10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for jbooth952

I have a VB6 app that uses access 2007 for the database tables. I packaged it with the package and deployment wizard and installed it on a Windows XP home edition machine that does not have any MS Office apps. My program could not open and read the database. What …

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Member Avatar for robbie_j0

Hi everyone, I have written an application to communicate with an Access database. Everything works fine when i compile it. I can run the compiled .exe file on the pc which has VB 6 installed but when i transfer to a pc that does not have a copy of VB …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for apuamy

I have developed a package using Access as database and serial port programming. After converting into a package form, i want user to add record in a database (in office Xp then convert into Access 97 and connect with the same form. Also i can able to add sub menu …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for bonzi

Hello! Please I need your help on this part. I've just developed a vb6 program and ms sql express as backend. I setup the ms sql express in a pc working as a server (windows xp). And i also installed the vb6 program on the same pc. I setup also …

Member Avatar for bonzi
Member Avatar for msantosh18

can any one help me in the following problem i have created a database and its table at runtime(i.e. while running the exe). the problem is that i need to change properties of table such as 'required' and 'allow zero length' of a table. how to change these properties and …

Member Avatar for msantosh18
Member Avatar for lancemmx

Hi everyone, I am newbie in learning Visual Basic. I am using Visual Basic 6 and trying to create a simple program that will check or track the time. I have enclose an attachment of my program but no VB code yet. Here's how my program goes... I have a …

Member Avatar for lancemmx
Member Avatar for joesmithf1

Hi, I have a MS Words form. I created a textbox in this form. The other thing that I have is a popup "UserForm" with a listbox. When an user select any one value from this listbox, I want that value to populate the "textbox". Here are my codes: Private …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Mr.Wobbles

I have no problem getting it there in the first place - my problem lies in the fact that I cannot get it to update - I have this code: [CODE] Private Sub reloadFieldNames(ByVal tableName) Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim oDS As New DataSet Dim sSQL As String = …

Member Avatar for bluepiper

Can anyone have a code that uses timer to compute an amount per minutes??? Please help me. Thank you.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jacobi

Except for this one problem I have created a board game in VB6. There are four red pieces and one blue, with the board as per chequers, only the white squares in use. The sqaures are in an indexed control array (0 to 63) with only the white squares enabled. …

Member Avatar for jacobi
Member Avatar for mafaisal

Hello All I am Using sql2005 My Doubt is How To Format Numbers in Sql Query Like Format(NOS,"0000") in vb ie I have Table Tbl1 Fields Nos1 Datatype int values 1,2,3,4,................1000 When Simple Query Select * From Tbl1 We got Following o/p 1,2,3,4 But I want Out Put Like below …

Member Avatar for mafaisal
Member Avatar for msantosh18

Can any one help me in the following error. am connecting database and comparing 3 columns to find the biggest number. the code is executing properly when am compling(i.e. when i compile with F8 key). but at the run time the value am getting is 0. please help me in …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for purplegerbil

Hi, I have an array that contains 5 elements: i.e. a(0) = "A" a(1) = "B" a(2) = "C" a(3) = "D" a(4) = "E" What I want to be able to do is remove the first element then add information to the end. e.g. a(0) = "B" a(1) = …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Hi, Can anyone tell me hoe to work in MSFlexGrid controll. Bcoz i tried to bind the records into that FlexGrid. But when i click in that data property, it shows some intrinsic error. So can anyone tell me about FlexGrid in detail with some coding?

Member Avatar for eanastacio20
Member Avatar for ahmbil

please can somebody help me to load a records from a textfile(random acces file)and display it into te lisview.

Member Avatar for eanastacio20
Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi All, I want to display the name of the fields in the datareport but unable to get how to display the same One more question. I have 3 checkboxes and 3 comboboxes on my main form from where I have to generate the report. How do I apply the …

Member Avatar for xcard14
Member Avatar for Jeff1

Hi Every one, I have a visual basic programme written in VB4 need to find a package that will automatically translate it to VB 6 Any ideas will be welcome Thanks Jeff1

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Member Avatar for mahoretti

Hi everybody. I want to use rdo at the vb6 and my web data. client running vb6 code, connect the internet data (sql, mysql or access) and get data to combobox. How can I ? Please help me.. thanks.

Member Avatar for mahoretti
Member Avatar for smi1in

Hi, I want to make a macro in MSExcel which can copy data from one window to another. Can any one help me in this.

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Member Avatar for P90K

hello, I'm working on a little project now but I have some problems. I want to control my computer whit my pocket pc using bleutooth. the plan was dan you push a button on the pocket pc, it will send a value to te pc using bleutooth. then a vb …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for kinyuadave

Hi there? I have this program that i need help with. I have created a program that by clicking a file menu an excel dbase is created and stored. Now the problem is i have many excel files and i want to enter data into them and this is done …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for kinyuadave

Hi there? I have this program that i need help with. I have created a program that by clicking a file menu an excel dbase is created and stored. Now the problem is i have many excel files and i want to enter data into them and this is done …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for abhidev

hi all, I am new to VB 6.0 . I have created an application, which generates a .kml file which is the format read by google earth at a particular location. I want to be able to open the .kml file by clicking a command button. I am right now …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi, I have a large XML file about 70 MB.I would like to read data from it.I would like to read using SAX parser...as it is a event based parser. Regards DInil

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi All, I am novice in VB 6.0. I have to search data from access table using Employee no field which is unique and populate it on the form. But, I am encountering an error whenever I try to run the source code. I am getting runtime error as "No …

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain
Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi All, I am making a tool in VB using MS access database. When I run the query in access it returns me the data but in VB it shows 0 recordcount. Any idea what could be the reason for this? One nore thing to ask. As multiple people can …

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Member Avatar for chanthung

i have developed a small software. its more or less bug free. i wanted to make a setup n c if it works fine. but after making the setup software, i tried running the software but halfway it stopped and showed this error. visual basic error msftqws.pwd\$(DLLselfregisterEX) cant figure out …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi All, I am inserting data in access database using Vb6. Data is getting inserted but when I try to fetch it again, it returns an empty row.I have an idea that I have to use update/refresh statement but not getting where to use it. Please help!!! Below is the …

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain
Member Avatar for realone

hi guys, pls can u help me with an algorithm that we compare record in a database one after the other.As in the first record compare to other records in the database,second record also compare compare with other records in the db,.....................untill all the records are compare. i want to …

Member Avatar for dadelsen

The End.