Complicated question with simple answer I hope? I have an executable compiled using vb5. When installed on user's machine, I get an error when first form is displayed. The error is due to MSVBVM50.dll no being present or registered.
In order to prevent this error being raised, can I perform checks to see if dll is installed and registered prior to loading of first form; and if so, how much of the user's operating system can I access prior to loading first form?
Can I read user's information? Can I write to user's system? Perhaps by accessing shell.application or API resources?
I've been told that I could create a module with sub Main() and call it first, then after performing these operations, load the first form. Is that true?
I guess the bigger question is, by virtue of the app being an executable, are there any bare bones functions which I can perform without having the MSVBVM50.dll begin present and registered, if any?
Hope I have explained this well, tired of restoring OS to boot status.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.