10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Bomma9

Hi All, I have to develop an application that needs to send a sms to any cell/mobile using a CDMA connection. This application is for an voluntary organisation, which involves in free medical service. I appreciate if any one can help me in this regard. Thanks every one for your …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for Jishnu

Hello, I'm using MAPI component to send email messages via VB6. Here's my code: [CODE] Option Explicit Private Sub cmdEnd_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdSend_Click() MAPISession1.SignOn MAPISession1.DownLoadMail = False DoEvents MAPIMessage1.SessionID = MAPISession1.SessionID MAPIMessage1.Compose MAPIMessage1.RecipAddress = txtSendTo.Text MAPIMessage1.ResolveName MAPIMessage1.MsgSubject = txtSubject.Text MAPIMessage1.MsgNoteText = txtMessage.Text MAPIMessage1.Send False MAPISession1.SignOff End …

Member Avatar for ahmbil

Can somebody help me to update my Database automatically using Data control(data1). I want to add 1 to all the value of one field so to automatically get the value of that field +1.

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for jem00

Hey guys, I need to find out the length of wav files so as to set a timer. How do I find the length of a wav file? Thanks, jem00

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for jem00

Hi guys, I'm pretty new to VB and am having a little bit of trouble with scroll bars. I have a text box and I want the user to input a value in there but I also want them to increase the value through a scroll bar or decrease the …

Member Avatar for jem00
Member Avatar for Arijit Manna

Hi :) Iam preparing a report on VB6. I wish to have my report printed in the DOS mode using a DotMatrix printer. How will I do it, since Iam not working on the command prompt. Is there any way to solve this issue? Are there any general rules irrespective …

Member Avatar for Arijit Manna
Member Avatar for Metabalistic

Hi, I'm new at DaniWeb. I hope I'm using the right protocol for this forum, but I was wondering: Does anyone know how to tell in VBA which button of a Microsoft Word custom toolbar has been activated? Is there something like an ActionSource property that provides the toolbar control's …

Member Avatar for Burret

I'm a beginner and trying to do some code for Excel I want to use String Tank_Level inside the method Sheet2.Tank1.Picture = LoadPicture(Load_Picture) for example like this Sheet2.(Tank_Level).Picture = LoadPicture(Load_Picture) is this possible ? Sub Run_Update_Tank() Dim Grader As Integer Dim Grader_String As String Dim Grader_up As Integer Dim Tank …

Member Avatar for eviocg

i am attempting to make a youtube video downloader based on the subject of the video. I have got as far as returning the video title and it wont work. It will return the html code of youtubes search API, but then it will not select the correct part of …

Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

[COLOR="Red"][/COLOR][HI all, I have made a commercial software using vb6.0 and MSACCESS. My problem is even if I protect my .mdb file with a password, the password can be very easily found out by one or the other cracks. I want to further protect my MSACCESS datafile. Is there a …

Member Avatar for asda71

hii friends plz help me. i m new in VB. I hav a .bat file. i tried executing this file in VB6.0. bt i cant execute tht correctly.u\i tried using shell command Shell("D:\USB\MY FINAL PROJECT\RECOGNIZER\recognizer.bat", 1) i hav to run d .bat file and only aftr the execution of bat …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for regalla

dear friends, i want to update the table2 field which is same as table 1 field in ms accessdatabase. when ever i enter data in table1, table2 field which is same as table1 field should updated.table1 and table2 are connected to form1, form2 seperately. i request any body, please let …

Member Avatar for regalla
Member Avatar for apuamy

i am working on an application where some test results are received from a serial port and getting stored line by line in a text box.now i have to compare each line with an existing data base( that is with a field of each record )and display interpretation of each …

Member Avatar for apuamy
Member Avatar for tclhacked

what it is, i have saved data on a previous form into the database as words, but then i convert the words into its own unique ID. thus i want to load the data in another form, but i want to load the name of the item, not the ID. …

Member Avatar for anto_nee
Member Avatar for rrocket

I have a bunch of params: InputParam1, InputParam2, InputParam3, etc... I would like to loop through them instead of writing out code for each one, but am having some issues getting it to work correctly. Here is what I have so far: [code=vb] Dim iCount As Integer Dim objTemp As …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for peroberg

