10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for jaasaria

i want to study the tree view any code or site for help.. i look at the internet and any source code site.. but i havnt find one... any help and comment will be appreciated.. thxx jaa

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for sawant_deepu

i am bscit student and i am doing one project. so i want to urjently know how to connect vb6.0 to oracle 9i

Member Avatar for priyanka patel
Member Avatar for sravani

Hi ,I am Sravani. I saw a query in this site that VB6 can be linked with oracle 9i. I am using oracle 10g in my office.what i want t oknow is cant we use oracle 10g to connect to VB6? Pleasse try t oanswer to my query. Its urgent. …

Member Avatar for priyanka patel
Member Avatar for metricspaces

Hi, I'm using VB6 and the TreeView from "Microsoft Windows Common Controls.". Due to the bug [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/182231"]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/182231[/URL] it is not possible to add more than 32767 nodes to the tree. I want to add 100,000's items to the TreeView. Is there any work around for this problem? Is there any …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for abu taher

I attach a file what was send by Shaik Akthar. I work with it a new access file. He use Table, I use querie. But it not work.I modify some code like: MSFlexGrid.FormatString = "<DATENOW|<NAME|<DIAGNOSIS|<REMARKS" MSFlexGrid.FormatString = "<Student ID|<Student Name|<Jamal|<Roll No" Con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\DB2.MDB" …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guyz.. by the way im using crystal report 8.5 in my project. i have already a report but the report i have is to diplay the viewer.. i want it to automatically print it, without preview the viewer.. what code shall i used? shall i use crytal report? or …

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for stan yost

When I enter a decimal into a field by the time it gets written to a recordset it has been changed to zero if the value is less than one and it is rounded up if the value is greater than one. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for stan yost
Member Avatar for psycho007

Hi there I was wondering if anybody knew how to change the below code (which currently defaults to a MS Access database) to a mysql database. The below code is apart of a Caller ID software [code=vb6] Private Sub OpenDataBase() Set fo = New FileSystemObject Set wrk = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", …

Member Avatar for psycho007
Member Avatar for asaness

hi to all, i am a student, 2nd yr.college taking computer science, i want to learn about in coding in SQL except (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE). i just wanted to learn more complex and difficult coding, syntax, command and etc. please help me. thanks!

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for guest11

I am creating vb appliction in which there are 20 forms i want to create two command buttons named current and previous forms. Can anybody tell me how i can do this ? I want guide line. Thanks in advance regards

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for arasten

hi, i want to create a proxy program using vb6 to access restricted sites so could anyone teach me the code plz? i'd like u to write the code and teach me whats the purpose of each code. i'm looking forward for ur help. umm btw i dont really understand …

Member Avatar for khalidmehmoodaw

Hi all, you may download the code used in this problem at [url]http://www.thescarms.com/Downloads/InetFTP.zip[/url] The changed and updated version of this code may be found attached with this document. Here is the scenario: Can you fix this code to download the most recent file in a remote directory ? i mean …

Member Avatar for vponline
Member Avatar for lostandfound

Hi all, Can anybody help me out with the connectionstring for connecting VB6 to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. I have tried several documented varieties which do not work. My latest attempt was a version from [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb264566(SQL.90).aspx"]this website[/URL]. I downloaded the application and associated files and changed the …

Member Avatar for lostandfound
Member Avatar for bruce_geo75

i would like to make a winamp plug-in.can any1 help me to show me the way how to write the code,please?? thanx.

Member Avatar for bruce_geo75
Member Avatar for abhi_sri08

Hi, I want to use outputs from different forms of a project and save them into a single text file that could be from a module. Please suggest any tips on this. Abhishek

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for juliusvogel

I need to do some calculations in VB and display the results of the calculation as a decimal number like 1.62. In my code several variables have the Dim Double and some have the Dim Currency. The result of the calculation is always shown as a scientific number with a …

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for vw_eng

sorry for bad english. Did anyone have ever making a payroll project? can you guys help me by giving me a concept in payroll system?thx

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for ali32n70

Hello i want to Proccess a file or a argument in a vbexe file a argc in c++ exe files in pther hand i want to wite a program that be able to give a parameters when runing in command prompt thanx agine X27

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for master_mind187

Hello., i have sql server in my pc and i want to connect my visual basic form to my sql? how can i do that? what is the code i have to write in the modules? please help Thanx in advance...

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for bornok15

Anyone who coulf help me in loading listview items to another listview? i want to load items one by one using "selected" property and all items by using "For each" statement.. and also i want to know hoe to track down duplicates with 1 column as a basis.. anyone who …

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for k8f1

Hi, I'm trying to finish a college project for tommorrow, but am having real problems with my code. Every time I try and run it, I get an error message saying 'Expected If'. I looked and looked at it, but can't for the life of me work out whatthe problem …

Member Avatar for vponline
Member Avatar for kimmi_dk

Hi All, Do anyone of you know how to decode CTCSS signal (67 Hz - 300 Hz) from input of soundcard I need to make some kind of filter so all sound under 60 Hz ond over 300 Hz is gone then decode the tone's there are 38 tones i …

Member Avatar for k8f1

Hi, First of all I apologise because I think I'm in the wrong forum. This is a html/css question, but I wasn't sure where to post it. I'm trying to create a html page which allows the text to scroll without moving the background. I understand that I should probably …

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Member Avatar for Danjb

Hey, This is my first time on a VB forum so this may well be a long post, as there are many questions I've been wanting to ask over the years - sorry! Oh yeah, and I'm using VB6. 1) Is there a way to make "global" variables - for …

Member Avatar for carson myers
Member Avatar for nagatron

hallo to all web masters and vb masters out there. I need your help in making my project in relation to VB and web link. Is it possible to detect all the links in a particular web page? I have a button "GO" then I have a 2 webpage "main.html" …

Member Avatar for ali32n70
Member Avatar for hamidreza2790

I want to call a .bat file with path: C:\x.bat , to run data file in path E:\xx.dat in [COLOR="Red"][B]VB[/B][/COLOR] The Application I am using in fact is a simulator, It means, I do need to prepare a separate data file . The application read the data file line by …

Member Avatar for ali32n70
Member Avatar for Zinando

Hello. I'm looking for a little help here. I need to extract file parts into a new file with a new format. I think the better way to explain it is to give an example: Extract line 3 column 2 from a group of files. The number of files can …

Member Avatar for shruti23

hi Sirs, i m using vb6 and acess2000, crystal report 9. i want to delete *.tmp files created due to crystal report 9. i want this in vb6 through coding. pls help me. these files are created on partition and of 0 bytes. so, pls help me its urgent. thanx …

Member Avatar for vponline
Member Avatar for hamidreza2790

Hi I run a batch file by VB6. The bach file need to pass a text file and a string (such as abc). I used the following commands but I faced errors : Shell "n:\aa.bat " & "c:\a1.txt" & "abc " , vbNormalFocus Shell "n:\aa.bat " & " " & …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for guest11

Hi all, I am facing problem regarding screen resolution. I mean i make one project and its run and look nice in my PC screen but if i run the same app. in others PC then its create problem i am not able to see the controls on my app …

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The End.