10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for sbala_810
Member Avatar for bryan69

hi,im doing a Mobile Banking System for my project. how is it possible for me to use arrays as my data. n viewing it

Member Avatar for kehar

Hi everybody, I have used one textbox to accept date say ([B]dt.text[/B]) in which during form load two forwardslash will appear to accept [B]DD/MM/YYYY [/B]type date. Now when I click a [COLOR="Red"]Save[/COLOR] command box and if the [B]dt.text [/B]box is [U]not[/U] filled up with date OR say it has only …

Member Avatar for schanglani
Member Avatar for vanathi_vb

Hi, i have created a store procedure having 2 input parameters. i am using this procedure in crystal report. how can i send parametrs to crystal reports for input parametrs of store procedures using vb6 pl send some sample coding. its urgent. Thanks in advance, Vanathi.G

Member Avatar for schanglani
Member Avatar for shuffy

Problem is, The following code displaying the first node set out of results. I want to display all the results. PLS help. Private Sub cmdCallSoap_Click() Dim objResults As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim pstrPhpURL As String 'This is your web URL name Dim pStrFunction As String 'This is your …

Member Avatar for nikhil2911

i have an project in my TYBSc-IT to make calculator i dont understand how will my calculator will display its answers n also the expression on single text display as it is done in normal calculator which we people use daily plzzzzzzzz help.......

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for brieghz23

VB Code About Closing 2 or more forms pls.. Ex: Unload me (close the current or 1 form) what about closing 2 or more forms..?? can anyone help me? pls.. thanks..

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for sotvisal

Dim s, op, op1, op2 As String Private Sub cmd0_Click() s = s & cmd0.Caption txtresult = s End Sub Private Sub cmd1_Click() s = s & cmd1.Caption txtresult = s End Sub Private Sub cmd2_Click() s = s & cmd2.Caption txtresult = s End Sub Private Sub cmd3_Click() s …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for neuquevi

Please, has anyone how to connect to a folder that it's on the server using visual basic 6??? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for samuelmoneill

Hi, I have written an application in VB6 to take in SMS messages from a SIM card and store them as Alarms in a MYSQL database. Each Alarm is stored in the database with the date and time of the alarm. I need to add a function to the application …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

[Good day.! I need to bind a combo box in a list view.Once the user select an item in the combo box that has been binded, the combo box text will remain on the cell of the listview where the combo box has binded. Any help will be greatly appreciated. …

Member Avatar for rude04

is it possible to set the position of the picture inside a pictureBox? like making a small pictureBox and putting a larger picture inside,,instead of showing only the upper-left most part of the picture,,it would be able to show different parts of the picture..

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Member Avatar for gingank

Regrading to the topic can anyone help me about this and give me some example code for add and update data to ms sql 2000. I'm using the ADODB connection for the vb program! Help me i newbie on it. Please!

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for erialclaire_238

I would like to know how i could continue to another form(form2) in visual fox pro when i use a command button next in form1.

Member Avatar for alcskid
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi friends, I want to copy few cells of an excel sheet and paste special(picture) in ms-word. I want to develop a vb code code for this. Please help!... Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for h.khuraidah
Member Avatar for roryt

I have posted this thread in the microsoft software forum as well but with no luck. If anyone can tell me how I can save a active excel file using a macro to save it in a folder using the current date as the file name. I hope that was …

Member Avatar for leecker
Member Avatar for samuelmoneill

Hi, I am writing an application in Vb6 to take in SMS text messages and store them in a database. I have 3 timers The first has an interval of 2 seconds In this time it checks the SIM card for messages and sorts them into a database and displays …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guys i need to ask if i have create a table then display it on the data grid on the vb program but the table have many Same ID number but different people so do it got any problem if i do like that ?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for thwias1b3008

Hi, There's no error on my codes for searching the Record in MSFlexGrid, but i want to know :-/ if its [B]possible to search the record in other column of MSFlexgrid.[/B]:-/ for example I want to search the record that is placed on the column 3 and not in the …

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Member Avatar for guneyinanc

Hey, I wrote chat programme in visual basic but after I create exe and send it to other computers, two computers are not communicated since I receive runtime error '424' object required. I think it is because winsock.ocx file. I check other computer if it has winsock.ocx file in system …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj

I Simple want when user click on the combo box .the other corresponding detail should come in a text box.i have written a code but it is not working .Kindly help me. any help would be Greatly appreciated.here is the code what i have written. [code=vb] Private Sub CboEmpName_Click() Dim …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj
Member Avatar for bordino

hi im new to vb6 isit possibloe to create a multiple variable each variable holds some ascii keys example [CODE] VARIABLE 1 VARIABLE 1 VARIABLE 1 KEY 98 KEY 122 KEY 88 KEY 99 KEY 121 KEY 89 KEY 199 KEY 123 KEY 90 KEY 200 KEY 124 KEY 91 …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for MansoorAhmedK

[B]How i save Picture 'BMP File' in Sql Server Image Field, Plz send me full Code in VB.6[/B]

Member Avatar for tom curren
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me .How should i see collection value using immediate window.any help would be Greatly appreciated.when i type ?m_cEmployees.Item(1) in a immediate window i got error object does not support this property of method.Kindly find the attachment also.any help would be greatly appreciated. [code=vb] ?m_cEmployees.Item(1) [/code]

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for sotvisal

import javax.swing.*; class Customer { int id,rate,pre,cur; String name,sex; String read(String n) { return JOptionPane.showInputDialog(n); } int readInt(String n) { return Integer.parseInt(read(n)); } void out(String n) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,n); } public Customer() { id=1; name="Visal"; sex="Male"; pre=13214; cur=13362; rate=720; } int consumption(int pre,int cur) { return(cur-pre); } int payment(int rate) { …

Member Avatar for ngochoan2006

I have a question for you, I want make a program by vb, From it can send picture (gif) to message of Outlook ( Express or Outlook Office ). But I can't write code !!! I can send text to it, but I can't send picture to it. Can you …

Member Avatar for sham
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi can i use the if else statement to decide on the information go to specific tables that i create?? The form that have fill up will be send to the table 1 or table 2 that i created at ms sql 2000 base on the user write active or …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for bobjonson4

Hi All, Got a bit of a problem. I have a COM Component for an ASP project that reads a binary file from a location on the HDD (could be from 60MB-200MB) and, with the response object found in ASP.DLL, sends the file in chunks of 96kb. The aim was …

Member Avatar for nagatron

I am having a problem on how to count numbers inside text area. . . example: In my text area I have 10 numbers. 12, 06, 31, 22, 53, 28, 96, 71, 10, 47 the the program should count how many 0,1,2,3,4....9 excluding the comma. I don't know how to …

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The End.