10,991 Topics
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hi.. i would like to save every word in the sentence separating by space " "... any idea on it?? thxx | |
Hi, Could anyone pls give me some suggestions how to do the [COLOR="Red"]encryption [/COLOR]and [COLOR="Red"]decryption[/COLOR] for text? Best reagards, zawpai | |
Basically, I want to check and see if a certain word or combination of letters and/or numbers is on a website using a winsock connection. I can do this in delphi, but i cant seem to get the hang of it in VB6. I always get some sort of error. … | |
hi... this is a small doubt in VB6... i am making a request form... in which one of the fields are reasons... now i want it such if my user send in a new reason then it should get written into my database and generate it as a part of … | |
i want to study the tree view any code or site for help.. i look at the internet and any source code site.. but i havnt find one... any help and comment will be appreciated.. thxx jaa | |
i am bscit student and i am doing one project. so i want to urjently know how to connect vb6.0 to oracle 9i | |
Hi ,I am Sravani. I saw a query in this site that VB6 can be linked with oracle 9i. I am using oracle 10g in my office.what i want t oknow is cant we use oracle 10g to connect to VB6? Pleasse try t oanswer to my query. Its urgent. … | |
Hi, I'm using VB6 and the TreeView from "Microsoft Windows Common Controls.". Due to the bug [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/182231"]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/182231[/URL] it is not possible to add more than 32767 nodes to the tree. I want to add 100,000's items to the TreeView. Is there any work around for this problem? Is there any … | |
I attach a file what was send by Shaik Akthar. I work with it a new access file. He use Table, I use querie. But it not work.I modify some code like: MSFlexGrid.FormatString = "<DATENOW|<NAME|<DIAGNOSIS|<REMARKS" MSFlexGrid.FormatString = "<Student ID|<Student Name|<Jamal|<Roll No" Con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\DB2.MDB" … | |
hi guyz.. by the way im using crystal report 8.5 in my project. i have already a report but the report i have is to diplay the viewer.. i want it to automatically print it, without preview the viewer.. what code shall i used? shall i use crytal report? or … | |
When I enter a decimal into a field by the time it gets written to a recordset it has been changed to zero if the value is less than one and it is rounded up if the value is greater than one. Any suggestions? | |
Hi there I was wondering if anybody knew how to change the below code (which currently defaults to a MS Access database) to a mysql database. The below code is apart of a Caller ID software [code=vb6] Private Sub OpenDataBase() Set fo = New FileSystemObject Set wrk = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", … | |
hi to all, i am a student, 2nd yr.college taking computer science, i want to learn about in coding in SQL except (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE). i just wanted to learn more complex and difficult coding, syntax, command and etc. please help me. thanks! | |
I am creating vb appliction in which there are 20 forms i want to create two command buttons named current and previous forms. Can anybody tell me how i can do this ? I want guide line. Thanks in advance regards | |
hi, i want to create a proxy program using vb6 to access restricted sites so could anyone teach me the code plz? i'd like u to write the code and teach me whats the purpose of each code. i'm looking forward for ur help. umm btw i dont really understand … | |
Hi all, you may download the code used in this problem at [url]http://www.thescarms.com/Downloads/InetFTP.zip[/url] The changed and updated version of this code may be found attached with this document. Here is the scenario: Can you fix this code to download the most recent file in a remote directory ? i mean … | |
Hi all, Can anybody help me out with the connectionstring for connecting VB6 to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. I have tried several documented varieties which do not work. My latest attempt was a version from [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb264566(SQL.90).aspx"]this website[/URL]. I downloaded the application and associated files and changed the … | |
i would like to make a winamp plug-in.can any1 help me to show me the way how to write the code,please?? thanx. | |
Hi, I want to use outputs from different forms of a project and save them into a single text file that could be from a module. Please suggest any tips on this. Abhishek | |
I need to do some calculations in VB and display the results of the calculation as a decimal number like 1.62. In my code several variables have the Dim Double and some have the Dim Currency. The result of the calculation is always shown as a scientific number with a … | |
sorry for bad english. Did anyone have ever making a payroll project? can you guys help me by giving me a concept in payroll system?thx | |
Hello i want to Proccess a file or a argument in a vbexe file a argc in c++ exe files in pther hand i want to wite a program that be able to give a parameters when runing in command prompt thanx agine X27 | |
Hello., i have sql server in my pc and i want to connect my visual basic form to my sql? how can i do that? what is the code i have to write in the modules? please help Thanx in advance... | |
Anyone who coulf help me in loading listview items to another listview? i want to load items one by one using "selected" property and all items by using "For each" statement.. and also i want to know hoe to track down duplicates with 1 column as a basis.. anyone who … | |
Hi, I'm trying to finish a college project for tommorrow, but am having real problems with my code. Every time I try and run it, I get an error message saying 'Expected If'. I looked and looked at it, but can't for the life of me work out whatthe problem … | |
Hi All, Do anyone of you know how to decode CTCSS signal (67 Hz - 300 Hz) from input of soundcard I need to make some kind of filter so all sound under 60 Hz ond over 300 Hz is gone then decode the tone's there are 38 tones i … | |
Hi, First of all I apologise because I think I'm in the wrong forum. This is a html/css question, but I wasn't sure where to post it. I'm trying to create a html page which allows the text to scroll without moving the background. I understand that I should probably … | |
Hey, This is my first time on a VB forum so this may well be a long post, as there are many questions I've been wanting to ask over the years - sorry! Oh yeah, and I'm using VB6. 1) Is there a way to make "global" variables - for … | |
hallo to all web masters and vb masters out there. I need your help in making my project in relation to VB and web link. Is it possible to detect all the links in a particular web page? I have a button "GO" then I have a 2 webpage "main.html" … | |
I want to call a .bat file with path: C:\x.bat , to run data file in path E:\xx.dat in [COLOR="Red"][B]VB[/B][/COLOR] The Application I am using in fact is a simulator, It means, I do need to prepare a separate data file . The application read the data file line by … |
The End.