10,991 Topics
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help me on how access employee.mdb thru Data Combo and the data will display in txtbox...example in Data Combo will only display employee number and if i press employee number in Data Combo, the name, designation, address will display in textbox..how to code this? can you give me the module … | |
Hi guys i have a question need to ask. I create an application for filling up information. After filling if he want to update when press update and fill up active = from yes to No then it will remove the table 1 to table 2 by using the sql … | |
Hello. I'm a bit confused, and I don't know QUITE how to explain it, however I'll try my best! Anyway, say I wanted to code a API, that would grab a list from ANOTHER program. For example, if I had a small chatting program, and there was a list of … | |
how to put category on combo box?... | |
I have been trying the following code for a code to search for a record and display it in a textbox Option Explicit Dim conn As ADODB.Connection, rec1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim esql1 As String Private Sub Form_Load() Set conn = New ADODB.Connection Set rec1 = New ADODB.Recordset conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data … | |
Hi guys can you all help me with this. I need to sure will the this idea can be make in vb6. I have a update command button. When click then type the badge id , it will automatic get the data and show the employee name then the rest … | |
hi i have been able to update a database using the following code Option Explicit Dim conn As ADODB.Connection, rec1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim esql1 As String Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo 2 If Text1 = "" Then Command1.Visible = False Command2.Visible = True Exit Sub End If rec1.AddNew rec1.Fields(1) … | |
Hey guys, Im new to the forum, so hello first off. I guess Ill get right to it. Im trying to make a computer program for my xbox 360 clan to download to help us calculate wins in a match. Its call of duty - domination game type, if any … | |
so its been a verrrry long time since I messed around with vb. I am trying to make a program for my clan and here is a simple question I hope some one can answer. I am trying to make a button activate a radiobutton to checked if you press … | |
Hi, Is there an option/ or a formula to generate random numbers without duplication...Currently i'm not storing the random generated numbers in the database. Please help me..its quite urgent | |
I am trying to create a program that analyzes sports statistics. I want to extract statistics from a website such as yahoo or espn and put it in a database. Does anyone know if this is possible to do with vbscript? Is there an easier way to do this? Any … | |
I made a queiry. but every data show in this queiry double. I mean every data show two time in this queiry. why this problem occured. any body help me please. | |
hi, 'm a beginer. . i need a lil help to start learnin VB.. i dont hav much idea about it.. Kindly give me info of which book i can refer.. look fwd for much needed help.. | |
Hi everyone, Can any one tell me about the uses of let and get property in VB and how to use it? | |
Hi all, i want to open a file with this code [code] Dim linetext As String Private Sub Command1_Click() CommonDialog1.Filter = "Text Files(*.txt) | *.txt" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1 Do Input #1, linetext Text1.Text = Text1.Text &linetext Loop Until EOF(1) End If … | |
Hi Everyone. I am busy building a VB 6 APP that will access a MS Access database. For the sake of this problem I will abreviate the DB. It has two tables. the main table has 6 bound text boxes to a data control. They work fine on there own. … | |
can anybody tell me how should i fill supplier name .in a list view using collection.here is the code what i have written.any help would be highly app reciated. [code=vb] Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Item As ListItem Dim supp As Supplier 'object for class Set supp = New Supplier Set … | |
I'm trying to write a code that will allow for items to be displayed and when two are selected those two will be displayed in a different list box as a "receipt". If I'm not mistaken the code and everything is correct, but for some reason the items are not … | |
Sir, can you please Give us a VB code for our cmdDelete button? a code that will delete a data from the database (ms access).. our form looks like this >>> [url]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/7583/image002p.jpg[/url] or [ATTACH]10893[/ATTACH] we used the "listview" for displaying the searched item/s and be deleted... note: search and add … | |
Hi everyone! i'm here again with another problem... this time i need to get a total from a field called "cantidad" (quantity) on the database... is there a way to get it with the recordset? or do i have to make another thing? Here is the code where i get … | |
Hi all, i'm newbie in vb, and i wanna learn a lot from u guys, i try to run this code, [code] Dim linetext As String Private Sub open_Click() CommonDialog1.Filter = "Text files{*.txt)|*.txt" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1 Do Input #1, linetext Text1.Text … | |
![]() | Hiya, Just curious as to what scripting tool you may use for creating vbscripts. Just curious...I do most of mine using a text editor, but I'd be willing to check out other resources. Anyone have any recommendations? |
Hi I need the code in [COLOR="Red"]VB6[/COLOR] to display data from a database in a listbox i tried the following code but its not working Do While Not rec2.EOF List1.ItemData(List6.NewIndex) = rec2.Fields(4) rec2.MoveNext ' i even tried Do While Not rec2.EOF List1.ItemData rec2.Fields(4) rec2.MoveNext | |
Hi to all, Am studyng Biometric Fingerprint and i already have a hardware Finger Key Hamster by NITGEN. The problem is i dont know how to code that on VB6... Is their anyone can tell me how it works? does anyone have code for the SDK's Like enBSP SDK,FSIM SDK … | |
when i press cancel button.it still prints.Kindly let me know .any help would be Highly appreciated.here is the following code what i have written. [code=vb] Private Sub btPrint_Click() Dim frm As IspecialForm Set frm = Me.ActiveForm frm.GetTextBoxInvisible frm.Refresh 'CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlPDReturnDC + cdlPDNoPageNums CommonDialog1.Action = 5 CommonDialog1.PrinterDefault = True CommonDialog1.CancelError … | |
Hi friend i use this code to connect via vb6 a mysql database in local. Is possible to connect other pc with the same code on the dsn on original pc where reside the dsn? Tks for all and sorry for my bad english i'm italian. Sub uno() Dim conn … | |
how to delete a particular record in all the tables? i am not sure wat r the tables as i wil create them at run time i am maintaining an attendance for employees. a table wil be added for every month and when i delete a employee, his record should … | |
how to find the number of fields and their names in ms access using vb6? i am using dao database. | |
hi,im doing a Mobile Banking System for my project. how is it possible for me to use arrays as my data. n viewing it |
The End.