[B]Question ONE[/B] I have on and off been using Basic, now VB since “the stone age” long before Microsoft and Windows. However it is only now I enter the issue of using [B]VB6 [/B]and a database. I use VB6-ADO-ACCESS plus using DataGrid as the main view to see the database. …

Member Avatar for andy999

Hello all, I am currently using excel vba to create Broker.Application which helps to transfer the data from a text file i.e opfile.txt to a charting programe, so that the chart shows the data in continuous way. Here is the vba code: Sub testAB() On Error Resume Next Set ab …

Member Avatar for suneel kar

dear all and my frnds, i wanna read data from a notepad and view after readin in output should be like in attached .prn.Plz revert as soona s possible. with regards suneel

Member Avatar for suneel kar
Member Avatar for sal21

I dont know if existis a way in VB classic, to enumerate or inventory listing, all server of my LAN and get info based service installed similar:Sql, MySql, DB2...ecc Sorry me for stupid question...;-)

Member Avatar for sal21
Member Avatar for umakamma

hi everybody, i,m uma.joined the forum newly.plz help me.i have written a program in vb6.the problem is i'm unable to calculate the monthly total of a biweekly magazine.i have written the code.the problem is the totals are displayed 0 .i'm unable to understand what to do.plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me.

Member Avatar for Prathvi
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, How do went SMS text message to a mobile phone in VB6? Does anyone have any example for it? Thanks

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for colliincon

Hi I have this coding Set recc = dbase.OpenRecordset(True, "Gate") nfilenum = FreeFile Open "C:\Rentention Program\20080517.daf" For Input As nfilenum With recc .MoveFirst Do Until .EOF Do While Not EOF(nfilenum) If EOF(nfilenum) = True Then GoTo ws: Open "C:\Rentention Program\20080517.daf" For Input As nfilenum Else End If Line Input #nfilenum, …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Catherinedally

I'm stuck with a problem and can't work it out. I'm needing a visual basic . net program written. What I've worked out is... Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim linecount As Integer Dim asteriskcount As Integer Dim asterisk As String Dim spacecount …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for paul1145

[code] Maybe it doesn't exist but any help would be greatly appreciated I'd like to simply save a current playlist to my own directory not WMP1's directory I don't want to mess with WMP1's default directories Private Sub Create_a_PlayList(ByRef songs() As String, ByVal name As String) Dim listCollection As IWMPPlaylistCollection …

Member Avatar for paul1145
Member Avatar for sal21

After i click on "Area Clienti" appear the tipical autenticatin box (see image) How to insert in user box the value of my_var = user, and in password box the value of my_password=mypassword and after check "save pasword..." and click on ok button????? naturally in VB or VBA code here …

Member Avatar for sal21
Member Avatar for saurabh.verma

Hi, i am creating a project and i am having a problem i have created an image in a rectangle using the following code: [ICODE] Dim d As New Rectangle(Width - 127, 8, 22, 15) e.graphics.DrawImage(My.Resources.close, d.Location)[/ICODE] now the problem is that if the user click on the image, i …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for faughnan

Ok, im almost done with my program all i need now is some scripts. I need to know how i can make a button open a second form in my project. I also need to know how to open notepad with a button. I really need help i will greatly …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, How do i go to next paragraph to add additional note? [code]MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText = "Dear" & " " & Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("cusname") & " " & Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("surname") & ","[/code] Example; Dear www xxx, Next paragraph will start from here. Thanks

Member Avatar for reniery

The registry for my small app looks kinda like this entry1 reg_sz value1 entry2 reg_sz value2 entry3 reg_sz value3 How would I delete one of this subkeys ? So that this would be the result entry1 reg_sz value1 entry3 reg_sz value3

Member Avatar for djMot
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I use VB6 with Oracle database. I also use Adodc and datagrid for retrieving data from database. If i do search with [inlinecode]Select.....Where name IN(LIKE) '" & Text1.text & "'[/inlinecode] does return nothing. I have to type exact value be searched. Why do you think that IN or LIKE …

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The End.