just the text from msflexgrid. please correct my code. txtsol.Text = rs.Fields("sol").Value & fgrid.TextMatrix(fgrid.RowSel, fgrid.ColSel) what will happen now is, the row from db will populate all the textboxes in the form from a click in msflexgrid. any advice? thanks..

Member Avatar for laggerz

hello there im new in this forum any way im a junior programmer at our company i have a little prolem in accessing indexes of the fox tables any other way in accessing it in OBDC or in code. I use linking in access 2003

Member Avatar for laggerz
Member Avatar for Mark Red

Ok I have written a calculation form using textboxes as the sngvalue inputs everything works fine so no problems here, but I have tried countless methods to register when the decimal point has been entered or deleted from the textbox, as adding another decimal point raises an error, I am …

Member Avatar for Mark Red
Member Avatar for pixelmeow

I have SQL code in my VB6 project for select, insert, and truncate. For example: [code=VB] strSQL = "SELECT CASE_IDENTIFIER" & vbCrLf _ & " ,DOCUMENT_TYPE" & vbCrLf _ & " ,DOCUMENT_NUMBER" & vbCrLf _ & " ,CASE_LINE_NUMBER" & vbCrLf _ & " ,DELETION_INDICATOR" & vbCrLf _ & " ,MASL" …

Member Avatar for pixelmeow
Member Avatar for Bhatti302

[code] Hello to all masters Dears I have a Problim in Creating Shortcut on the disktop of my computer. I am cteat a Project in The VB6.0 i Want to creat a Shortcut on the DISKTOP of my computer. I am creat a Package Setup using "Package & Deployment Wizard" …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for locsin

I want to use find command for searching file in the database, but if I add "and" command i received error. It is possible to use and in Find command I try to this syntax but it is error .Open "Select *From salary'", strconek, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic .Find "empno = '" …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik

The End.