I have developed, along many years, a system using VB6 for Windows, using XP Professional. Now, I purchased a iMac, that uses an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 Ghz processor, so that installing Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bits edition, I could use resources from Windows and OS X Leopard, booting the computer with BootCamp (pure Windows) or generating a virtual Windows Vista machine with Parallels Desktop 4.0.

Having generated an .exe application, I tried to run it on the Mac, both under pure Windows Vista or at the Vista virtual machine, but it only goes up to a certain point, and then happens an error.

Could it be that I am using Vista, and not XP? Any ideas?
Thanks a lot for any help.

Certainly. The possibility that an API call, for example, that worked in XP was modified to a different datatype or even name under Vista. Ultimately, I'd need to see the code (at least, the portion of the program that craps out) in order to be able to figure out for sure. I would personally install XP in a virtual machine and see if it works normally, if so, you can bet it has to do with Vista.

Certainly. The possibility that an API call, for example, that worked in XP was modified to a different datatype or even name under Vista. Ultimately, I'd need to see the code (at least, the portion of the program that craps out) in order to be able to figure out for sure. I would personally install XP in a virtual machine and see if it works normally, if so, you can bet it has to do with Vista.

Thanks a lot for your answer.I deleted Vista in BootCamp and as a virual machine, and installed XP Pro in BootCamp, configuring the virtual machine to read the BootCamp.
I shall try now my program to see if it works as it should.
Happy New Year!

Certainly. The possibility that an API call, for example, that worked in XP was modified to a different datatype or even name under Vista. Ultimately, I'd need to see the code (at least, the portion of the program that craps out) in order to be able to figure out for sure. I would personally install XP in a virtual machine and see if it works normally, if so, you can bet it has to do with Vista.

Well, I tried to install my program, that runs perfectly in my PC (Windows XP Pro) into the XP Pro (updated to SP3) installed at the BootCamp of my iMac. To my surprise, it continues to accuse "run time error: 380 - Invalid property value. I confess I don't know what to do.

Here is the part of the code that causes the error:

Private Sub lstEscolha_Click()
cmdQuitar.Visible = False
cmdAnular.Visible = False

i = lstEscolha.ListIndex

i = i + 1
'resposta2 = InputBox("Qual o número do imóvel desejado?", "Seleção de imóvel")
' i = resposta2
lblRecibos.Caption = "Recibos emitidos/pagos - Situação atual - Imóvel # " + Str(i)

lstEscolha.Visible = False
lblEscolha.Visible = False

comp = 0
Open arquivoimov For Random As #1 Len = Len(cg4)
Get #1, i, cg4
codimov = cg4.codimov
lCodImov = Len(codimov)
For j = 1 To lCodImov
If Mid$(codimov, j, 1) <> " " Then comp = comp + 1
codimov = Left$(codimov, comp)
multa = cg4.multa

ArqDesejado = "c:\alug2005\recibos\" + resposta1 + codimov + ".rec"

lstRecibos.FontName = "Monospac821 BT"
lstRecibos.FontSize = 8

Open ArqDesejado For Random As #1 Len = Len(cg5)
lf = LOF(1)
nr = lf / Len(cg5)
For i = 1 To nr
Get #1, i, cg5

numdoc = cg5.numdoc
numdoc = Right$(numdoc, 7)

CodProp = cg5.CodProp
Status = cg5.Status
tipo = cg5.Dummy
tipo = Left$(tipo, 1)

If Status = "P" Or Status = "N" Then
ns = ns + 1 'contador para verificação de recibos já pagos
End If

Datarecibo = cg5.Datarecibo
dataprov = Datarecibo
Datarecibo = Left$(dataprov, 2) + Mid$(dataprov, 3, 2)
Datarecibo = Datarecibo + Right$(dataprov, 4)
dataprov = ""

Aluguel = cg5.Aluguel
sAluguel = Format(Aluguel, formnum)
sAluguel = String$(13 - Len(sAluguel), 32) + sAluguel

Condomínio = cg5.Condomínio
Foro = cg5.Foro
AEG = cg5.AEG
TaxIncendio = cg5.TaxIncendio
Seguro = cg5.Seguro
Descontos = cg5.Descontos
Diversos = cg5.Diversos

Subtotal1 = cg5.Subtotal1
sSubtotal1 = Format(Subtotal1, formnum)
sSubtotal1 = String$(13 - Len(sSubtotal1), 32) + sSubtotal1

Extras = cg5.Extras
sExtras = Format(Extras, formnum)
sExtras = String$(13 - Len(sExtras), 32) + sExtras

Subtotal2 = cg5.Subtotal2
sSubtotal2 = Format(Subtotal2, formnum)
sSubtotal2 = String$(13 - Len(sSubtotal2), 32) + sSubtotal2

sIRRF = Format(IRRF, formnum)
sIRRF = String$(11 - Len(sIRRF), 32) + sIRRF

AReceber = cg5.AReceber
sAReceber = Format(AReceber, formnum)
sAReceber = String$(13 - Len(sAReceber), 32) + sAReceber

DataPagamento = cg5.DataPagamento

linha = " " + numdoc + " " + Datarecibo + " " + Status + sAluguel
linha = linha + sSubtotal1 + sExtras + sSubtotal2 + sIRRF
linha = linha + sAReceber + " " + DataPagamento

lstRecibos.AddItem linha

If Status = "P" Or Status = "<" Then
totAluguel = totAluguel + Aluguel
txttotAluguel.Text = Format(totAluguel, formnum)
totCondomínio = totCondomínio + Condomínio
txttotCondomínio.Text = Format(totCondomínio, formnum)
totIPTU = totIPTU + IPTU
txttotIPTU.Text = Format(totIPTU, formnum)
totForo = totForo + Foro
txttotForo.Text = Format(totForo, formnum)
totAEG = totAEG + AEG
txttotAEG.Text = Format(totAEG, formnum)
totTaxIncendio = totTaxIncendio + TaxIncendio
txttotTaxIncendio.Text = Format(totTaxIncendio, formnum)
totSeguro = totSeguro + Seguro
txttotSeguro.Text = Format(totSeguro, formnum)
totDescontos = totDescontos + Descontos
txttotDescontos.Text = Format(totDescontos, formnum)
totDiversos = totDiversos + Diversos
txttotDiversos.Text = Format(totDiversos, formnum)
totSubTotal1 = totSubTotal1 + Subtotal1
txttotSubtotal1.Text = Format(totSubTotal1, formnum)
totExtras = totExtras + Extras
txttotExtras.Text = Format(totExtras, formnum)
totSubtotal2 = totSubtotal2 + Subtotal2
txttotSubtotal2.Text = Format(totSubtotal2, formnum)
totIRRF = totIRRF + IRRF
txttotIRRF.Text = Format(totIRRF, formnum)
totAReceber = totAReceber + AReceber
txttotAReceber.Text = Format(totAReceber, formnum)
End If
Next i

Sorry that comments are in portuguese...
Best regards,

Is There a masked textbox control on there?

Dear Comatose,
Thanks a lot for your interest in helping me. I solved my problem as that:
I installed the VB6 in my new computer (an iMac running Windows XP Pro under BootCamp). Then I copied the source files of my program to the new computer, run the program and made a new .exe file. And voilá, everything is running fine.
So, have a very Happy New Year, and again, thanks.

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