10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin

I am trying to incorporate MSFlexgrid to read all the data from a text file but i am currently having a problem with a line Below is the coding Private Sub Command1_Click() MSFlexGrid1.Cols = kiraCols + 1 Open App.Path & "\master_data.txt" For Input As #1 ' linecount = 1 Do …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Member 784548

i want a search command for searching a data in document or database which search any word in the document

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for Keegan200

I want to create an activation window to add onto clients pc so if they dont pay their account within a certain period the activation window will pop up and not allow them access to the pc until their account is paid and we will provide them with an activation …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for Member 785440

[CODE]Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select *from Payroll", Cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rs.AddNew rs!Date = Text1.Text rs!Emp_ID = Combo1.Text rs!EmpName = Text2.Text rs!Father_Husband = Text3.Text rs!Designation = Text4.Text rs!PANNo = Text5.Text rs!PF_PENNo = Text6.Text rs!HRA = Text7.Text rs!Basic = Text8.Text rs!TA = Text9.Text …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for Graham Morley

Is there a good way to make vba code secure other than using a password, which I understand is quite easy to break?

Member Avatar for Graham Morley
Member Avatar for 082100
Member Avatar for M.rahul

Hi I'm new to Visual basic. I'm getting an runtime error 424:object not found,When i'm validating between dates in crystal reports.Please correct me where i did wrong.. [CODE]Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim f_date As Date Dim t_date As Date 'From_Date and To_Date Validation f_date = Trim(Format(DTPicker1.Day, "00")) + "/" + Trim(Format(DTPicker1.Month, …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

Yoe guys, need your help.. I want to know on how to setup my client computers and the server so they can connect to sql server 2005 Developer Edition. Client computers are Windows XP. Server is Windows Xp installed with a SQL Server 2005. They are on the same Workgroup. …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for patrickm129

Hello, I am making a *.vbs file and I need help putting two codes in. The first code is to make a .txt file named "Hello World", with the text in the .txt file "Time ... (your time)-Test123" Code: [CODE]myfilename = "\Hello World.txt" MakeHelloWorldFile myfilename Sub MakeHelloWorldFile (FileName) 'Create a …

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Member Avatar for horserider

Hi.. How to control the gpedit from my vb6 application.. i want to control the GP edit from my vb application... plz help me with coding..

Member Avatar for Pilgrim-Last
Member Avatar for Smart System

What is wrong in this code ? [code] rs.Open " update TblName set FldNum=" & text1.Text & " where ID_FldName=" & Text2.Text , db, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic [/code] Knowing that FldNum ---> Data type (Number) ID_FldName ---> Data Type (AutoNumber) And What the correct code ?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart

Hi guys, just wondering, would someone give me some advise of what what kind of software should I develop...maybe just a simple software...or a small software...whatever you call that...a software that would not take a lot of time in the development process...maybe...more or less than 3 weeks...what do you think?.. …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for emsd123

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a treeview control in asp.net. I want to [B]load the database from MS Access into my treeivew[/B], but I don't know what should I type in my .apsx.vb file. [B]Please help me with the codes [/B]to make my treeview connect to the MS Access! …

Member Avatar for WaltP

I've been trying to find out the error returned from [iCODE]MkDir[/iCODE] to no avail. [iCODE]Err.Number[/iCODE] is 0 and I can't find any other error mechanisms available. [CODE] On Error GoTo mkError MkDir txtDir(Index).Text On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub mkError: On Error GoTo 0 Text1.Text = Str(Err.LastDllError) + " " …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for bdell11

I am relatively new to visual basic. I have VB 6 professional complier. I am working to play .wav files in a program. I'm having a problem understanding APIs and functions can you direct me to a beginners tutorial that might help me? Thanks, Bill

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for sjfebish

I'm having problems loading an image from file. Im using a fingerprint SDK and it has a built in LoadImageFromFile() function. When I try to load my fingerprint image it returns, "A null parameter was supplied". I can load the same image from their sample program and my code is …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

Hello!.. I am a VB6 programmer and I want to learn basic of C# Programming. So can anyone help me out?.. I just want to learn on "How will I do this in Visual C#".. this is a sample code from VB6, now, how will I do this in C#? …

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Member Avatar for chrizymikz

help me plssss...this is my last sem and i need help because we have a thesis and i need online system..can you help me in my title proposal???

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for patrickm129

Hello, Can you help me... I am trying to make a vbs file that when you open it, it automaticly takes up the full screen. Do you know a code that will do this? -Thanks

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for Member 785216

Okay so i have to get my VB programme to connect to an access database which i did, just dragged and dropped and clicked. My data base has 3 tables,products, customers and orders. I have to be able to edit, update and delete customers and products. People also have to …

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Member Avatar for shena

Hi friends, I have a form with 8 textfields. Textfield1 is combo box. Thus, when user chooses an item, Textfield2 and Textfield3 automatically retrieve value from DB and fill in the textfields (in lostfocus event). Then, user will add running number behind Textfield3. After that, fill in the rest of …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for perfectedhost

Hello, Im creating a programme in access. Its not going to be so i need a license software. Can you build them in vb? Like. If the user enters in a key it checks the server and if it allowed then it activates the software if not then it says …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for kreig12

currently i am creating a project with LAN based connection. Please show me some sample codes for the winsock control in Visual Basic 6[code][/code]

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for kheyzee

how can i move images? and then if the image i move is not equal to the other image it returns back to its place?thanks.!

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for critalk

I'm newbie for using VB. I'm trying to develop code for calculate dimension of part. The concepts are : 1. Get input from user via textbox(Form1) 2. Module 1 take value from Form1.textbox and keep for reference. 3. Module 2 use value from module 1 to calculate 4. Module 3 …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Member 785440

I Want the Sum of column in textbox using vb6 and access After Entering Dates in FromDate And To Date The Sum Of Column BalanceAmount Between These Dates Should Appear in Textbox2

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Member 785694

On click of the following button it is suppose to call a sub function (either searchdepartment or searchname) the issue is: When searchname is called it returns the following error [B][COLOR="Green"]-2147467259 (80004005)[/COLOR][/B]) Private Sub cmdcheck_Click() button = "cmdcheck" If cbodepartment.Text <> "" And cbodepartment.Enabled = True Then searchdepartment ElseIf cboname.Text …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Denjoy

I am trying to install Visual Basic 6.0 Enhanced Edition on Windows Vista Home. I keep getting and error that reads: "This software is not compatible with this version of Windows" I beleive the Visual 6.0 is compatible with 32 bit windows operating system and my windows vista is a …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for chris con

Hi All, First let me tell you my scenario. I am a technician at a secondary school. We have a medium sized network with AD, running server 2003 and XP clients I am trying to create a very simple VB6 executable that will reset a students password and force a …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for mgbear

;)This may be helpful for those of you with Windows 7 and Visual Basic 6 Found this on the Web [url]http://www.fortypoundhead.com/showcontent.asp?artid=20502[/url] The bear


The End.