10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi All, I am making a tool in VB using MS access database. When I run the query in access it returns me the data but in VB it shows 0 recordcount. Any idea what could be the reason for this? One nore thing to ask. As multiple people can …

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain
Member Avatar for chanthung

i have developed a small software. its more or less bug free. i wanted to make a setup n c if it works fine. but after making the setup software, i tried running the software but halfway it stopped and showed this error. visual basic error msftqws.pwd\$(DLLselfregisterEX) cant figure out …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi All, I am inserting data in access database using Vb6. Data is getting inserted but when I try to fetch it again, it returns an empty row.I have an idea that I have to use update/refresh statement but not getting where to use it. Please help!!! Below is the …

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain
Member Avatar for realone

hi guys, pls can u help me with an algorithm that we compare record in a database one after the other.As in the first record compare to other records in the database,second record also compare compare with other records in the db,.....................untill all the records are compare. i want to …

Member Avatar for dadelsen
Member Avatar for shalli

1st lol..im new here, so hi every1 ;) ok my Question now..:-/ i have a problem to put an image on my MDI form which i also using an active skin in all forms including the MDI form.. can anyone tell me how can i show da Image on MDI …

Member Avatar for shalli
Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi All, I ahve to show the report on a vb form. I have written the code for exporting it to excel, but unable to get how to use it so that report is showed on vb form. I have an idea that I have to use datareport for this. …

Member Avatar for manickumar

hello sir i developed a small vb application and converted into an exe. i added this exe to right click menu options for file with extension .jpg what i want is if i select a jpg file and run the exe from rightclick menu the filename of selected jpg file …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for sahilarora

I am trying to pass a whole recordset into a query. I have made a form, with a listbox that is linked to a table that has 2 columns: Country and CountryID. When I select the Country on the form, i need the Country and the CountryId to be passed …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hello sir... from our office we are using wamp for our mysqlserver... but i wanted to be connected to my sitemate database only changing the MysqlHost address.. username and also the password... the problem is i cant connected to it.. maybe u already incounter this before and im hoping that …

Member Avatar for madhanacdc

hi friends... can anyone tell me how to do this task. in a vb form i should input a sql query and should get the output. how to do this???? plz help me

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Miruna

can someone send me the code for selecting the items listed in combobox on keypress. Like My combobox consists of following items: Bombay. Chennai. Delhi. Currently am able to select the item with the help of mouse. how can i select " Chennai " from typing 'c'? Thanks in Advance.

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Member Avatar for katididdy

I am trying to load an ini file into a list box. I am unable to get anything to display when I run in vb6. Does anyone have any snippets to assist me, or advice?

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for jaasaria

sir, question.. can i get the exact len of string when quering? because i have two format in my TransID. The one is the 10digit for the MSAccess and the another is the 11 Digits in my MySql. So if i update all in the MySql database the problm is …

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for mfahmy2008

I have a text file contains non delimited data (Each row consists from 16 fields and has a 131 byte) I used this code to load it's data into datagrid(I have visual basic 2005) The program work fine Now I want load this datagrid into access database I try to …

Member Avatar for theybasis

[COLOR="Green"]hi there ...I am Debasish. New here and am wondering here and there thinking about what to do??? Is there any tech guru who can show me a way???[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi friends, Pl tell me the method to use Num2Str with a simple example. I am using VB6 and Crystal report 8.5 (K.S.)

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for mjuras

Does any one know if there are published standards for writing state to the hidden code in a VB6 form file. For example, below is how one ActiveX component writes its state. Are there any rules about how this relates to the COM interface or is it up to the …

Member Avatar for ahmbil
Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for heamak

Hi, I am doing a project using vb which is related to generate a script and run it on a tool. I am invoking an tool(ex:media player) from the vb using shell command. Now i need to run a script in the invoked tool. instead of user going and manually …

Member Avatar for acecombat

I have the transparent frame control ([url]http://www.codeguru.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3108[/url]) and have added it as a reference in my application, however I am trying to replace all existing frames (That are bound with objects and are in code to be visable only at certain times) with these transparent frames without messing up the …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for bpcslave

Good evening, all... Quick question, wonder if any light can be shed. I'm running a two-form program that reads from a database with three tables - first form has a filelist box that lists the available databases, the form takes that filename and uses it to set the source for …

Member Avatar for xxxviking

so considering i know nothing about programming, could this be done in vbscript? would it be like pages of typing or is it simple

Member Avatar for venomlash
Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi, Could anyone give me some suggestions? Now, I want to put the labels beside the list box to show the number of string lines, but i cant' do adjust all between string lines and labels although the size of text are same. You all will know the smallest size …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for msantosh18

can any one help me how to create charts by connecting to database. my need is that i have to group by a column in database and represent it in a chart in visual basic. the values after groupby may have 10 values. how can i do it in pie …

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

hi, when i update records in VB, only 0's are stored in database, can anyone halp me to solve this? send me appropriate code for this?

Member Avatar for preethi_ga
Member Avatar for Derice

i am trying to coonect ms access with vb6. The code is working but after i execute "SELECT * from table" it is showing the content for the last row in the ms access. I am wondering how i can change my code so it display all the content instead …

Member Avatar for Derice
Member Avatar for doaji

please i need help in gettin data interaction between forms, basically what i want to do is to create a questioniare of about three forms where data is requested from the user and the last (4th) form, displays an intepreted set of information based on the data that was enter …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for mnafa

hi friends, pls tell how to take crystal report & how to use it? Thank you

Member Avatar for acecombat

I'm recoding an application for work to make it compatible with another application thats been upgraded, and as such I've added a bit more visual appeal with some backgrounds etc. The problem is that most of the forms have several frames in them and have multiple objects bound to each. …

Member Avatar for acecombat

I'm trying to have VB open a basic 1 line settings text file but I want it (for first time users) to create the file if it doesn't exist, but I can't open the file without getting an error. How do I go about creating this file if it doesn't …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy

The End.