10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I fill the Dbgrid with information that come from database via adodc connection. Is there any chance to add checkbox across the each records listed in Dbgrid? I will check one or several particular records and update them with a record stored in a textbox. For example; [code] ....UPDATE …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for turbojol

Hello to all, Please can someone help me on how to create a databse at run-time. I have created a database with Access that I am using with the VB application and it is working well. But now, I want the user to be able to create another database that …

Member Avatar for Teropod
Member Avatar for myVbasic

I have used MS Access to generate a report and can print a particular report history by using macro. Is there a way I can print a specific report of the MS Access report from VB 6?:(

Member Avatar for myVbasic
Member Avatar for ___SnipeR___

[B]hi all, i try to move it to the up and resize it but i can't, can an one help me, by give my the code for this frm [/B]

Member Avatar for ___SnipeR___
Member Avatar for tinkel

im trying to create a system where i have 1 server.. and many computers.. with the server, i install a software, how can i install the software to other computers by installing it only in the server.. by using vb6.. is that possible??? hmmm...

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for iamnoangel26

What version of MS access is compatible to VB 6.0??? And any other application beside of access you can suggest. Thanks a lot...

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for splitfinity

Hi guys Im trying to get a pdf file (I'm using as a help file in an app) to open up when the help button is clicked. This is the code i am currently using: [code] [I]Private Sub DisplayInstructionManual() Dim AcrobatReader as String Dim pdfFile as String AcrobatReader = "C:\Program …

Member Avatar for Tony Barber

Hi Everybody I am stuck can somebody help me please. I am testing a very small portable barcode scanner. After scanning I need to upload the scanned data. I am in VB6 I am using the mscomm1 control I tell the scanner to send the data. I have a [B]OnCom[/B] …

Member Avatar for Teropod
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hello friends, I need procedure for continous accessing oracle database using visual basic. Follwing i am giving coding use by me but some time it give disconnection error Please help for continous connectivity. [code] dim db as new ADODB.connection dim rs as new ADODB.recordset db.open "Provider=MSDAORA.1;User id=ourpro;Password=ourpro1;Persist Security info=False" [/code] …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for tijoseymathew

Hi, I would like to identify the patterns in a picture which is in picture box, the patterns will be of simple shape like a square, traingle etc.. I think if I can access the pixel data of the picture then a basic for next loop will suffice, the memory …

Member Avatar for tijoseymathew
Member Avatar for gedinfo

Hello, I have inherited an application written in VB6 that does not handle the number of print copies properly. Changing the number of copies to a number other than one(1) results in only (1) print. I am new at VB6, and would appreciate any tips on how to address this …

Member Avatar for Teropod
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have encripted password column in my table. I use VB6 code below to check password but it doesn't work. I think i have to call a function to decrypt it. Where and which function do i use in my sql code below with text1.text. Thanks [code] .......WHERE psw=' …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

hi!.. first of ol sory for my bad english.... I have a problem: I want to create a database system using MSACCESS and VB6 that will be on 3 computers connected via LAN. 1. the 2 computer will be the registration section, and the last 1 will be the payment …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ITech

hi i aam trying to develop a project using vb and access i have got a problem i have 3 tables in access 1.Cust info table(fields are listed below) cust id,name,age,sex,country...etcxc(primary key cust id) 2,indate(fields are listed below) custid ,packageid,date,intime,outime(no primary key) 3.package info table(fields are listed below package id, …

Member Avatar for hmehmi
Member Avatar for mykar_88

hi pls help me to fetch the data from the following HTML source code. [code=html] <TR> <TD colSpan=2> <CENTER>[B][U]CS1304[/U][/B]</CENTER></TD> <TD colSpan=2> <CENTER>[B][U]20[/U][/B]</CENTER></TD> <TD colSpan=2> <CENTER>[B][U]49[/U][/B]</CENTER></TD> <TD colSpan=2> <CENTER>[B][U]P[/U] [/B]</CENTER></TD></TR> [/code] i want to fetch the BOLD contents (i.e CS1304,20,49,P) from the source. pls get me the code to fetch it …

Member Avatar for sunilcta
Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bhoot_jb

well..my problem is i cant find crystal report in my vb6. And yes..i have also checked the so famous path : common\tools\vb.. but the thing is i had to stop right after accessing tools folder..couldnt find vb itself. is there any solution to my problem? :(

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for chanthung

I am at the ending part of coding for a Library software but I am unable to move forward as I can’t figure out the way to change the color for DBGrid row. I am using MsAccess as the database. I want the color of a particular grid row to …

Member Avatar for chanthung
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

So i have this app that i wrote to get the permissions on a directory and it works fine for small directories. however when i use it on a huge server it freezes when it compiles the file. i know the program is running but windows gets pissy because it …

Member Avatar for nschessnerd
Member Avatar for Neji

help for this... want to set an attribute of file. 4 status Hidden, archive, system, read only. thank you all... Best Regards Neji

Member Avatar for RockyRhodes
Member Avatar for ochien

Hi Guys, i need help...can any body know what component name for using table like this... thanks for help.

Member Avatar for ochien
Member Avatar for rekha gautam

Hello , I'm using access 2003 and i'm trying to save the data of combobox and textbox to the listbox and i want when i click on save button then ,record just added should be highlighted/selected in the list box. how can i do it , can anybody gives me …

Member Avatar for rekha gautam
Member Avatar for bhoot_jb

i am trying to install VS6 but it is giving following error. setup has encountered a problem in launching the followning command line: "wpie15.exe" /q:a/r:n. if you have a system directory that contains a % sign, or the directory names *starts* with a space (i.e. 'C:\win95\system'), then setup will fial. …

Member Avatar for vw_eng

Hello Mod, and anyone, I'm building a Human resources app. for my project. In an employee form i have a problem for knowing the employee age. User input the date of birth of the employee and the program calculate the employee age to the present. I don't know the syntax …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi all, I am searching and fetching the data in a form based on the name entered in the text field. When the submit button is clicked, another form is displayed containing all the fetched data.Right now the functionality works only for the name entered in the textbox. I want …

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain
Member Avatar for hawisme000

can any1 here pls help me on how to make a data tree? i dont know where to start.. tried to google.. but i cant understand it pls help me with the basics.. and how to connect on a database thx 2 in advance..

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for amuarica

I'am trying to develop a notification program to notify user on my network that their computer have a worm . The program that I want to develop a can monitor port 135 on windows OS . The system will monitor port 135 on one computer and see wheter there is …

Member Avatar for HammerAway
Member Avatar for drichird

This is pertaining to debugging VBA macros for Word 2003. I am debugging a document with a LOT of buttons which launch macros. If I place a breakpoint in a subroutine, and execute the macro by running it from the VBE debugger, execution stops at the breakpoint. But is there …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for jayem_heh

Elow everyone... can u help me about my thesis project or proposal... tnx a lot can u give me a printer port vb code... and how can i control using computer d lights?? tnx a lot hoping for ur answer and suggestion tnx alot

Member Avatar for angeeway

hi, I'm clueless about programming but is trying to learn VB6 for a project. The project is this: I have an existing database where data are collected automatically by a SCADA software (a software to collect status of machines etc in factory floor to enable operators to view status from …

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The End.