10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Saurabhvyas9

Hi Friends, This is the code i wrote in order to First open a csv file as excel, then find the required three columns, n then read data from them n save the data into another variables showing them in textbox. As about the csv file, it contains many columns …

Member Avatar for Deepak Shitole
Member Avatar for king_saqib
Member Avatar for king_saqib

Asalam to every one im a begnner in programming hoew can i send an email through vb exe please help me in under standing:(

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for suemaina

i am new with SQL server 2005 and visual studio 2008 please help me..how do i connect the forms and the tables in the database

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for Coco Chanel
Member Avatar for Deepak Shitole
Member Avatar for zela

I have this text box which display multiple lines from a text file on my form, I want the box resize as the form gets resize without cutting any text in it, the textbox display multiple line of text and i want a textwrapping feature if it possible on the …

Member Avatar for Deepak Shitole
Member Avatar for nai_christop

hi...i want to save the date from datepicker control to database access... i have coded everything except datepicker...its my 1st time to use this control.. thank you...

Member Avatar for Deepak Shitole
Member Avatar for Coco Chanel
Member Avatar for Deepak Shitole
Member Avatar for ticktoc09

Hi Im kinda new to VB6 still a FreshMan student. and since there's a couple of weeks break Im kinda thinking getting ahead a bit. We already started some basics but I still want to learn some stuff. I just want to ask you guys. What is the best/Good VB6 …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for srinivashwp

i am facing difficulty in updating msacess database for several columns with following code [CODE]Public Sub connect() Dim path As String path = App.path & "\chss.mdb" cnn.CursorLocation = adUseClient If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Close cnn.Open "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;persist security info=false;data source = " & path End Sub Public Sub …

Member Avatar for foxyuva
Member Avatar for ougesh

Hi, i am doing a simple application using vb8 and i want to load a form named form2 on my main form(form1) rather than opening form2 in another window.. can anyone please help. Thank you.

Member Avatar for foxyuva
Member Avatar for kayoh

[CODE]Dim Processors(4) As ProcessorType For j = 1 To 4 Step 1 Put #filenum, WritePos, Processors(j).byte0 WritePos = WritePos + 1[/CODE] I'm in the process of translating this VBA code to python, and essentially what it does is creates 4 Processor Objects but as you can see from the for …

Member Avatar for kayoh
Member Avatar for uselessninja

hi ... can someone help me on connecting MSsql 2000 to vb6 ...i've been searching google but they always point me to this site .. [url]http://www.connectionstrings.com/[/url] i dunno how to set up this strings in vb since im new to vb... :( please help

Member Avatar for uselessninja
Member Avatar for LnrdPJL

Hi I have an Access 2003 database and website that im trying to code using VB asp.net, it's basically a book and toy library website and what i want to do is have a webpage of items with pictures and when the user logs in to the site, they can …

Member Avatar for Goitseone

i have to create image that is to mimic a single clock hand rotating within a square area,before the hand rotate the following must be selected by the user:the color,width of the hand,the speed of the rotation,and direction.pliz someone here help me come up wiyh codes and variables 4 this

Member Avatar for OblibSystems
Member Avatar for riotburn

So at work I had to keep recreating these summaries. Was a very tedious process so when I had some downtime I was able to create a little program in Excel that would spit out a days worth of work in 5mins. Now that I have that working, I am …

Member Avatar for arsenal_fan

Hi, I am using excel to load a userform that will run a macro to perform processing on excel sheets. I have set the userform to load when you double click the macro-enabled excel sheet. Everything works fine except I can briefly see worksheets before the userform appears. How do …

Member Avatar for wannasee

[B]I simply want to be able to delete a file via ftp.[/B] What irritates me is, it is so easy to upload a file but so much harder to delete a file. Please offer a simple way to delete a file over FTP using visual basic Thank You in advance …

Member Avatar for wannasee
Member Avatar for YMCMb

Hi Guys, I want to try and remove a Server Error in '/Program' Application. When i try to delete a record which has related sub record, it cant delete obviously because of the relationship between the entities, however the average user does not no this, and they dont need to …

Member Avatar for zhackon

Guys.. I made this program that plays video... The program is capable of playing 2 videos only... So... I came up to a solution file browser.. the question is how?.. is there available code to do this guys?. The concept would be like this : create button and that button …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for gunlock777

Hello all, Im currently doing a project which is a system that adds booking records to it it loads the database from a module [CODE]Set Db = OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\cihansol.mdb") Set RS_Staff = Db.OpenRecordset("EPHS_Staff") Set RS_Customers = Db.OpenRecordset("EPHS_Customers")[/CODE] im very new to visual basic so i dont know much anyway …

Member Avatar for shivya jain
Member Avatar for emg31

[CODE]Dim line(10000) As String Dim log_ctr As Integer Open App.Path & "\data\log.txt" For Input Lock Read As #1 Do Until EOF(1) Line Input #1, line(log_ctr) log_ctr = log_ctr + 1 Loop Close #1 If last_log <> log_ctr Then For n = last_log To log_ctr - 1 Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1.Text) Text1.SelText …

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Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner

Well my datagrid so far has the edit,update,cancel feature and it can get info back from database after entering a number into a textbox. All i need now is to get it to where I enter a number the data comes up which works and I want a blank row …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for PM312

I have made a programme to print chaques through excel report. i have network printer “Xerox Phaser 3435 PCL 6” (inkjet) which is my default printer I have local printer is “Epson LQ-300 ESC/P 2” (dot-matrix) and used only to print chaques. every time when i want to print chq. …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for stigzem

I am to present my project recently.This is very important you see I can't proceed with my project because I am not able to capture a video in my VB form from a video device attached to a PC using USB. How can I do that please help me.

Member Avatar for azzdog_dev
Member Avatar for eslenik

Hi everybody, i am trying to get IPs from a switch with vbs through telnet. i am recording that IPs to excel sheet. the problem is when i try to read that IP data vbs copy or paste it as a string. so telnet can not recognize string as a …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for wamcclintock

Experts, I'm new to VB and I'm trying developing a VBA application to send and receive data to an RFID reader and put the result into Microsoft Access. Project has: Mscomm command1 (command button) Text boxes (Text1, Text2) At this stage i have developed the following code. [CODE]Private Sub Command1_Click() …

Member Avatar for emond
Member Avatar for xtianenikkian

i need to now how i can answer "yes" or "no" automatically when excel asks to save to clipboard.

Member Avatar for xtianenikkian
Member Avatar for Goitseone

with this codes i created rectangle image with a line inside that has to mimic a single clock. Dim MyGraphics As graphics=e.graphics my graphics.Draw Rectangle(pens.colour,x1,X2,y1,Y2):whereby x1=60,x2=70,y1=80,y2=90,and choosen colour my graphics.Draw line(pens.colour,x1,x2,y1,y2):whereby x1=60,x2=70,y1=100,y2=120,and also choosen colour. Now help me with ideas and solution here.the hand or line within the square has …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for jgab

Hi I'm new to vb6, i just wanna ask something.. i want to create a Progress Bar race game in vb6, my question is how do i randomize progress bar speed?assuming that i have FIVE Progress Bars, any help is appreciated..thanks!:)

Member Avatar for BitBlt

The End.