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Member Avatar for ankit007

i want to show arrow on records on leftmost column in flexgrid (as in datagrid).Is there any property like wrapcellpointer(property of datagrid) in flexgrid.Also i want to move scrollbar of a flexgrid through a button??Does any one have any idea???

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for ankit007
Member Avatar for ITTOBE

I'm trying to write a code that will calculate three products and provide a receipt. Right now the button will display a '0' instead of the 'Total Cost' that I want it to display. And nothing comes up in the (list) box that the receipt is suppose to be displayed …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for barneygurl

I need help!!!!! I would like to know how i can restore my mysql db from one form. I got the backup to work using mysqldymp but when I try to restore the .sql file created, nothing I try works.

Member Avatar for indika75
Member Avatar for mrEE

so i have a workbook which consists of 7 sheets. i have a macro that is creating an 8th sheet. now what i wanna do is compare each individual cell in one of the columns of the 8th sheet with every cell in one of the columns in the 3rd …

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Member Avatar for crackerjacker

i have searched all over the internet and here but have not found a streight forward answer to my question: Using winsock, how do i send an email, preferiably via gmail. Thank you

Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guys i got a problem with this i can get data from the table by using sql :-Select * from staff_badgeTracking inner join staff_badgeTrackingNew On staff_badgeTracking.Badge_ID = staff_badgeTrackingNew.Badge_ID The point is if i wan to find a specific badge id like 1234 then it will get the data from …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for abu taher

which procedure I write this code: option1.value = true then text1.enable = true else text1.enable = false

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for Tham0

Hai, I want to open an Excel sheet by using clicking command button in form.This Excel sheet is stored in my local drive. can any one help me to do this using VB6

Member Avatar for vipin saxena
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anyone tell me how should i use variable to take different value.here is the following code which is working fine. [code=vb] strsql = " SELECT *" & _ " From ALRAJHIBANK " & _ " WHERE (((ALRAJHIBANK.ID)=12))" [/code] But i want to use integer variable name instead of integer …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Beatle Bailey

Greetings, Here is my Problem. I have written a VB6 program that works just fine. I wrote it with all of my Variable Arrays written within the program itself. This has made the program very long and I would like to shorten it. I have the Arrays also written in …

Member Avatar for vipin saxena
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

hi, [B] i had one field in the table(field name: crseid).[/B] for example,i am having 500 courses.i want to start the crseid from :6000(4 digit number) [B]output: 6001 6002 6003 . . . . 6500[/B] this value must be inserted into my table. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for exzibit23

why does SendKeys code generate an error on microsoft vista?? how can i solved this?? please, someone help me..

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for dalemahan

Can anybody send me some VB code that does probit analysis? Thanks, dalemahan

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for thwias1b3008

Hello, I try to put the datagrid in back of the imagebox. . but it always appear in the front of imagebox. . . and it affects the design of my program. :'( Is there a way to put the Image Box in front of the other controls on the …

Member Avatar for tonym001
Member Avatar for cappon

Hi guys, i have this point of sale application which i did using VB6 n SQL2000. my question is can i migrate my mdf n ldf files which was created in sql2000 to sql 2005 or 2008. i need advise. Thanks

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guys i'm writing a vb program which got using the sql statement i know the sql statement is using method insert but my one is much different. The code concept is like this If cmbActive= true then sql=insert into staff_badgeTrackingNew = txtEmpID, txtEmpName, TxtID Else sql= insert into staff …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kathy_51289

hello! do you know how to create a games using vb?? or can you give me some codes of games using vb...?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guys i dont know why i can get the datas from the sql 7.0 Can help me check this code>>> [CODE] If txtFBadgeID = "" Then Exit Sub Else sql = "select from staff_badgeTrackingNew INNER JOIN staff_badgeTracking" End If Exit Sub Set rsTrack = New ADODB.Recordset With rsTrack .ActiveConnection …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for DavidJ12345

Hi, i have written a programm in VC++ 6.0, in this i use a dll, which is created with VB 6.0. on my pc it runs well, but on other computers the class in the vb-dll isnt called. i have already installed the VB 6.0 Runtime Files on the test …

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Member Avatar for jogreenwood

Hi, is there a way how to read windows serial number programmatically in VBA from Excel? Thank you, Jo Greenwood

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Member Avatar for sotvisal
Member Avatar for kheong

I have a very old program in IBM BASIC for a specialized analysis called probit analysis developed by D Finney, the probit analysis guru and would like to convert it to a windows based BASIC program, like VISUAL BASIC. Suggestions will be most welcomed. Thanks

Member Avatar for dalemahan
Member Avatar for dhavalcoholic

Hello Friends, I know how to connect to MS Access Database using DAO, in Visual Basic 6.0. I am new to Winsock Control. I completed some basic tutorials of Winsock, so I know how to send messages from Client to Server & vice versa. But now, I want to to …

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Member Avatar for exzibit23

how can i connect SQL(local server) to VB6?? Please give me the STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE.. i dont really have idea on how to connect SQl to Vb6

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for avisek_cts

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim PDDoc As Object Dim AVDoc As Object Dim AcroExchApp As Object Dim PDSaveFull As Object AcroExchApp.GetActiveDoc Set AcroExchApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App") AcroExchApp.GetActiveDoc AVDoc.GetPDDoc PDDoc.Save Set PDDoc = AVDoc.GetPDDoc If PDDoc.Save(PDSaveFull, "c:\test.pdf") = False Then MsgBox "Unable to save image" Else: MsgBox "The file is saved" End If …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for oscarresonable

Hi guyZz... I'm a beginner in programming world..,! Can you help me guyZz of restoring data of mysql using vb6 codes..... Any reply and some source is really appreciated.... Thanks in advance..... Oscar Resonable

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for alski

Hi people. I have a time and attendance module in VB6 which saves transactions (ADO) in MS-SQL if there is a LAN connection, and save it locally (MS Access) when offline. The trigger is when someone logged in. This is what I did: [Code] Set cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.Open …

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The End.