10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for likurg

Hi all, what is a VB function that would enable me to name a bookmark to exactly match its contents? I've got a macro that defines bookmarks across a mailmerge document, the next step for me is to title them according to their values, which are unique. Also, what would …

Member Avatar for astroboy_x4

Hello, have anyone tried copying files from a remote server via FTP using VB Given: FTP Site FTP Password >>> the task is to copy files from the remote server to another machine thanks

Member Avatar for khalidmehmoodaw
Member Avatar for bryan110

Hi Everyone, I am looking for Secure Ftp ActiveX component in Vb6 to use it in a command line program. Please , if anybody have an idea how to get it free or how to create it. Thanks, Bryan.

Member Avatar for khalidmehmoodaw
Member Avatar for aclogics

I would like to create an application that would, after manipulating a text file, log on to a private FTP site and PUT that text file onto the server, and then logout. I have the code to manipulate my text file and make it ready for sending and I have …

Member Avatar for khalidmehmoodaw
Member Avatar for poilkjmnb

Please convert this code to Delphi to VB 6.0 const C1 = 43941; C2 = 16302; function BorlandEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result,Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (byte(Result[I]) + Key) * C1 …

Member Avatar for shitmitty

Hello My situation is: I have an excel file which i use as my template, and i want to place data from a list of .xls files. I want to be able to run a macro which prompts me with a list of files i have in the G:\MyFolder, and …

Member Avatar for neffness

I'm building a new database program using VB, I want to use the datetimepicker to do this: Show today's date on the datetimepicker, Show today's "to do" in a Text box (it would know it was today because it would be linked to the datetimepicker Then If I change the …

Member Avatar for neffness
Member Avatar for andyhopper

hey all, i keep having a problem using vb with an access database. anything i try to do with access brings up the same error message saying database format not recognised. any ideas what i need to do. thanks

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Nuella

I am looking forward to getting a car insurance policy source code to compare with the programme i have just written. Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for A H

Hello. I need to write a program that listen to the Comm Port. i.e. if any other program is sending Data to the comm Port, I need to read it as well. Can it be done using VB 6 ?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for poilkjmnb

Hello Friends, Any body help me to convert the code delphi to vb6.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- const C1 = 43941; C2 = 16302; function BorlandEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result,Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := …

Member Avatar for benjaminbbozok

Hi All , it is my first post in this great forume , I am in a greate problem and i hope to find the solurion here , I created a datareport and used the (shape) object as a frame for each row in the report , my case is …

Member Avatar for benjaminbbozok
Member Avatar for ChroNoS

is it possible to insert a character say " " (space) after every 2 characters in a string? using this doesnt seem to work : [CODE] Dim s As String s = "010001000100" s = Mid(s, 1, 2) & " " & Mid(s, 4) MsgBox s [/CODE] it adds space …

Member Avatar for ChroNoS
Member Avatar for Entropy1024

I have a database working with VB6 and Jet. Everything works fine except that I now need the database to be accessed from a second machine on the network. It appears that only one person can be connected at a time to the database using Jet, is this correct? In …

Member Avatar for Entropy1024
Member Avatar for smile4evr

hw to add multiple conditions in a single update statement?? my project goes code like this... [code] If release.Enabled = True And nonosc.Enabled = True Then Dim rst12 As New Recordset Dim sql12 As String sql12 = "update Passport_Release_Information_N set Ename2='" & taker.Text & "' ,Any_ID1='" & takerid.Text & "' …

Member Avatar for AUGXIS
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey i need a script to change the password of a user... i found some code: [code type=vb] strUser = InputBox("Enter username of user") strOU = InputBox("Enter domain where user's account resides") Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://CN=" & strUser & ",OU=blah,DC=blah") objUser.SetPassword "password" MsgBox "Done!" [/code] but m not sure how …

