10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for bhoot_jb

i am working on a vb project in which need has arised to print an invoice. however the problem is that the contents of the invoice is accompanied by horizontal and vertical lines. Also the so-formed rows and columns are not regular. My question is how can i print such …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for faizza007

When I Enter The First Data enters as null in the database. while record count shows me there is one record in the database. i have uploaded the whole project. can anybody figure out the error in the code. if yes please assist me!!! please note about the project : …

Member Avatar for buzincarl

[ICODE]Private Sub Form_Load() Dim tmp() As String Dim i As Integer Open App.Path & "\links.txt" For Input As #1 tmp() = Split(Input(LOF(1), 1), vbCrLf) Close #1 For i = 0 To UBound(tmp) DL.Download tmp(i), App.Path & "\" & ExtractFileName(tmp(i)), "k" & i Label2.Caption = "Connecting..." Next i End Sub Private …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for apuamy

i am working in developing a package for reading data from a com port and then display its interpretation. i am getting data in a text box. i have a database to compare eachline and give results. Now my problem is data is coming in the text box, i have …

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi all, I am generating a report in flexgrid. I need to copy this data in excel and attach the excel sheet in the outlook so that the mail can be send. Outlook will be opened on a button click. I am able to open the outlook but unable to …

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain
Member Avatar for EddyLLC

In the code below I use the Form_Load to connect to a Access database and load a form and combo box. I then use the cboComp_Click to look for a record in the tblToDo table, If found I load it into the form using the FillFields If not found I …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for agent7

Private Sub btnedit_Click() Dim a As Variant Set conn = New ADODB.Connection strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=SPUM;Data Source=(LOCAL)" conn.ConnectionString = strConn conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient conn.Open 'lblindexid.Caption = rs!Indexid strsql = " Select * from ES_otherSchools where Indexid = '" & lblindexid.Caption & "' " Set rs = conn.Execute(strsql) …

Member Avatar for agent7
Member Avatar for vickypat

hi everyone, I am not a software kid that much but after getting fail from all books, im here for help. I am trying to read data from a device like monitor with a screen like calculator. It is connected with its main unit with 15 pin serial port like …

Member Avatar for vickypat
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, How do i select a particular value of a combobox? Example [code] combo1.selectvalue(rset.field("id"))[/code] I believe you understand what i mean. I bring data from database and want select it in combo. Thanks

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for apuamy

Can anybody help me. I want to store data from a textbox to a word document and viceversa. mt second query i have developed a package using Vb and access which involves mscomm com control. i am not able to make an exe file or make a package using package …

Member Avatar for hell_tej

hello Frends, i m creating a new project of vb to access conncetivity in 5 PC small LAN. I don't Know What is the code,connection string use in project. And I am biginar for that type of programming. I want to store data in server, access database tables. Please give …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for mykar_88

hi i used the following code to read data from web. this is my code Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Text As Variant WebBrowser1.Navigate ("www.google.co.in") [U]Text = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.Innertext[/U] MsgBox Text For i = 1 To 1000 If Mid$(Text, i, 8) = "google" Then MsgBox ("String Found") End If Next i End …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for friedguy

I am working on a project that uses VB to control the application, DWGeditor. Basically, I am starting with a template .dwg file and then inserting others as blocks; essentially layering the files to create a final product. VB has allowed me to create an interface so that I can …

Member Avatar for friedguy
Member Avatar for swapna7999

hi i have 3 form and an exit button in 3rd form i want to close the whole project when i click exit i think unload me can only stops that particular form i want to close the whole project thank u very much

Member Avatar for hemen
Member Avatar for nanawan

hi... when i save a data from text box it didnt show at the listview how to do that? and someone please check my delete coding Private Sub cmdSave1_Click() If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to save?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then Set rec = New ADODB.Recordset rec.Open "Select …

Member Avatar for nanawan
Member Avatar for silver_buddah

hi, i am currently working on a software for hospital records. i am using vb6 linked to db. i wanted to view the records of the existing patient and add new records on the same patient and at the same time i would like to view the table of the …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Reg74

I'm getting the above error at this section --> SetCurDir ("\\Cls000008\actuarial_data\Xtractor") in my code below ... please help ! _____________________________________ Option Explicit Private Declare Function SetCurDir Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "SetCurrentdirectoryA" (ByVal lpPathName As String) As Long Public Sub Extract_POL(strinputfile, lngTOTpno, blnPOL, blnIDAT, blnTcode, _ blnHPTAR, blnTerm, blnOccode, blnAge, blnPollines, …

Member Avatar for Reg74
Member Avatar for ryan311

can anyone help me? where can i DOWNLOAD visual basic language for free? please help me thnx!!

Member Avatar for bornok15
Member Avatar for theaforcecoder

I have looked threw several times and cant find it. I am a coder for the united states air force. i feel ashamed that i have to get help but there is a first time for everything right? help will be much appreciated :) [code]Private Sub cmdLogin_Click() On Error GoTo …

Member Avatar for bornok15
Member Avatar for Tekito

I want an embedded listbox (with headers) on my excel spreadsheet, that references a range on the worksheet. So using the ControlBox Toolbar I created a listbox. First thing I noticed is that there is no RowSource property appearing for this listbox. So I tried to enter the range using …

Member Avatar for jithusdani

Hi folks, In My Application i have used the date function to find the difference between two date.but while executing is showing that runtime erroe 424,object required. Can anyone plz help me fast... This is the code i have used Dim date1, date2 As Date Dim diff As Long date1 …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for jbimontes

this is a simple quiz program for addtion that generates random numbers and records the attempts and correct answers that were taken. i have a problem, i need to have the percentage of the scores. i have a text2(number of attempts) text3(number of correct answers) the text4 should automalically have …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for jf404

Hi I need to import data from an excel sheet using a variable filename that has been defined through a user input.. I cant get it to work.. What could I use?? Cheers, J

Member Avatar for Baradaran

Hi, I have a form with two tabs. On each tab, I have 5 different fields. Is it possible to design the elements in a frame and assign them to a tabstrip, or do I have to load and place them in the new loaded tab? I would appreciate your …

Member Avatar for Baradaran
Member Avatar for memnac

Hello All, I have two multi-select listboxes, 'listFrom' and 'listTo'. I want to be able to copy mulitple selections from 'listfrom' to 'listTo' and delete those selections from 'listfrom'. To copy over multiple items is no problem but when i introduce the 'removeitem' line to delete the selection, it deletes …

Member Avatar for memnac
Member Avatar for shamil_gawas
Member Avatar for EddyLLC

I'm using the following code behind a combo box name cboCompy. For some reason when I make a selection from the pulldown in the combo box this code won't fire. No errors appear but the code won't execute. I put stop in the code so I can view but it …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for ibesokewl24

I'm rather new to VB, I'm starting my 6th week in the course at school. I made a form that includes a Windows Media Control and all the coding is correct to run the application. I have it set up so that the URL is already assigned because I have …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for apuamy
Member Avatar for apuamy
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, [code] Create table myTable( title ENUM ('Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Mr' ); [/code] How can i load ('Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss') into a combobox in VB6. Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom

The End.