Member Avatar for abu taher

I work with a student database project. when I click Add New button a massage show. I write code in add new button was "adodc1.recordset.addnew." massage was "Multiple - step OLEDB operation generated errors. check each OLEDB status value, it avaiable. No works was done." when I press ok another …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I want to campare datas with different list boxes and need to alert the user. I grabbed datas from website and made it to be displayed in first 4 list boxes. and i already stored listbox5 and listbox6 values. consider these are those datas [ATTACH]8003[/ATTACH] listbox1 and listbox3 …

Member Avatar for abu taher

I have 4 text box in a form. when I click a button another Form show with a MSflexgrid. when I click in a msflexgrid the data show a text box of another form. I write code: form1.Text1.Text = MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.RowSel, MSFlexGrid1.ColSel) But I when I click msflexgrid the same data …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, If Not IsNull(rs!permaddr1) Then mpaddr1 = Mid(rs!permaddr1, 1, 500) Else mpaddr1 = " " where permaddr1 is a field type of varchar(1500). Example permaddr1 = "No:11/19 , Anna Salai , Chennai-1"(from sql server retriving the values) This value is now is stored in mpaddr1. Now, My main problem is …

Member Avatar for sendoshin
Member Avatar for vinzanity

what if the value is from the database? not just the text from msflexgrid. please correct my code. txtsol.Text = rs.Fields("sol").Value & fgrid.TextMatrix(fgrid.RowSel, fgrid.ColSel) what will happen now is, the row from db will populate all the textboxes in the form from a click in msflexgrid. any advice? thanks..

Member Avatar for laggerz

hello there im new in this forum any way im a junior programmer at our company i have a little prolem in accessing indexes of the fox tables any other way in accessing it in OBDC or in code. I use linking in access 2003

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Member Avatar for Mark Red

Ok I have written a calculation form using textboxes as the sngvalue inputs everything works fine so no problems here, but I have tried countless methods to register when the decimal point has been entered or deleted from the textbox, as adding another decimal point raises an error, I am …

Member Avatar for Mark Red
Member Avatar for pixelmeow

I have SQL code in my VB6 project for select, insert, and truncate. For example: [code=VB] strSQL = "SELECT CASE_IDENTIFIER" & vbCrLf _ & " ,DOCUMENT_TYPE" & vbCrLf _ & " ,DOCUMENT_NUMBER" & vbCrLf _ & " ,CASE_LINE_NUMBER" & vbCrLf _ & " ,DELETION_INDICATOR" & vbCrLf _ & " ,MASL" …

Member Avatar for pixelmeow
Member Avatar for Bhatti302

[code] Hello to all masters Dears I have a Problim in Creating Shortcut on the disktop of my computer. I am cteat a Project in The VB6.0 i Want to creat a Shortcut on the DISKTOP of my computer. I am creat a Package Setup using "Package & Deployment Wizard" …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for locsin

I want to use find command for searching file in the database, but if I add "and" command i received error. It is possible to use and in Find command I try to this syntax but it is error .Open "Select *From salary'", strconek, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic .Find "empno = '" …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for jeffrides

I am a begining programmer taking a college course in VB. I am trying to place a label into a form. The project is complete and the problem is with some 'pretty' additions I am trying to do. The label properties appear fine; the same as all the other labels …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for sarifah

please help me. urgent i have one date in a txtBox1.what i want is, after i click the button, the other date will appear on txtBox2. [B]The other date[/B] is the date after several days such as 7 days. so, how or what the coding to enable the other date …

Member Avatar for smile4evr
Member Avatar for smile4evr

please can u help me with all basic VB coding like... if command button is clicked from one form how can i link it to another form in the same project and a few examples of simple codings at the basic level... thankx a lot!

Member Avatar for rstkw
Member Avatar for smile4evr

please help me out in wat could be the error in the below code as it is not running when it comes down to the openrecordset statement! [code] Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Dim rst As DAO.Recordset 'check for null password If IsNull(Trim(userid)) Then MsgBox "User Name required.", vbExclamation userid.SetFocus Exit Sub …

Member Avatar for smile4evr

The End.